Sestdiena, 18. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*average number of listed workers
Atrasti 659 termini
abbreviated number
absolute number
accesion number (US)
accession number
access number
account number
account number portability
acid number
acquisition number
active seat average score
adjustment of average
Administrative Commission of the European Communities on Social Security for Migrant Workers
Administrative Commission on Social Security for Migrant Workers
Advisory Committee on Freedom of Movement for Workers
Advisory Committee on Social Security for Migrant Workers
Advisory Committee on the Free Movement of Workers
aggregate an average mark (score)
aircraft classification number
alphabetical classification number
alphanumeric classification number
amber-listed waste
announce the vault number (to)
announcing vault number
*annual average number of workers
application number
approximate number
area listed in Annex II
arithmetical average deviation from the mean line Ra
arithmetic average
asset number
authorization number
author number
automatic number identification
automatic number plate recognition
automatic number plate recognition system
autoregressive integrated moving average
auxiliary number
average adjuster
*average age of equipment
*average age of fixed assets
*average annual capacity
*average annual capacity decrease
average annual daily traffic
average annual output
average annual rates
average annual salary*
average annual wage*
average climate conditions
average conclusion
average cost
average cost period
average crop capacity
average crop height
average daily consumption
average daily steel output
average degree of polymerization
average deviation, mean deviation
average diameter
average earnings
average effective tax rate
average FRCE data
average gain
average generation time
average ground pressure
average import level
average increment
*average index
average laser output power
average length of stay
average listed employee
average load
average mark (score)
average mean age of the stand
*average monthly output
average monthly salary*
average nominal long-term interest rate
*average number listed
average number of listed employees
average number of listed workers
average of the levies
average of the two middle scores
average output
average output power
average penalty
average power
average price
average price per unit
average product
average rate
average rate of profit law
average retirement age
average revenues
average room rate
average salary
average span
average specific CO2 emissions
average specific emissions
average specific emissions of CO2
average specific growth rate
average stater
average-stemmed tree
average-stem tree
average tax payer
average tax rate
average tax value
average turnover time of current assets*
average unit price
average value
average value [of size]
average velocity
average voltage
average wage
average weighted rate
average weighted rate of VAT
average working time
bank giro number
bank transit number
base number
basic number of chromosomes
Basque Workers' Solidarity
batch number
below the average
billing telephone number
binary number
binary number system
Bjoerkman number
body for free movement of workers
Brinell hardness number
Brinell number
build number
calculation pass number
calling number
calling number identification presentation
calling number identification restriction
call number
cancellation number
case number
case weighted average default rate for calibration
CAS Number
CAS Registry Number
catalog classification number
catalog class number
centerline average
cetane number
"CFR" identification number
CFR number
channel number
chassis number
check number
Chemical Abstracts Service index number
Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
CIPAC number
classification number
class number
class number, class mark
class number structure
code number
column number
combination of number
combined number
Committee of Experts on Posting of Workers
Committee on horizontal questions concerning trade in processed agricultural products not listed in Annex I
commodity number
Common Customs Tariff heading number
common fleet register number
common number
Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers
company listed on a stock exchange
company whose shares are officially listed on stock exchanges
complex number
complex number modulus
compound number
computer serial number
condition number
connected number
connected number identification presentation
connected number identification restriction
consecutive number
conventional number
Convention concerning decent work for domestic workers
Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Ionising Radiations
coordination number
criminal case number
critical workers
cusip number
customer identification number
Cutter number
daily average price
decimal number
declaration No. (number)
designate (to) offender (number)
determine an average mark
development code number
diagram number
dial-in number
dial in number
diploid chromosome number
diploid number
Direct Dial number
Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services
Directive (EU) 2022/2381 on improving the gender balance among directors of listed companies and related measures
displacement of workers
Domestic Workers Convention, 2011
Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189)
double class number
EAD weighted average default rate for calibration
EC number
Economic Operators Registration and Identification number
effective average tax rate
effective number of bits
EINECS number
ELINCS number
Emergency Location Identification Number
employer identification number
Enforcement Directive on Posting of Workers
ENI number
EORI number
error number
error state number
essential workers
EU Fleet Register number
euro overnight index average
European article number
European Centre for Workers' Questions
European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers
European Interest Representation Number
European Year of Workers' Mobility
European Social Security Number
European Transport Workers' Federation
European vehicle number
European Vessel Identification Number
Europe-wide emergency call number
even number
excise number
expected average mortality rate
Expert Committee on the Posting of Workers
exponential moving average
exposure-weighted average loss-given-default
exposure-weighted average risk weight
external identification number
external network number
F2 octane number
fatigue strength at specified number of cycles
federal tax identification number
final average mark
Fixed Dialing Number
flow-weighted average
flow-weighted average concentration
font number
formulation number
fractional number
freedom of movement for workers
free movement of workers
French Confederation of Christian Workers
Froude number
*full classification number
fully qualified account number
general average act
General Confederation of Independent Workers' Trade Unions
General Confederation of Labour – Workers' Force
General Confederation of Portuguese Workers
General Confederation of Portuguese Workers – National Trade Unions
General Union of Workers
General Workers' Union
geographic number
geometric average
geometric moving average
global node number
global subscriber number
global trade identification number
goal (point) average
green-listed waste
gross average heat rate of a unit
Guidelines on seasonal workers in the EU in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak
haploid chromosome number
haploid number
hardness number
Hartmann number
hierarchically structured classification number
identification number
identification number of the container
ID number
IMO identification number
IMO number
IMO ship identification number
IMO unique company and registered owner identification number
in-country/region number format
in-country number format
index number
index of workers' employment*
industry average score
Industry User Manual Part 10: Claim of a registration number for a notified substance
information and consultation of workers
in number
integer number
integral number
interinstitutional file number
International Bank Account Number
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families
international number format
international securities identification number
International standard book number
international standard book number, binding and price area
International standard film number
International standard music number
international standard number
International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number
international standard serial number
*international standard serial number and price area
International standard technical report number
international standart book number
International Transport Workers' Federation
In threes, number! , By threes count off!
In twos, number! , By twos count off!
inventory number
inventory number of an artefact
iodine number
IP number
irrational number
irreversible class number combination
Italian Confederation of Workers' Unions
Italian Workers' Autonomous Trade Unions Confederation
item number
youth workers and youth leaders
Kurdistan Workers' Party
large number
leading number
liberalisation of movement of workers
licence number
license plate number
line number
listed buildings area
listed company
listed disease
listed employee
listed person or entity
listed products
listed security
listed species
local node number
local request number
log sequence number
lot number
Mach number
magic number
magnetic Reynolds number
main classification number
Management Committee on horizontal questions concerning trade in processed agricultural products not listed in Annex II
manufacturer's number
marker (to indicate number of fouls)
master reference number
mean average
medical record number
medium (average) difficulty (element)
message number
mixed classification number
mixed class number
mobility of workers
modal chromosome number
modal number
motor octane number
movement of workers
movement reference number
moving average
moving average trendline
National Federation of Workers' Councils
national [significant] number
natural number
negative number
net average heat rate of a unit
network number
New Number...
nine points (9.0) is an average in the compulsory exercises
non-geographic number
non-listed asset
non-listed company
non-listed employee
non-listed undertaking
not a number
number-average molecular weight
number-based interpersonal communications service
number-based size distribution
number card
number cruncher
number-independent interpersonal communications service
number nails
number of cycles
number of copies
number of copies printed
number of decathlon points
average specific emissions of CO2
average specific emissions
average specific CO2 emissions
vidējās īpatnējās CO2 emisijas
vidējās īpatnējās emisijas
durchschnittliche spezifische CO2-Emissionen
émissions spécifiques moyennes de CO2
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