Ceturtdiena, 9. janvāris
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*age of building
Atrasti 3687 termini
‘fit for 55’ package
‘reinforcing democracy and integrity of elections’ legislative package
1-phase induction voltage regulator
above-ground building
above-ground storage
*above-hundred percentage
absolute advantage
absolute bar to marriage
abusive language
accelerated storage
access package
accidental voltage transfer
accompanied baggage
accompanied hold baggage
Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh
accountable storage
accountable storage regime
achieve a stage
acid [storage] battery
Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage
Act concerning the election of the representatives of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage
actionable message
actionable message card
action message
active language
active page
active seat average score
Active Server Page
active stage
active voltage
active voltage component
active voltage drop
Act of 20 September 1976 concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage
acute overdosage
added title page
*additional payment for storage
adjustable voltage source
adjusted percentage
adjustment of average
administrative building
administrative language
adobe building
adulteration of coinage
ad valorem percentage rule
Advanced Threat Protection message disposition report
Advanced Usage Analytics
age of building
aggregate an average mark (score)
agreed language
Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the Carriage of Goods and Passengers by Rail and Road
Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
Agreement on the Internationa1 Carriage of Passengers by Road by Means of Occasional Coach and Bus Services
Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for Such Carriage
Agreement on the international occasional carriage of passengers by coach and bus
agricultural building
aid for private storage
air cabotage
air freight transport (carriage)
AIRMET message
Air Traffic Services Message Handling System
air travel package
alcoholic beverage
algebraic language
ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language)
algorithmic language
alkaline cleavage
alkaline [storage] battery
Alliance for Language Technologies EDIC
Alliance for Language Technologies European Digital Infrastructure Consortium
allowable voltage
alternatig current voltage source
alternating storage
alternating voltage
analytical title page
animal damage
An Integrated Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era - Putting Competitiveness and Sustainability at Centre Stage
*annual average number of workers
annual percentage rate
annual percentage rate (APR)
annual percentage rate of charge
annual wage
annulment of a marriage
annulment of a void marriage
annulment of marriage
anode effect overvoltage
anode voltage
anti-tax-avoidance package
anti tax avoidance package
APL (A Programming Language)
apogee kick stage
application-oriented language
application package
Application Page Request
application to establish maternal parentage
applied voltage
app outage
app package
arbitrage in securities
arbitrage trading
arbitrary building
arc-drop voltage
architectural heritage
archival page
arc voltage
area-specific disadvantage
arithmetical average deviation from the mean line Ra
arithmetic average
arms brokerage
arms building exercises
array operating voltage
arranged marriage
articulated language
artificial language
artistic heritage
asylum package
asymmetrical voltage
asymmetry of language sign
asynchronous message communication
assemblage of objects
assembler language
assembly language
asset coverage requirement
associative storage
assurance package
Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974
a thorough knowledge of one language
Atlantic Centre for Defence Capacity Building
atmospheric overvoltage
ATP message disposition report
ATS Message Handling System
attacking with man-advantage
audit coverage
authentication of message
authentication page
authoring language
authoritative page
authority page
authorization for international carriage of goods by road
autmated transport and storage system
Auto Collage
autocompounded voltage transformer
Automated Modelling, Identification and Damage Assessment of Urban Terrain
automated storage and retrieval
automatic page numbering
automatic voltage regulator
automatic wage indexation
autoregressive integrated moving average
auxiliary building
auxiliary language
auxiliary of language (in UDC)
auxiliary storage
auxiliary subdivision of language(in UDC)
available language
average adjuster
*average age of equipment
*average age of fixed assets
*average annual capacity
*average annual capacity decrease
average annual daily traffic
average annual output
average annual rates
average annual salary*
average annual wage*
average climate conditions
average conclusion
average cost
average cost period
average crop capacity
average crop height
average daily consumption
average daily steel output
average degree of polymerization
average deviation, mean deviation
average diameter
average earnings
average effective tax rate
average FRCE data
average gain
average generation time
average ground pressure
average import level
average increment
*average index
average laser output power
average length of stay
average listed employee
average load
average mark (score)
average mean age of the stand
*average monthly output
average monthly salary*
average nominal long-term interest rate
*average number listed
average number of listed employees
*average number of listed workers
average of the levies
average of the two middle scores
average output
average output power
average penalty
average power
average price
average price per unit
average product
average rate
average rate of profit law
average retirement age
average revenues
average room rate
average salary
average span
average specific CO2 emissions
average specific emissions
average specific emissions of CO2
average specific growth rate
average stater
average-stemmed tree
average-stem tree
average tax payer
average tax rate
average tax value
average turnover time of current assets*
average unit price
average value
average value [of size]
average velocity
average voltage
average wage
average weighted rate
average weighted rate of VAT
average working time
Azure Data Lake Storage
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Azure Standard Storage
background image
background page
back page
back passage
Backstage view
Backup & manage
back-up storage
back voltage
bacteriophage therapy
baggage allowance / allowance of free baggage
baggage car (amer.)
baggage carriage
baggage cart
baggage claim area
baggage clearance
baggage compartment
baggage delivery area
baggage label
baggage rate
baggage reclaim
baggage reconciliation
balanced voltage
bale package
bandage treatment
band scroll saw-bandage
banking rescue package
bank rescue package
bark stripping damage
Barroso package
bar-to-bar voltage
Bar to relief where marriage is voidable
base language
base-tax on disposable beverage packaging
basic wage
battery voltage
battle damage assessment
battlegroup package
bed carriage
below the average
Best Bet Usage report
beverage industry
biased language
bias-free language
bias voltage
bill arbitrage
binding page
Bing home page
biological parentage
biometric storage
blanking voltage
blank page
blind passage
blockage of accounts
block-structured language
body language
bonded storage
bonus wage
book building
book storage
boost voltage
border passage
bounced message
bounce message
boundary value coverage
brake rod linkage
braking voltage
branch coverage
brand image
breakage and reunion
breakage by separation
breakage of bonds
breakage of seals
breakaway voltage
breakdown voltage
broadband coverage
broadcast message
budgetary package
budgetary slippage
budget package
buffer storage
Building a European data economy
Building and construction work
building association
building automation and control system
building back better
building block
Building Blocks Organizer
building code
building complex
building contract
building contractor
building cost estimate
building custodian
building element
building elements
building envelope
building equipment
building expert
building expertise
building fibreboard
building flight
building framework
building industry
building in progress
building inspector
building insulation
building-integrated photovoltaics
building-integrated PV
building intelligence
building joinery
building layer
building lime
building line
building material
building material industry
building materials
building obligation
building of a well
building operations
building participants
building period
building permission
building permit
building plan
building plot
building project
Building Projects Service
building ready for occupation
building regulation
building regulations
building-related illness
building renovation
building renovation passport
building renovation rate
building renovation wave
building reserve
building round
building routine
building safety
building sand
building security
ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2017(E), prot. Nr. 526 (23.11.2018)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija