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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*closed stock
Atrasti 510 termini
*accessioning of stock
active stock
admission of securities to official stock exchange listing
analytical closed formula
analytical stock assessment
archives stock
as open as possible, as closed as necessary
audio-visual materials stock
audit(ing) commission of the joint- stock company
base stock
basic stock
bearer stock
body stock
book stock
book stock management
book stock unit
branch stock
*branch turnover of book stock
breeding stock
buffer stock
building stock
call-off stock
call-off stock arrangement
capital stock
carbon stock
certificate of stock
circuit-closed tell-tale
climate in closed rooms
clonal stock
closed access
closed access records
closed architecture
closed area
closed basin
closed bottle
closed bottle test
closed bracelet
'closed' budget line
closed campus supervision policy
closed caption
closed captioning
closed captions
closed check
Closed Chevron Process
closed circuit
closed circuit of a cooling system
closed-circuit television
closed-circuit television monitor
closed-circuit tell-tale
closed circuit transition autotransformer start
closed circuit transition autotransformer starting
closed-circuit ventilation
closed circular rampart
closed ciruit voltage
closed cycle
closed-cycle cooling
closed contact
closed cooling system
closed core
closed core transformer
closed cross sections
closed delivery opener
closed die
closed distribution network
closed distribution system
closed distribution system operator
closed-down installation
closed economy
closed emission
closed facility
closed file
closed find
closed fiscal period
closed fishing season
closed forest
closed functionality
closed furnace
closed guard
closed guide
closed landscape
'closed' line
closed loop
closed-loop control system
closed[-loop] network
closed loop recycling
closed-loop recycling
closed loop system
closed-loop system
closed[-loop] system
closed-loop three-way catalyst
closed magnetic circuit
closed magnetic circuit transformer
closed [magnetic] core
closed market
closed material loop
closed meeting
closed network
closed period for fishing
closed plasma dust process
closed porosity
closed position
closed procurements
closed record group
closed (rigid) coupling
closed ring
closed season
closed-security environment
closed security zone
closed session
closed shape
closed shelves
closed syllable
closed system
closed slot
closed stand
closed state
closed stock
closed subroutine
closed subtitles
closed surface
closed term
closed transition autotransformer start
closed transition autotransformer starting
closed-up surface
closed user group
closed user group with incoming access
closed user group with outgoing access
closed waiting period
closed washery water system
closed water cycle technology
collective investment undertaking other than the closed-end type
common stock
company listed on a stock exchange
company whose shares are officially listed on stock exchanges
coniferous stock
convertible loan stock
cooperage stock
debt stock
declare the oral part of the procedure closed
declare the oral procedure closed
deep/closed slot
deep/closed-slot injection
deep-sea fish stock
deep-sea stock
demersal stock
dimension stock
disclosed design
disclosed order
disclosed quantity order
disclosed reserve
*dissertation stock
duplicate stock
dwelling stock
economic contingency stock
employee share/stock ownership, ESO
enclosed area
enclosed assembly of switchgear and controlgear
enclosed bottom
enclosed buckle release button
enclosed fuse
enclosed fuse-link
enclosed space
EU Building Stock Observatory
EU stock
exchange stock
fail closed
fallen stock
feedlot stock
fire stock
fish stock
fish stock recovery area
foreclosed asset
foreign investment stock
forest carbon stock
formal stock exchange
formation of book stock
foundation stock
free stock*
fuel stock
furniture veneered stock
game stock
GAR KPI stock
gas insulated metal-enclosed substation
gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear
gold stock
grandparent stock
grazing stock
growing stock
growing-stock objective
growing-stock target
growing stock volume
gun stock
gun-stock copying machine
half-closed slot
healthy fish stock
Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems
homeopathic stock
hop jump closed
housing stock
idiom stock
imports for stock
impregnation (closed) cylinder (pressure treatment)
*incunabula stock
*individual accessioning of stock
Industrial use of substances in closed systems
*information stock
insulationen closed switchgear and controlgear
International Registry for Railway Rolling Stock
intervention stock
inventory of stock
inward FDI stock
inward foreign direct investment stock
inward stock
joint stock
joint-stock bank
[joint-]stock company
joint stock company
[joint]-stock company
joint-stock company
joint-stock company administration
joint-stock company founder
*kernel of stock
kitchen stock
legs closed
library stock
listing on a stock exchange
lodgement (of stock)
lubricant base stock
Luxembourg Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Railway Rolling Stock
master cell stock
material stock
material stock norm
metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear
migrant stock
migration stock
minimum stock
minimum stock capital
*model of stock
money stock
money stock in circulation
monetary stock
multi-subject stock
must stock item
*nearby stock
*newspaper stock
nominal money stock
non-enclosed buckle release button
non-stock business tax
no-par-value stock
normal growing-stock
normally closed contact
*normative stock
Northern hake stock
nuclear stock
*nucleus of stock
official stock exchange
old stock
open/closed cycle magnetohydrodynamic electric power generation
*optimal stock completeness
*optimal stock figures
organised stock exchange
outward FDI stock
outward foreign direct investment stock
outward stock
overflow stock
paid-up stock
pallet stock
parent stock
partial turnover of book stock
participating preferred stock
*part of stock
passage of stock
passive bock stock
*passive stock
patent stock
pending closed
period beginning stock
period final stock
*pertinence of stock
pith stock
planting stock
Potentially closed processing operations with minerals/metals at elevated temperature. Industrial setting
preference stock
preferred stock
premium on capital stock
*preservation of stock
private stock
*processed stock
production stock*
propagation stock
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures
provisional stock*
public capital stock
public stock
quota stock*
railway rolling stock
real money stock
*real turnover of book stock
Record a closed campaign response
*redivision of stock
reference stock
regional stock exchange
registered stock
regular-closed grasp (grip)
regulation of stock quantity
rejected stock
*relevance of stock
*reliability of book stock
reserve stock
residential building stock
restricted stock units
reverse stock split
Riga Stock exchange
rising of stock prices
rolled stock
rolling stock
safeguarding of book stock
safe preservation of stock
*safety stock
safety stock
screw stock
seed stock
semi-closed furnace
semiclosed slot
share/stock ownership (US)
shared fishing stock
shared stock
simplified joint stock company
small-capitalisation stock
small cap stock
small stock (cattle)
small stock plague
soil carbon stock
sparsely closed stand
spawning stock
spawning stock biomass
squared (closed) end turn
stand [stock]map
state joint-stock company
statistics of book stock
status of the stock
stock account
stock analysis
stock anvil
stock appreciation rights
stock arrangement
stock bonus plan (US)
stock book
stock broker
stock building
stock buyback
stock bull
stock canalization
stock capital
stock certificate
*stock changes
stock chart
stock clerk
stock code
stock collapse
stock company
stock completeness
stock composition
*stock control
stock corporation
stock culture
stock cutter
stock declaration
stock depletion
stock distribution
stock dividend
stock draw-down
*stock exceeding the normative level
stock exchange
stock [exchange] broker
stock exchange circles*
stock exchange committee
stock exchange crisis
stock exchange [dealings]
stock exchange listing
stock-exchange listing
stock exchange listing particulars
stock exchange members
[stock] exchange notary
[stock] exchange panic
stock exchange price
stock exchange rate
stock exchange speculator
stock-exchange transaction
[stock] exchange transaction
stock figures
stock financing
stock-flow adjustment
International Registry for Railway Rolling Stock
Dzelzceļa ritošā sastāva starptautiskais reģistrs
Internationales Register für rollendes Eisenbahnmaterial
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