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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*consumption standard
Atrasti 633 termini
10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production
Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy
active power consumption
actual collective consumption
actual final consumption
actual individual consumption
adjusted standard
Advanced Encryption Standard
alcohol consumption
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
analytical standard
annual consumption
annual energy consumption
apparent consumption
applicable accounting standard
article of consumption
assurance standard
assurance standard for sustainability reporting
audit standard
autonomous consumption
auxiliary power consumption
average daily consumption
Azure Consumption Insights
Azure Standard Storage
balance of consumption
base standard
biological standard
brake-specific fuel consumption
calculated consumption
calculation of lacquer consumption
calibration standard
Canadian Payments Association Standard 005
capital consumption
channel of standard accuracy
chemical oxygen consumption
Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose
Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose
classification of material consumption norms
code of ethics standard
collaborative consumption
collective consumption expenditure
commercial standard fuel
Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of the directive on the quality of water intended for human consumption
Committee on the adaptation to scientific and technical progress of the directive on the quality of water intended for human consumption
Common Reporting Standard
Common standard on reporting, due diligence and exchange of information
Common standard on reporting and due diligence for financial account information
Community consumption
Community Standard
complements in consumption
*complex standard
component standard
*confirmed standard
conflicting national standard
constant consumption
consumption coagulopathy
consumption credit
consumption current
consumption depreciation method
consumption expenditure
consumption factor
consumption footprint
consumption fund
consumption habit
consumption level
consumption of electricity
consumption of fixed capital
consumption of materials
consumption of raw materials
consumption pattern
consumption regulation
consumption schedule
consumption stage
consumption standard
consumption standard
per capita
consumption statement
consumption tax
consumption time
consumption unit
Core Humanitarian Standard
Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability
Council Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption
country of consumption
curriculum standard
daily consumption
daily standard
daily standard capacity product
data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships
Data Encryption Standard
Data Exchange Standard
*decline in consumption
de facto standard
*delivery of standard production
description standard
design standard
destined for domestic consumption
Digital Signature Standard
Directive 2010/30/EU on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products
Directive (EU) 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2020 on the quality of water intended for human consumption
*dispatch standard
distribution of consumption
dynamic resource consumption for Search
domestic consumption
domestic electrical consumption
domestic material consumption
draft standard
drink consumption
drinking-water standard
drug consumption facility
drug consumption room
electrical energy consumption
electricity consumption
electric power consumption
energy consumption
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
environmental quality standard
environmental standard
EU Green Bond Standard
Euro emission standard
European emission standard
European green bond standard
European quality standard for repair services
European Standard
European standard nominal track gauge
European standard on electronic invoicing
European Standard Set
European Surveillance of Antibiotic Consumption
European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption
European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption Network
European Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption
European Technical Standard Order
European Technical Standard Order authorisation
EU standard gauge
Extended Industry Standard Architecture
fair standard of living
fertiliser consumption
final consumption
final consumption expenditure
final consumption expenditure of households
final consumption of energy
final energy consumption
final non-energy consumption
Financial Reporting Instance Standard
firewood consumption
fit for human use and consumption
fixed material consumption
food consumption
food standard
*form standard divisions (in BBC)
fossil fuel consumption
frame, standard (parallel bars)
frequency standard
fuel amount released for consumption
fuel consumption
fuel consumption (combined)
fuel consumption economy
fuel consumption mapping cycle
fuel consumption of chain-saw machines
fuel consumption of power chain-saw machine
fuel control consumption
fuel quantity released for consumption
*general standard divisions (in BBC)
generic operational level Cyber Standard Operation Procedure
geometric standard deviation
global data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships
global data collection system for ship fuel oil consumption data
Global Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information
global standard for automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters
glue consumption
goals scored from standard situations
gold-bullion standard
gold coin standard
gold-exchange standard
gold standard
government consumption
government final consumption
Green Consumption Pledge
Greenwich Mean / Standard Time (GMT) / (GST)
gross final consumption of energy
gross final energy consumption
gross inland consumption
gross inland energy consumption
growth in the living standard
harmonised European standard on accessibility requirements for ICT products and services
harmonised standard
high standard of proof
hourly consumption
household consumption
household electrical consumption
household final consumption expenditure
household final monetary consumption expenditure
ICAO standard atmosphere
IEEE 802.1X security standard
IEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices
implementing technical standard
indicative national energy efficiency contribution based on final energy consumption
indicative national energy efficiency contribution for final energy consumption
individual consumption
individual consumption expenditure
industrial consumption
industrial electrical consumption
Industry Standard Architecture
information security standard
ink consumption
interface standard
intermediate consumption
internal control standard
internal standard
International Accounting Standard
international accreditation standard
international labour standard
international standard
International standard bibliographic description
International standard book number
international standard book number, binding and price area
International Standard Classification of Education
International Standard Classification of Occupations
International standard film number
International standard for archival description
International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures
international standard industrial classification
International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, NACE
International standard music number
international standard number
International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number
international standard reagent
International standard recording code
international standard serial number
*international standard serial number and price area
International standard technical report number
internet standard
*intra-organizational consumption
ISIN standard
ISO International Standard
ISO standard
item consumption
yearly standard capacity product
*yield standard
*joint standard
kanban job consumption
labour standard
Latvian State Standard
*legal standard[s]
living standard
load standard
*long-term standard
make standard
*management standard[s]
marketing standard
mass-consumption product
material consumption
material consumption economy indices
material consumption quota
material consumption rationing
consumption standard
materials unsuitable for consumption or processing
*maximum standard
measure of consumption
Member State of consumption
metal consumption
metering and consumption data
methods of material consumption rationing
Microsoft® Office Project Standard 2007
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 for Search (Standard Edition)
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 Standard CAL
Microsoft® Office Standard 2007
Microsoft® Office Visio® Standard 2007
Microsoft® Project Standard 2019
Microsoft® Visio® Standard 2019
Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment
Microsoft Azure Consumption Insights
Microsoft Office LTSC Project Standard
Microsoft Office LTSC Project Standard 2021
Microsoft Office LTSC Standard
Microsoft Office LTSC Standard 2021
Microsoft Office LTSC Visio Standard
Microsoft Office LTSC Visio Standard 2021
Microsoft Office Project Standard 2021
Microsoft Office Standard 2010
Microsoft Office Standard 2013
Microsoft Office Standard 2016 for Mac
Microsoft Office Standard 2021
Microsoft Office Visio Standard 2021
Microsoft Project Standard 2010
Microsoft Project Standard 2013
Microsoft Project Standard 2016 for PC
Microsoft Project Standard 2021
Microsoft Project Standard LTSC
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 for Internet Sites Standard
Microsoft Standard 2021
Microsoft Standard LTSC
Microsoft Teams Rooms Standard
Microsoft Visio Standard 2010
Microsoft Visio Standard 2013
Microsoft Visio Standard 2016 for PC
Microsoft Visio Standard 2021
Microsoft Visio Standard LTSC
minimum quality standard
minimum standard rate
*mode of consumption
monthly standard capacity product
national consumption
national standard
national standard reagent
near real-time data consumption system
near real-time metering and consumption data
net material consumption
*net standard
non-essential consumption
non-financial reporting standard
non-productive consumption
non-standard act
non-standard asylum-related interview
non-standard employment
non-standard goods
non-standard intraday product
non-standard labour contract
non-standard payment
non-standard worker
non-transit standard
Office LTSC Project Standard
Office LTSC Project Standard 2021
Office LTSC Standard
Office LTSC Standard 2021
Office LTSC Visio Standard
Office LTSC Visio Standard 2021
Office Project Standard 2021
Office Standard
Office Standard 2010
Office Standard 2016
Office Standard 2021
Office Visio Standard 2021
"off-peak" consumption
off-standard product
on-board fuel and/or energy consumption monitoring device
on-board fuel and electric energy consumption monitoring device
open standard
operational standard
optimal consumption plan
output standard
overall consumption
own consumption
paying consumption
paper consumption
patent essential to a standard
per capita consumption
percentage standard deviation
per cent standard deviation
percent standard deviation
performance standard
personal consumption
post-consumption waste
power consumption
price-consumption curve
primary energy consumption
production standard
*production standard per capita
productive consumption
professional standard
Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Standard
Project Standard
Project Standard 2016
Project Standard 2021
proposed standard
prudential standard
public consumption
purchasing power standard
quality standard
quantity of fuel released for consumption
quarterly standard capacity product
questionaire of a standard type
rated consumption
raw material consumption
reactive power consumption
reflectance standard
regulatory technical standard
relative standard deviation
released for consumption
release for consumption
report on material consumption*
repository of standard formats and controlled vocabularies
residual standard deviation
resource consumption quota
responsible consumption and production
RS-232-C standard
safety standard
sample standard deviation around the regression line
science consumption
Section for the Single Market, Production and Consumption
ship fuel oil consumption data collection system
*single occasion consumption
Skype for Business PSTN Consumption
social consumption fund
social standard
Special Data Dissemination Standard
Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus
adjusted standard
izlīdzinātā norma
норма усредненная
ausgeglichene Norm
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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