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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*consolidated index
Atrasts 331 termins
abundance index
Active Ageing Index
activity concentration index
aggregate form of index*
aggregative index
alphabetical index
alphabetical index book
alphabetical subject index
alphabetical subject index (list)
analytical consolidated reports
author index
auxiliary index
auxiliary index to a book or catalog
*average index
Balassa Index
*basic index
Better Life Index
bibliographical index
body mass index
bond tied to an index
card consecutive index
card index
card renewal index
card replacement index
chain index
Chemical Abstracts Service index number
citation index
class index
clustered index
cogeneration index
color index
colour index
column index
columnstore index
combined index
commodity channel index formula
common bird index
common consolidated corporate tax base
common consolidated corporate tax base-based own resource
common farmland bird index
common forest bird index
composite index
configuration index
consolidated account
consolidated accounts
*consolidated application
consolidated balance sheet
consolidated banking data
*consolidated calculation
consolidated cargo
consolidated document
consolidated financial situation
consolidated financial statement
consolidated financial statements
consolidated government budget
consolidated group for financial accounting purposes
consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement
consolidated index
consolidated invoice
*consolidated list
*consolidated norm
consolidated order
consolidated own funds
consolidated project
consolidated report
consolidated situation
consolidated source document
consolidated statement
consolidated supervision
consolidated tape
consolidated tape provider
consolidated taxable income
consolidated tax base
consolidated tax group
consolidated [tax] report
consolidated [tax] return
consolidated text
consolidated version
Consumer Conditions Index
consumer price index
consumer prices index
Contact index
content index
content index server
correction index
Corruption Perceptions Index
cost of living index
cost performance index
COVID-19 Government Response Stringency Index
crystallographic index
deep index job
deflated house price index
*degree of index limitation
Digital Economy and Society Index
Digital Transformation Enablers' Index
directivity index
disabled index
district consolidated budget*
dividend index future
dividend index futures contract
dividend index option
dividing (index[ing]) head
dynamic index
economic, social and cultural status index
EIGE Gender Equality Index
EIGE Index
electricity cybersecurity impact index
Energy Efficiency Design Index
energy efficiency index
Energy Trilemma Index
environmental vulnerability index
EU Gender Equality Index
EULabCap index
EU Laboratory capacity index
euro overnight index average
European Consumer Price Index
European Economic Area Index of Consumer Prices
European Gender Diversity Index
European index of consumer prices
European Police Records Index System
European Rating Index
farmland bird index
farmland birds index
Financial Secrecy Index
Fire Weather Index
fish abundance index
float [index]
full-text index
full-text search index
GDP per capita volume index
Gender Development Index
Gender Equality Index
Gender Equality Index for the European Union
gender inequality index
gender parity index
general index
*generalized index
GHG intensity index
Gini index
Global Activity Limitation Index
Global Competitiveness Index
Global Gender Gap Index
Global Innovation Index
global Multidimensional Poverty Index
Government Response Stringency Index
graph index
greenhouse gas intensity index
grip of the pole with thumb and index finger
*handbook of consolidated calculation norms
harmonised index of consumer prices
harmonised index of consumer prices at constant tax rates
hash index
*head of an index
*head of statistic index
hedonic index
hedonic price index
hydrocarbon index
hydrocarbon oil index
house price index
Human Development Index
IFRS consolidated financial statements
included column index
index (in programming)
Index Allocation Map
*index and supplement area
index buffer
index card
index CDS
index change gear train
index column
index crank
index credit default swap
index entry
index fund
index hole
index-linked and unit-linked insurance
index-linked benefit
index-linked bond
index-linked contract
index-linked insurance
index method
index number
index of a barrow
index of abundance
index of a vessel
index of fire risk
index of refraction
index of sources
index of workers' employment*
Index on Censorship
index option
index organism
index page
index partition
index plate
index plate stop
index propagation
index rate
index register
index replica
index role
index server
index term
index type
index to the information package
index track
index-tracking fund
index tracking fund management
index variation
*interval index
intracerebral pathogenicity index
intravenous pathogenicity index
iodine index
key word index
labour capacity index of efficiency
labour productivity index*
Laspeyres-type index
Laspeyres-type price index
leaf area index
list index
load-capacity index
load index
location index
low-carbon index
mainstream low-carbon index
mitosis index
mitotic index
Monetary Union Consumer Price Index
Monetary Union Index of Consumer Prices
monthly consumer price index
municipal consolidated budget*
name index
narrow therapeutic index drug
neutralisation index
noise index
Normandy for Peace Index
Normandy Index
*number of index' symbols
numeral basis of index
numerical index of vector group
online index build
OOH price index
optical index
owner-occupied housing price index
own resource based on the common consolidated corporate tax base
Oxford Stringency Index
Oxford University’s coronavirus stringency index
partial index*
peak efficiency index
per capita GDP volume index
performance index
peroxide index
PISA index of economic, social and cultural status
polydispersity index
position index
positive carbon impact index
postcoordinate index
precoordinate index
price index
price level index
primary index
pseudo index
pure-play low-carbon index
quality index
quantity index
real house price index
refractive index
refractive index increment
Regional Competitiveness Index
relative index
Relative Strength Index
reliability index
repetive index
Respirometric Index
revealed comparative advantage index
ring index
row index
saponification index
schedule performance index
search index
seat index point
secondary index
severity index
share index
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Policy Index
SME Policy Index
snow grip index
solar reflectance index
spatial index
spring index
stimulation index
stock index forward
stock index fund
stock index future
stock index futures contract
stock-index option
stratified median or mean index
structural index
sub-consolidated basis
subject index
summary index
supervision on a consolidated basis
supervisor on a consolidated basis
supplementary index
therapeutic index
title index
to adjust according to an index
to complete performance index
to index on cards
topographical index
unconsolidated rock
unconsolidated structured entity
unique index
unit-linked/index-linked life insurance
value index of efficiency
viscosity index
visible index
volatility index future
volatility index option
volume index
Water Exploitation Index Plus
wet grip index
Windows Experience Index
Wobbe index
World Press Freedom Index
index of a vessel
trauka indekss (Ø:h)
индекс сосуда
J. Graudonis. Arheoloģijas terminu vārdnīca. — R., Zinātne, 1994
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija