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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*[game] reserve
Atrasti 326 termini
absolute reserve
accumulation of reserve
acid/alkaline reserve
acid/alkali reserve
active power reserve
additional reserve
adjourn the game
agricultural crisis reserve
agricultural reserve
alkali reserve
arcade game
asylum reserve pool
automatic frequency restoration reserve
automatic game
bank reserve ratio
basketball (game, match)
before the game
beginning (start) of the game
biosphere reserve
bog reserve
botanical reserve
boundary reserve
Brexit adjustment reserve
Brexit reserve
budgetary reserve (EU)
building reserve
buy full game
capital revaluation reserve
cash reserve
cash reserve of Treasury
cash reserve ratio
central reserve
claims equalisation reserve
clear water reserve
close (clutch) game
close game (result)
cold reserve
compensation time for game stoppages
complete reserve
complex reserve
computer game
contingency reserve
controlled reserve
course of the game
cranberry reserve
custodian of the reserve assets
damage by game
delaying the game
delay (to) the game
depreciate reserve
depreciation reserve
digital game
disclosed reserve
Don't hold up the game!
duration of the game
electronic game
emergency aid reserve
emergency reserve
energy reserve of a reservoir
enter the game
equalisation reserve
EU Crisis Reserve
European Solidarity Reserve
European Union Crisis Reserve
excessive game shooting
exit game
fail-soft reserve
fair value reserve
farmed game
farmed game meat
fast passing game
faunistic reserve
Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve System
final reserve fuel
financial reserve
fish reserve
fitness tracking game
flexibility reserve
football (game)
foreign reserve assets
forest reserve
forfeited game
formation of money reserve
fuel reserve
gambling game
game algorithm*
game animal
game animals
Game Bar
game-based learning
game birds
game cadastre
game chat
game clip
game console
game control adapter
game controller
Game demos
game disc
Game DVR
game fishing
game-handling establishment
game hub
game hunting
game invite
game law
game licence
game like method
game lost by default
game lost by forfeit
game management
game manager
game (match) won
game meat
game of chance
game pad
Game Pass
game (passing) in a square
game population
game port
Game previews
game provider
game ratings board
game rating system
[game] reserve
game reserve
game shooting
game stock
game theory
Game trailers
game tree
geological reserve
geomorphological reserve
give a game away
*gold and foreign currency reserve
gold reserve
gustative game
hard game
health premium and reserve risk
health reserve risk
hidden reserve
historical and continuos cultivated reserve
home game (match)
hot reserve
hunting reserve
impending payment reserve
indoor game
inherent reserve
integral (game) preparation
intentional delay of the game
international reserve
Internet game
interruption of the game
knock-out game
lake reserve
land reserve[s]
landscape conservancy reserve
landscape reserve
large wild game
laws of the game
legal reserve
load capacity reserve
loan loss reserve
long-term reserve
lost match (game)
low-capacity game-handling establishment
managed nature reserve
market stability reserve
massively multiplayer on-line game
match (play, game)
minimum reserve
minimum reserve requirement
mono-species reserve
multi-species reserve
national performance reserve
national reserve
natural reserve
nature reserve
negative reserve
new entrants' reserve
non-game birds
non-game fauna
non-life reserve risk
non-programmed reserve
olfactory board game
one-sided game
online game
opening game (match)
operating reserve
ornithological reserve
outdoor game
over-the-horizon reserve force
Pan-European Game Information
Pan European Game Information
Pan-European Game Information age rating system
parliamentary reserve
parliamentary scrutiny reserve
parts reserve
poaching of game
points per game (statistics)
population reserve
*power reserve
power reserve
power system reserve
pre-game presentation
rapid reserve pool
reactive power reserve
reconciliation reserve
regional reserve
rescEU reserve
reserve, spare ball
reserve / restircted area
reserve a decision on an application
reserve and hunting management
reserve antibiotic
*reserve area
reserve army
reserve assets
reserve base
reserve books collection
reserve busbar
reserve busbar system
reserve capacity
*reserve capital
reserve capital
*reserve classification number
reserve collection
reserve connecting DSO
reserve connecting TSO
reserve currency
reserve for crises in the agricultural sector
reserve for debt redemption
reserve for emergency aid
reserve for taxes
reserve (fourth) referee
reserve fund
reserve funds
reserve gymnast
reserve goalkeeper
reserve instructing TSO
reserve line
reserve list
reserve material
reserve money
reserve of assets
reserve of national population coverage
reserve order
reserve position
reserve power
reserve precurse
reserve price
reserve provider
reserve providing group
reserve providing unit
reserve ratio
reserve receiving TSO
reserve replacement process
reserve requirement
reserve risk
reserve stock
reserve (substitution) player
resume game
return to game library
return to the game
revaluation reserve
safety reserve
saved game
save game
security reserve
selection of the game ball
severe management reserve
short passing game
shutdown to cold reserve
shutdown to hot reserve
signal for the end of the game
system reserve
small wild game
social reserve
Solidarity and Aid Reserve
Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve
specialized reserve
spinning reserve
spinning reserve of a system
state corn reserve
state reserve
state reserve fund
*state reserve land[s]
statutory reserve
stock of game
stop (to) the play (game)
stopwatch (game)
story game(s)
subassemblies reserve
swamp reserve
technical reserve
termination (end) of the game
territorial reserve
The [game name] service is not available. Please try again later.
to reserve prior restoration process
to reserve the right
torque reserve
traction force reserve
transfer to the reserve
uncontrolled reserve
unlock full game
useful water reserve of a reservoir
vegetational reserve
video game
video game clone
video game console
volleyball (game)
WHO access, watch, reserve, classification of antibiotics for evaluation and monitoring of use
wild game
wild game meat
wild-game meat
wildlife reserve
Windows Internet game
Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system
Xbox Game Bar
Xbox Game Pass
Xbox Game Pass Incentive Program
Xbox game speech window
zero-sum game
game invite
spēles uzaicinājums
приглашение в игру
invitation à un jeu
An invitation to play a game with another player on Xbox Live.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
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