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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
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*construction organization plan
Atrasti 994 termini
‘RebuildUkraine' reconstruction plan
10-year network development plan
10-point peace plan
2019-2023 Action Plan European e-Justice
2019-2023 Action Plan for European e-Justice
2020-2025 EU action plan on firearms trafficking
2020 Capital Markets Union action plan
2020 CMU action plan
2030 Climate Target Plan
above-plan economies
*above-plan expenditure
above-plan expenditures
above-plan production
above-plan profit
Abu Nidal Organization
A Capital Markets Union for people and businesses - new action plan
Action Plan
Action Plan: Financing Sustainable Growth
Action Plan against Disinformation
Action Plan for a comprehensive EU policy on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing
Action Plan for a comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing
Action Plan for a Maritime Strategy in the Atlantic area
action plan for climate diplomacy
Action plan for coordinated aid to Poland and Hungary
Action Plan for Energy Efficiency
action plan for fair and simple taxation supporting the recovery strategy
Action Plan for Organic Farming
Action Plan for strengthening the fight against terrorist financing
Action Plan for the Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe
Action Plan for the development of EU organic production
Action plan for the development of organic production
Action Plan for the future of Organic Production in the European Union
Action plan for the implementation of the EU animal health strategy
Action Plan for the Single Market
Action plan of the Council and the Commission on how best to implement the provisions of the Treaty of Amsterdam on an area of freedom, security and justice
Action Plan on Adult learning - It is always a good time to learn
action plan on anti-drug trafficking
action plan on anti-drug trafficking and organised crime
Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
Action Plan on Children's Rights in External Relations
Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials
Action Plan on Drugs
action plan on e-government
action plan on e-justice
Action Plan on Enhancing the Security of Explosives
action plan on financing sustainable growth
Action Plan on firearms trafficking between the EU and the South East Europe Region (2015-2019)
Action Plan on food price volatility and agriculture
Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion
action plan on military mobility
Action Plan on Organic Farming
Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy
action plan on sustainable finance
Action Plan on Terrorist Financing
Action Plan on the European Pillar of Social Rights
Action Plan on the Implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights
Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals
Action Plan on urban mobility
action plan on VAT
action plan on visa liberalisation
Action Plan to support the protection of public spaces
active power plan
activity plan
Ad hoc Working Party on Reconstruction and Support for Ukraine
adjustment of plan
advance beyond provisions of plan
Advanced Data Residency Plan 1
Advanced Data Residency Plan 2
African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
Agreement establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Agreement Establishing the Multilateral Trade Organization
Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization
Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project
Agreement on the privileges and immunities of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project
agri-environmental plan
Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization
american plan / full board
AMR Action Plan
anastylosis (reconstruction of monument from broken parts US)
annual plan
*anticipated execution of a plan
anti-crisis plan
application management organization
Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
arch(a)eological plan
arrangement according to plan
*arrangement plan (BBC)
Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
Asylum Policy Plan
Atlantic Action Plan
Atlantic action plan 2.0
ATM Master Plan
auditing organization
audit plan
availability plan
balanced plan
Bali Action Plan
Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan
baseline plan
basic construction
Beating Cancer Plan
BEPS Action Plan
block construction
breadboard construction
Brisbane Action Plan
broad-based plan
broadcasting organization
budget plan
*budget plan
budget plan scenario
Building and construction work
building plan
buildings and construction
built-up construction
business continuity plan
business plan
business reorganisation plan
calendar plan
Calling Plan
Capability Development Plan
Capability Development Plan strand
capital construction
capital construction department
CAP strategic plan
CAP Strategic Plan Regulation
cargo plan
Carribean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
Cartagena Action Plan
Cartagena Action Plan 2010-2014
CBRN national action plan
cellular construction
*changed plan
charitable organization
Chequers plan
Circular Economy Action Plan
Civilian Capability Development Plan
climate diplomacy action plan
climate-neutrality plan
clinical investigation plan
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
collecting plan
collection plan
collective broad-based plan
college work plan
Colombo Plan
Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific
common implementation plan
*common plan of acquisition
Communication from the Commission - Energy for the future: Renewable sources of energy - White Paper for a Community strategy and action plan
communication management plan
Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation
Community rolling action plan
Community rolling action plan for substance evaluation
Community-wide network development plan
Community-wide ten-year network development plan
compensation plan
complementary plan
completed construction
composite plan
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
comprehensive plan of economic support for a democratic Belarus
Computer Entertainment Rating Organization
concretization of plan
configuration management plan
Connect with a data plan
conservation plan
conservation plan (US)
Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Constitution of the International Labour Organization
Constitution of the Organization
Constitution of the World Health Organization
construction and demolition waste
construction and installation work
construction area*
construction base*
*construction by contract
*construction board
construction complex
construction contract
construction cost
construction costs
*construction design[ing]
construction economics*
construction economy
construction equipment
construction estimate documentation
*construction line
construction machinery
construction materials
construction object
construction of a rampart
construction of road
construction operations
construction organization
construction organization plan
construction plan
construction policy
construction product
Construction Products Regulation
construction project
construction projects
construction services contract
construction site
*construction site certificate
*construction site line
construction-site vehicle
construction team*
construction timber
construction time
construction vehicle
construction waste
construction worker
construction works
consumer cooperation organization
context of the organization
contingency plan
contingency plan for transport
contingency plan for transport and mobility
contract construction
contract management plan
*contract of construction
control-bound organization
conventional signs of plan drawing
Convention concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990, of the International Labour Organization (Convention No 170)
Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research
Convention on the International Maritime Organization
Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization
cooperative construction
Coordinated Plan on AI
Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence
Coordination Working Party (Food and Agriculture Organization)
Corporate Operational Plan
correction of plan
corrective action plan
cost management plan
cost[s] of construction
Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization
counter plan
credit plan
Crisis Management Plan for Centrally Authorised Products
crisis preparedness plan
crossed log construction
CTBT Organization
current flight plan
*current plan
customer organization
customized dialling plan
daily plan (training)
database organization
data plan
data reconstruction
dative absolute construction
defined benefit plan
demand plan
department organization code
deployment plan
design construction
design organization
development plan
development plan of a museum
develop project management plan
Develop Skills Needs - Hiring Plan - Hiring Forecast
dialling plan
dial plan
digital education action plan
Directive 2003/88/EC concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time
disaster control plan
disaster plan
disaster recovery plan
discard plan
discard reduction plan
*discrepancy of plan targets
disruption of plan
Dynamics 365 Organization service
draft budgetary plan
*draft plan
draft plan for the law
dust-tight construction
Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Working Plan 2022-2024
economic and investment plan
economic and investment plan for the EaP
economic and investment plan for the Eastern Partnership
economic and investment plan for the Southern Neighbourhood
economic and investment plan for the Southern Neighbours
Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans
economic reconstruction
Edit plan
EIB Corporate Operational Plan
emergency plan
emergency response plan
employee share option plan
employee share ownership plan
employee share purchase plan
Energy Action Plan
Energy Efficiency Action Plan
engagement plan
ENP Action Plan
*enterprise reconstruction
Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan
Environmental Technologies Action Plan
EPSR Action Plan
*equal tensity plan
eradication plan
establishment plan
establishment plan post
EU Action Plan: 'Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil'
EU Action Plan against firearms trafficking
EU Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling
EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling (2015-2020)
EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling for 2021-2025
EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade
EU action plan for grids
EU Action Plan for the Central Mediterranean
EU action plan for the Circular Economy
EU Action Plan for the Eastern Mediterranean route
EU action plan for the enhancement of the security of explosives
EU Action Plan for the Western Mediterranean and Atlantic routes
EU action plan on AMR
EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity
EU Action Plan on combating terrorism
EU Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials
EU Action Plan on Drugs
EU Action Plan on Drugs 2017-2020
EU Action Plan on Drugs 2021-2025
EU action plan on firearms trafficking
EU Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in External Action 2021–2025
EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy
EU Action Plan on integration
EU Action Plan on return
EU Action Plan on the Western Balkans
EU Action Plan to 2010 and Beyond
EU Action Plan to Combat Drugs
EU anti-racism action plan 2020-2025
EU Biodiversity Action Plan
EU-Central Asia Action Plan on Drugs
EU Construction & Demolition Waste Management Protocol
EU customs action plan
EU Customs Action Plan to combat IPR infringements
EU Drugs Action Plan
EU Drugs Action Plan 2021-2025
EU Energy Security and Solidarity Action Plan
EU Gender Action Plan for external action
EU Gender Action Plan (GAP) III – An ambitious agenda for gender equality and women's empowerment in EU external action
EU Gender Action Plan II
EU Gender Action Plan III
EU Nature Restoration Plan
EU-Pakistan 5-year Engagement Plan
EU Plan of Action on Combating Terrorism
EU Plan of Action on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Development
EU plan on best practices, standards and procedures for combating and preventing trafficking in human beings
EU protein plan
EU Recovery Plan
EU Risk Management Plan
Euro-Mediterranean Interim Association Agreement on Trade and Cooperation between the European Community and the Palestine Liberation Organization for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority
Europe’s Media in the Digital Decade: An Action Plan to Support Recovery and Transformation
European action plan against drug trafficking
European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming
European action plan on the cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers
European Affordable Housing Plan
European Agency for Reconstruction
European Air Traffic Management Master Plan
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
European ATM Master Plan
European Aviation Safety Plan
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Capabilities Action Plan
European Capability Action Plan
European Climate Adaptation Plan
European Defence Action Plan
European democracy action plan
European Economic Recovery Plan
European Environment and Health Action Plan
European External Investment Plan
European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015-2020
European Gas Demand Reduction Plan
European Green Deal Investment Plan
European Innovation Plan
European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan
European One Health Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance
European Organization for Nuclear Research
European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
European Patent Organization
European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan
European Plan for Aviation Safety
European plan to fight cancer
European Prosperity Plan
European recovery plan
European Strategic Energy Technology Plan
European Union Action Plan on Drugs
European Union Action Plan to Combat Drugs
European Union Drugs Action Plan
European Union Work Plan for Youth
European Union Work Plan for Sport
European Wind Power Action Plan
Europe's Beating Cancer Plan
above-plan expenditures
virsplāna izdevumi
затраты сверxплановые
überplanmässiger Aufwand
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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