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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*budget consideration
Atrasti 298 termini
account of preceding financial year relating to implementation of budget
additional consideration
adopt budget
adoption of the budget
advertising budget
aggregated budget implementation report
amending budget
analysis of budget performance
annual budget
Annual budget and finance
Annual Management and Performance Report for the EU budget
appropriation authorised by the budget
approval of the budget
automatic budget stabiliser
balanced budget
balanced budget rule
balance the budget
basic budget
Budget, Tax, Customs Union and Cohesion Policy Directorate
Budget, Tax and Regional Policy Directorate
Budget, Verification and Procurement Unit
budget account
budget accounting*
budget accounts
budget allocated
budget allocation term
budget allotments
Budget and Finance
Budget and Finances Service
budget appropriation
budget[ary] deficit
budget arrears
budget article
budget at completion
budget authorisation
budget authority
budget balance
budget board
budget ceiling
budget chapter
budget cycle
budget cycle time span
budget classification
*budget classification chapter
budget commitment
Budget Committee
budget competence
budget consideration
budget constraint
budget contribution
budget control
budget control dimension
budget control rule
Budget Council
*budget credit
budget curve
budget deficit
budget discipline
budget discipline procedure
budget earmarking
budget economies*
budget estimate
budget execution
budget financing
budget fiscal deficit
budget fiscal surplus
budget flexibility
Budget Focused on Results
budget forecast
budget forecasts
budget gap
budget group
budget heading
budget hotel
budget implementation
budget implementation forecast
budget implementation report
budget income*
budget income part*
budget inspection*
budget institution*
budget instrument
budget item
budget year
budget limits
budget line
budget list
budget loan*
budget managed by the European Union
budget managed on behalf of the European Union
Budget Management and Human Resources Unit
Budget Management Unit
budget model
budget modification*
Budget Monitoring
budget neutrality
budget nomenclature
budget of expenditure
budget outturn
budget overrun
budget package
*budget plan
budget plan
budget planning
budget planning process
budget plan scenario
budget policy
budget procedure
budget public authority
budget receipts
budget regulation
budget relations*
budget resource
*budget resources
budget revenue
budget revenue classification
budget revenues
budget review
budget revision
budget schedule
budget section
budget source
budget spending part*
budget surplus
budget surveillance
budget threshold
budget title
budget transparency
Budget Unit
budget volume
carbon budget
carry-forward budget
cyclically adjusted budget balance
'closed' budget line
closing of budget credits
combined budget*
Commissioner for Budget, Anti-Fraud and Public Administration
Commissioner for Budget and Administration
Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget
Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget
committed budget
Community budget
*consideration of labour disputes
consideration of the substance of the application
consolidated government budget
consumer budget
contingent consideration
contribution to the budget
Convention on centralised customs clearance, concerning the allocation of national collection costs retained when traditional own resources are made available to the EU budget
Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities
cumulative budget
cumulative carbon budget
customs service budget
defence budget
determine budget
development budget*
DG Budget
direct consideration
Directorate 2 - Budget, Tax and Regional Policy
Directorate 6 - Economic and Financial Affairs, Budget, Structural Funds
Directorate for Budget and Finance
Directorate for Budget and Financial Services
Directorate-General for Budget
district budget*
district consolidated budget*
draft amending budget
draft budget
draft budget (EU)
drawing up of the budget
drawing up of the EU budget
Economic and Financial Affairs, Budget, Structural Funds Directorate
ECSC operating budget
education budget
emissions budget
environmental consideration
establish budget
establishment of the budget
EU budget
EU Budget Focused on Results
EU budget guarantee
European social budget
European Union's general budget
execution of the budget
execution of the general budget
expenditure [budget]
extraordinary budget
farm nutrient budget
Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities
financing of the EU budget
flexible budget
for a consideration
forecast of budget implementation
general budget
general budget (EU)
general budget of the European Union
general budget of the Union
general budget reservation
general government budget
general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Union budget
global budget commitment
government budget
government budget deficit
gross budget
household budget
illegal diminution of the resources of the budget managed by the Union
illegal diminution of the resources of the Union budget
impact on the budget
implementation of budget
implementation of the budget
implementation of the general budget
implications for the budget
inclusion in the budget
in consideration of
indicative budget
land budget*
Legislative Quality Unit D - Budget Affairs
letter of amendment to the draft budget
link budget
local budget
low cost / low fare / budget airline
maximum budget*
military budget
municipal budget*
municipal budget
municipal consolidated budget*
museum budget (US)
national budget
net budget
nutrient budget
off-budget earmarking
off-budget item
operating budget
overall budget
overall budget revenue requirements
payment from budget
Performance and Budget Management Unit
preliminary draft amending budget
preliminary draft budget
preliminary draft EC budget
preparation of the budget
presentation of the budget
primary budget surplus
principle of budget accuracy
procedure for the selection of entities implementing the budget
procedure for the selection of persons implementing the budget
project budget revision
projected indicative Union greenhouse gas budget
provisional budget commitment
records (budget, accounting, financial)
regional budget
Regulation (EU, EURATOM) 2020/2092 on a general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Union budget
Regulation on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union
rejection of the budget
report on implementation of the budget
research budget
resource budget
revenue [budget]
section of the budget
services effected for consideration
social budget
special purpose budget
state budget
state budget law
structural budget balance
submit for consideration
subsidiary budget
supplementary budget
Temporary Ad-hoc Commission on the EU budget
to adopt budget
to adopt the budget
to approve budget
to approve the budget
to be under consideration
to charge to the budget
to draw up budget
to draw up the budget
to establish budget
to give a problem one's careful consideration
to increase budget
to meet budget deficit requirements
to present budget
to present the budget
to provide a service for consideration
to provide for the budget
to reduce the budget deficit
to show great consideration for somebody
to slash a budget
to slash budget
to submit budget
to submit the budget
under consideration
Union budget
variable budget
Vice-President for Budget and Human Resources
Vice-President of the European Commission for Budget and Human Resources
budget inspection*
budžeta inspekcija
инспекция бюджетная
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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