Piektdiena, 10. janvāris
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*common tariff rate
Atrasti 1463 termini
14-day cumulative COVID-19 case notification rate
30-day case fatality rate
30-day mortality rate
5-year survival rate
abundance of common forest birds
acceptance rate of asylum applicants
acceptance rate of refugee claims
access rate
accident rate
accrual rate
accumulation rate
activity rate
actual rate of increase
actual transfer rate
additional rate of natural resource tax
administer of tariff quotas
administration of tariff quota
ad valorem tariff
Advance-Purchase Excursion tariff, APEX
African and Mauritian Common Organisation
after-tax real rate of return
age-standardised death rate
age-standardised mortality rate
Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders
Agreement establishing the Common Fund for Commodities
Agreement on the Establishment of a European Common Aviation Area
agricultural conversion rate
agrimonetary conversion rate
aid rate
air freight rate
all-commodity rate
all-in rate
allocation of tariff quota
ambitious and more binding common commitments
amended rate
*annual demographic rate
annual growth rate
annual percentage rate
annual percentage rate (APR)
annual percentage rate of charge
annual production rate
application rate
appropriate rate
Arab Common Market
Arab Common Market countries
AROPE rate
arrival rate
asylum application acceptance rate
asylum recognition rate
at a faster rate
at a reduced rate of duty
at reduced rate
at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate
at-risk-of-poverty rate
at-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers
attendance rate
autonomous duty rate
autonomous rate of duty
autonomous tariff quota
availability rate
available bit rate
available flow rate
average effective tax rate
average nominal long-term interest rate
average rate
average rate of profit law
average room rate
average specific growth rate
average tax rate
average weighted rate
average weighted rate of VAT
background rate
baggage rate
bank rate
baseline mortality rate
Baseline Study on Integrating Human Rights and Gender into the European Union's Common Security and Defence Policy
base rate
base rate fallacy
base-rate fallacy
base tariff
basic rate
Basic Rate Interface
basic rate of natural resource tax
basic risk-free interest rate term structure
basic tariff
basis rate swap
battery return rate
beating rate
benchmark rate
bilateral central rate
binding of tariff reductions
binding tariff
binding tariff information
bit error rate
bit error rate (deprecated)
bit rate
by common accord
by common agreement
by common consent
blanket rate
bond rate
borrowing rate
bounce rate
bracket rate
braking rate
breakdown rate
bucket tariff
building renovation rate
bulk tariff
burning rate
burn rate
calculation of exchange rate
call completion rate
call failure rate
call-in rate
call rate
call rate for VAT
call-up rate
cargo rate
cargo tariff
carry rate
car tariff
case weighted average default rate for calibration
catch rate
ceiling rate
Central American Common Market
central bank policy rate
central intervention rate
central rate
change of tariff heading
change of tax rate*
change of tax rate
child mortality rate
churning rate
churn rate
circulation flow rate
Civilian Common Security and Defence Policy Compact
classification rate
clock frequency rate
clock rate
COBOL (Common Business-oriented Language)
co-financing rate
collection of loan rate*
combustion rate
commercial rate
commercial rate / corporate rate / company rate
Commission Expert Group on the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage
commission rate
Committed Information Rate
Committee for the application of common safety rules in the field of civil aviation
Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets
common accord
common action
common action day
Common Agenda on Migration and Mobility
common agricultural policy
common agrimony
common alarm
common analysis and guidance note
common ancestor constraint
common application centre
common application centre for visas
Common Approach of the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission on decentralised agencies
Common Approach on decentralised agencies
Common Approach on EU decentralised agencies
common area
common asylum procedure
common auction platform
Common Audit Service
common auxiliaries
common auxiliary (in UDC)
Common Aviation Area
common backstop
common balm
common barley
common battery
common bearberry
common bentgrass
Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework
common bird index
common birdsfoot-trefoil
common bird's-foot trefoil
common bistort
common black rockweed
common bogbean
common borders
common bream
common bus
COmmon Business-Oriented Language
common but differentiated responsibility
common carp
common carrier
Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species
common cause
Common Certificate Policy
common charger
common charger for mobile phone
common child
common classification of territorial units for statistics
common clubmoss
common commercial policy
Common Communications Network
Common Communications Network/Common Systems Interface
Common Communication Support
common consolidated corporate tax base
common consolidated corporate tax base-based own resource
Common Consular Instructions
Common Consular Instructions for the diplomatic missions and consular posts
common control
Common Core Curriculum
common corporate tax base
common corporate tax system
common cost
common coupling
common cow parsnip
common crampfish
Common Criteria
Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation
common crossing
common cultural heritage
common currency
common customs tariff
Common Customs Tariff heading number
common cuttlefish
common dab
common dandelion
Common Data Model
common data platform
common data platform on chemicals
common data representation
common data space
common data space for security and law enforcement
common defence
common defence policy
common denominator
common dispatch
common dolphin
common dolphinfish
common duckweed
common edible cockle
Common Emergency Communication and Information System
common energy policy
common-environment coupling
common equity tier 1 capital
Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio
common equity tier 1 instrument
common EU list of safe countries of origin
common European agricultural data space
common European agriculture data space
Common European Asylum System
common European data altruism consent form
common European data space
common European data space for cultural heritage
common European data space for public administrations
common European data space for smart and sustainable cities and communities
common European data space for tourism
common European defence policy
common European energy data space
common European financial data space
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment
common European Green Deal data space
common European health data space
common European industrial (manufacturing) data space
Common European Language Data Space
common European mobility data space
common European risk classification scheme
Common European Sales Law
Common European Security and Defence Policy
common European Security data space
common European security interests
common European skills data space
common European tourism data space
common EU tax base
Common Evaluation Methodology
common farmland bird index
common fee
common fescue
common finback
common fiscal backstop
common fisheries policy
Common Fisheries Policy Regulation
common flat-rate scheme for farmers
common fleet register number
Common Foreign and Security Policy
common forest bird index
common form of turnover tax
Common Frame of Reference
Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the DSSI
common fund
Common Gateway Interface
common germander
common good
common grid model
common groundsel
common guidelines
common guitarfish
common health entry document
common heather
common high priority item
common holly
common hornbeam
common house cricket
Common Hub for Governmental Imagery
common identity repository
Common Immigration Policy
common implementation plan
common industrial technology roadmap
Common Information Model Object Manager
common information service
Common Information Sharing Environment
Common Information Sharing Environment for the EU maritime domain
Common Integrated Risk Analysis Model
Common Interactive Watch and Anticipation Mechanism
Common Internet File System
common investment company
common investment fund
common ivy
common yew
Common Joint Committee
Common Kingfisher
common land
common land border
*common land[s]
common language runtime
Common Language Runtime support
common law
common law system
common lime
common list of aliens for whom an alert has been issued for the purposes of refusing entry
common list of exemptions
common list of liberalized products
common list of military equipment
common litter hotspot
Common Management Information Protocol
Common Management Information Service
Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea
common market
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
common marketing standards
Common Market of the South
common market organisation
Common Market Organisation (CMO) Task Force
common mark registering authority
common meadow grass
common merit order list
common method of calculation
Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation
common military list
Common Military List of the European Union
common milkweed
common millet
common mode failure
common modification
common monitoring and evaluation framework
common monitoring and evaluation system
common moorhen
common mora
common mullein
common mussel
common name
common name (in electronic mail)
common number
common oak
common oats
Common Object Model
Common Object Request Broker Architecture
common octopus
common organisation of agricultural markets
common organisation of markets
common organisation of the market
common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables
common organisation of the markets
common osier
common otter
common pagination
common pandora
common pine
*common plan of acquisition
common plantain
common policy on energy
common policy on visas
common pool resource
common ports policy
common position
common position + statement
common pre-frontier intelligence picture
common price
common price policy
common prices
common priority control area
common procedures
common procurement
Common Procurement Vocabulary
Common Programming Interface
common property
common provisioning fund
Common Provisions Regulation
Common Provisions Regulation 2014-2020
available bit rate
pieejamais bitu [pārraides] ātrums
доступная скорость передачи в битах
Asinhronā pārsūtīšanas režīma pakalpojumi, kas saskaņo datoru tīkla ātrdarbību ar tā slodzes līmeni.
LZA TK ITTEA terminu datubāze
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