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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*budgetary cash execution
Atrasti 433 termini
accepted technique of execution
Administrative and Budgetary Committee
aggregated budgetary accounts
*anticipated execution of a plan
arbitrary code execution
arbitrary execution
benefit in cash
best execution
best-execution process for sales of NPLs
best execution sales process
by cash
budgetary accounting
budgetary accounts
budgetary adjustment
budgetary allocations
budgetary amendment
budgetary appropriations
budgetary assessment
budgetary authority
budgetary balance*
budgetary balance
budgetary capacity
budgetary cash execution
budgetary cycle
budgetary classification
budgetary commission
budgetary commitment
*budgetary commitments
budgetary conciliation
budgetary consequences
budgetary consolidation
budgetary control
budgetary cooperation
budgetary cost
budgetary deficit
budgetary discharge
budgetary discipline
budgetary discipline (EU)
budgetary discipline procedure
budgetary earmarking
budgetary effects
budgetary equilibrium
budgetary execution
budgetary expenditure
budgetary financing
budgetary flexibility
budgetary forecasts
budgetary framework
budgetary funds
budgetary guarantee
budgetary imbalance
budgetary impact
budgetary impact statement
budgetary implementation
budgetary implementation report
budgetary implications
budgetary impulse
budgetary instrument
budgetary instrument for convergence and competitiveness
budgetary instrument for convergence and competitiveness for the euro area
budgetary item
budgetary year
budgetary management of the Structural Funds
budgetary measure
budgetary neutrality
budgetary nomenclature
budgetary outcomes
budgetary package
budgetary payment
budgetary payments
Budgetary Policies Unit
budgetary policy
Budgetary Policy Committee
budgetary position
budgetary position close to balance or in surplus
budgetary power
budgetary powers
budgetary principle
budgetary procedure
budgetary projection
budgetary provisions
budgetary reserve (EU)
budgetary resources
budgetary restraint
budgetary rigour
budgetary slippage
budgetary sovereignty
budgetary specification
budgetary stabiliser
budgetary stability
budgetary stance
budgetary strategy
budgetary subsidy*
budgetary support
budgetary surplus
budgetary surveillance
budgetary sustainability
budgetary trilogue
budgetary trilogues
budget execution
careless execution
cash accounting
cash accounting scheme
cash accounts
cash advance
cash advance facility
cash against documents
cash against shipping documents
cash and cash equivalents
cash and voucher assistance
*cash application
cash assets
cash assimilated instrument
cash balance
cash-based accounting
cash based data
cash-based profit sharing
cash basis
cash basis accounting
cash basis of accounting
cash benefit
cash bonus
cash book
cash box
cash changeover
cash changeover year
cash collateral reinvestment
cash compensation
cash conduit lending transaction
cash contribution
Cash-Control Regulation
Cash Controls Regulation
cash credit
cash deal
cash declaration
cash deficit
*cash department
cash [department] document
cash deposit
cash desk
cash discount
[cash] discount
cash dispenser
cash dispensing machine
cash dividend
cash economy
cash emission operation
cash-emission work*
cash equivalents
cash expenditure
cash expenditure[s]
cash expense order
cash float
cash flow
cash flow facility
cash flow forecast
cash flow hedge
cash flow ratio
cash flows from the underlying pool
cash(flow) situation
cash funds
*cash funds of a bank
cash-generating unit
cash handler
cash handlers
cash holdings in the bank
cash income
cash income order
cash indemnity
cash industry
cash inflow
cash in-flow
cash inflows
cash in hand
cash instrument
cash-intensive business
cash-in-transit company
cash items
cash journal
cash leg
cash-like assets
cash-like products
*cash limit at a cash department
cash machine
cash management
cash management company
cash market
cash on delivery
cash on delivery aid
cash on delivery outstanding
cash on deposit
cash on hand
cash operation
cash order
cash out-flow
cash payment
cash pooling
cash position
cash price
cash purchase
cash ratio
cash receipt
cash receipts and payments book
cash receipts journal
cash refund
cash register
*cash register counter
cash-register tape
cash report
cash reserve
cash reserve of Treasury
cash reserve ratio
cash sale
cash security
cash settlement
cash statement
cash surrender value
cash terminal
cash transaction
cash transfer
cash turnover
cash value
cash voucher
Commission for Financial and Budgetary Affairs
Committee on Budgetary Control
comparison of key macroeconomic and budgetary projections
concurrent execution
contingent cash flow
COTER working group on budgetary issues
Council Regulation on the methods and procedure for making available the traditional, VAT and GNI-based own resources and on the measures to meet cash requirements
counter cash
criterion on the government budgetary position
Data Execution Prevention
deduction for execution faults
deficiency in cash
deposit cash department
differential cash flow
digital cash
Directorate for Budgetary Affairs
Directorate for Institutional, Budgetary and Staff Affairs
discounted cash flow
discounted cash flow yield
discounted cash flow method
discounted cash flow model
discounted cash flow rate of return
draft budgetary plan
electronic cash
*entrustment of execution
European Parliament delegation to the Budgetary Conciliation Committee
evaluation of execution
excellent execution
exchange of futures for cash
exchange versus cash
execution core
execution discipline*
execution duration
execution error
*execution inscription
execution mark (score)
execution monitor
execution of an order
execution of a plan
execution of a sentence
execution of a stunt
execution of contract
execution of orders
execution of sentence
execution of the budget
execution of the general budget
execution of the service
*execution of work
Execution Plan pane
execution profile
execution sequence
execution time
execution timestamp
execution trace
execution tree
execution within firm
expenditure cash department
extra-budgetary expenditure
extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary execution
extrajudicial execution
extra-legal execution
faulty execution
first -class execution
flat execution
fluency in execution
for cash
forced execution
fulfilment cash flow
global budgetary commitment
global provisional budgetary commitment
ideal execution (performance)
immediate execution
immunity from execution
in cash
income cash department
incoming cash flow
individual budgetary commitment
Institutional and Budgetary Law Unit
*interbudgetary settlements
Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management
Interinstitutional Agreement of 2 December 2013 on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management
Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management
Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline and sound financial management
interrupt the execution
issuing cash transaction
Japanese school of execution
Joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty
lightness in execution
Lithuanian Civil Servants, Budgetary and Public Institutions Employees’ Trade Union
long-term cash incentive
main conditions of technique element execution
manner of execution
Marketing Event Planning and Execution
medium-term budgetary objective
method of execution
National Execution Measures database
near cash
near-cash assets
neat execution
net budgetary inflow
[net] cash
non-budgetary fund
non-budgetary funds
non-cash assets
non-cash gift
non-cash instrument
non-cash means of payment
non-cash payment instrument
non-cash transaction
non-cash turnover*
only cash
operating budgetary balance
operating cash flow ratio
overall assessment of the budgetary situation and prospects in the euro area as a whole
pay cash
payment by cash
payment in cash
parallel execution
pattern of execution
perfect execution
persistent budgetary slippage
petty cash
Policy Department for Budgetary Affairs
post-execution comparison
Pre-Boot Execution Environment
principle of budgetary accuracy
principle of budgetary balance
principle of budgetary universality
proceeds in cash
professional cash-handler
professional cash-user
program execution
projected budgetary costs
prompt cash
provisional budgetary commitment
purchase for cash
quality of execution
[ready] cash
ready cash
recording on a cash basis
recovery cash call
*registered cash department
Regulation (EC) No 1889/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on controls of cash entering or leaving the Community
report execution snapshot
reporting of budgetary data
report server execution account
resolution cash call
resume an execution after break down
Retail Sales Execution
revised draft budgetary plan
Secretariat of the Committee on Budgetary Control
secured arrangements for maintaining cash
secured cash borrowing
side-by-side execution
single-step execution
symbolic execution
social assistance benefits in cash
social security benefits in cash
sound budgetary position
special non-contributory cash benefit
Specifications on the implementation of the Two Pack and Guidelines on the format and content of draft budgetary plans, economic partnership programmes and debt issuance reports
speculative execution
spot cash
stay of execution
Strategic Execution Framework
summary execution
surveillance of budgetary positions
suspension of budgetary commitments
tempo of execution
quality of execution
izpildījuma (vingrojuma) kvalitāte
качество исполнения (упр.)
Vingrošanas vārdnīca
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