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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*cash funds of a bank
Atrasti 639 termini
acquiring bank
additional own funds
additional own funds requirement
administrator of advance funds
advance funds
advising bank
African Development Bank
agent bank
aggregator bank
Agreement establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
agricultural bank
ailing bank
allocation of funds
*alloted funds
amortization of capital funds
Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank
Annual Report of the European Investment Bank
appropriation of funds
Asian Development Bank
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Audit Committee of the European Investment Bank
automatized data bank
backboard (US bank)
backboard (US bank) shot
bad bank
bank account
bank-account penetration
bank account register
bank account registers interconnection system
bank account registers single access point
bank advice
bank angle
bank associations
bank balance
bank-based funding
bank bill
*bank cartel
bank charges
bank classification
bank code
bank credit
bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework
bank deposit
bank deposits
bank details
bank document*
bank documentation
bank draft
bank[ed] winding
banker’s bank
bank erosion
bank failure
bank fee
Bank Financial Strength Rating
bank financing
Bank for International Settlements
bank giro number
bank ground
bank guarantee
bank guarantee letter
bank holding company
bank holiday
bank identifier code
bank in distress
bank interest
bank investments
bank issue
bank laws
bank levy
bank-like credit intermediation
bank loan
bank money
bank note
*bank-note issue limit
bank notes
bank notes (registered notes)
bank office
Bank of Greece
bank of issue
Bank of Latvia
Bank of Latvia monetary policy
bank of systemic importance
bank overdraft
bank oversight
bank payment
bank payment order
bank profit
bank rate
bank recapitalisation
bank reconciliation
bank recovery and resolution
Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive
bank remittance
bank rescue package
bank reserve ratio
bank reserves
bank resilience
bank resolution
bank resolution fund
bank resolution tool
*bank resources
bank routing code
bank savings
bank secrecy
bank secret
bank slope
bank sorting code
bank-sovereign link
bank-sovereign loop
bank-sovereign nexus
bank statement
bank supervision
bank support scheme
bank switching
bank transfer
bank transit number
bank trust
bank wire transfer
basic own funds
benefit in cash
by cash
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank
Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank
Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank
borrowed funds
branch bank
branch of a bank
bridge bank
*budgetary cash execution
budgetary funds
budgetary management of the Structural Funds
burner bank
business transactions bank*
capacitor bank
capital funds
Caribbean Development Bank
cash accounting
cash accounting scheme
cash accounts
cash advance
cash advance facility
cash against documents
cash against shipping documents
cash and cash equivalents
cash and voucher assistance
*cash application
cash assets
cash assimilated instrument
cash balance
cash-based accounting
cash based data
cash-based profit sharing
cash basis
cash basis accounting
cash basis of accounting
cash benefit
cash bonus
cash book
cash box
cash changeover
cash changeover year
cash collateral reinvestment
cash compensation
cash conduit lending transaction
cash contribution
Cash-Control Regulation
Cash Controls Regulation
cash credit
cash deal
cash declaration
cash deficit
*cash department
cash [department] document
cash deposit
cash desk
cash discount
[cash] discount
cash dispenser
cash dispensing machine
cash dividend
cash economy
cash emission operation
cash-emission work*
cash equivalents
cash expenditure
cash expenditure[s]
cash expense order
cash float
cash flow
cash flow facility
cash flow forecast
cash flow hedge
cash flow ratio
cash flows from the underlying pool
cash(flow) situation
cash funds
cash funds of a bank
cash-generating unit
cash handler
cash handlers
cash holdings in the bank
cash income
cash income order
cash indemnity
cash industry
cash in-flow
cash inflow
cash inflows
cash in hand
cash instrument
cash-intensive business
cash-in-transit company
cash items
cash journal
cash leg
cash-like assets
cash-like products
*cash limit at a cash department
cash machine
cash management
cash management company
cash market
cash on delivery
cash on delivery aid
cash on delivery outstanding
cash on deposit
cash on hand
cash operation
cash order
cash out-flow
cash payment
cash pooling
cash position
cash price
cash purchase
cash ratio
cash receipt
cash receipts and payments book
cash receipts journal
cash refund
cash register
*cash register counter
cash-register tape
cash report
cash reserve
cash reserve of Treasury
cash reserve ratio
cash sale
cash security
cash settlement
cash statement
cash surrender value
cash terminal
cash transaction
cash transfer
cash turnover
cash value
cash voucher
cell bank
Central American Bank for Economic Integration
central bank
Central Bank Council
central bank digital currency
central bank intervention
central bank liability
central bank liquidity
Central Bank MFO Code
central bank money
central bank of issue
central bank policy rate
central bank transaction code
certificate from the bank regarding financial situation
channel bank
cylinder bank
client bank
client funds deposits
closing of bank account
College of staff representatives of the European Investment Bank
commercial bank
Committee for the Home Affairs Funds
Committee on the Agricultural Funds
Common Strategic Framework Funds
concentration of bank capital
consolidated own funds
consultation of the European Central Bank
consumer goods funds
contact bank
contingent cash flow
convection tube bank
cooperative bank
correspondent bank
corresponding bank
Council Directive 89/299/EEC on the own funds of credit institutions
Council of Europe Development Bank
Council Regulation on the methods and procedure for making available the traditional, VAT and GNI-based own resources and on the measures to meet cash requirements
counter cash
counterfeit bank-note
counting of bank-notes
credit bank
*credit-savings bank
creditworthy bank
CSF Funds
currency bank*
custodian bank
customer mobility in relation to bank accounts
damaged bank-note
data bank
decommitted funds
*decrepit bank-note
deduction from own funds
deferred profit sharing/investment funds
deficiency in cash
depositary bank
deposit bank
deposit cash department
deposits and borrowed funds
development bank
differential cash flow
digital cash
direct bank recapitalisation
Directorate 6 - Economic and Financial Affairs, Budget, Structural Funds
discount bank
discounted cash flow
discounted cash flow yield
discounted cash flow method
discounted cash flow model
discounted cash flow rate of return
disposition of the funds
distressed bank
diversion of public funds
diversion of public funds for personal gain
Dogger Bank
Dutch development bank
earthen bank
East African Development Bank
Economic and Financial Affairs, Budget, Structural Funds Directorate
electronic cash
electronic funds transfer
embezzlement of public funds
ESDM Working Group on Overbidding and Hedge Funds
ESI Funds
ethical bank
EU climate bank
EU framework for bank recovery and resolution
EU Hydrogen Bank
Euro-Mediterranean Interim Association Agreement on trade and cooperation between the European Community and the PLO for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
European Bank Coordination Initiative
European Bank Coordination “Vienna” Initiative
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Central Bank
European Central Bank opinion
European Central Bank Payment Mechanism
European Development Funds
European Federation of Investment Funds and Companies
European Hydrogen Bank
European Investment Bank
European Investment Bank Group
European Structural and Investment Funds
Eurosystem central bank
evidence of maintenance (funds)
exchange of futures for cash
exchange versus cash
Executive Board of the European Central Bank
expenditure cash department
expenditure of funds
expenditures of funds
Expert group on customer mobility in relation to bank accounts
export bank*
export-import bank
external business bank*
failing bank
for cash
foreign nationals' recourse to public funds
freezing of funds
fulfilment cash flow
fund of funds
funds borrowed
funds borrowed on capital markets
funds incorrectly used
funds lent
funds lost
funds transfer
funds unduly paid
funds wrongly paid
G20 Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
gene bank
General Council of the European Central Bank
general own funds disclosure template
Global Environment Facility of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
global systemically important bank
good bank
*cash funds of a bank
bankas [skaidrās] naudas līdzekļi
наличность банковская
Bargeldmittel der Bank
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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