LZA TK termini atrodami Akadēmiskajā terminu datubāzē AkadTerm
Jūs meklējāt Vertriebsphase
Atrasts 1 termins
EN sales stage
LV pārdošanas posms
RU стадия продажи
DE Vertriebsphase
FR phase de vente
Definīcija: In CRM, the period or step in the sales process that the prospect is in.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal. © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
EN sales stage
LV pārdošanas posms
RU этап продажи
DE Vertriebsphase
FR étape de vente
Definīcija: The part of the sales process where an opportunity currently is; for example, prospecting, needs analysis, closed or won, closed or lost, and so on.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal. © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.