Piektdiena, 3. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*correction coefficient
Atrasti 254 termini
1-octanol/water partition coefficient
absorption coefficient
addendum modification coefficient
adhesion coefficient
adhesive mass coefficient
adjustment coefficient linked to aggravating factors
adjustment coefficient linked to mitigating factors
aggravating coefficient
ambient correction factor
ambient correction term
amplification coefficient
amplitude correction
angular correction
attenuation coefficient
author's correction
autocorrelation coefficient
automatic error correction
backward error correction
biaxial extension stress decay coefficient
biaxial extension stress growth coefficient
biaxial stress decay coefficient
biaxial stress growth coefficient
calculated correction
calculated financial correction
characteristic coefficient
characteristic coefficient of the vehicle
coefficient of adhesion
coefficient of air resistance
coefficient of concentration
coefficient of consolidation
coefficient of contingency
coefficient of correction
coefficient of correlation
coefficient of determination
*coefficient of division of labour
*coefficient of eventual work-day charge
*coefficient of expansion
*coefficient of expenditure
coefficient of fluidity
coefficient of friction
coefficient of gyrating masses
coefficient of growth
*coefficient of information waste
coefficient of linear expansion
coefficient of loosening-up
coefficient of luminous intensity
coefficient of overall outlays
coefficient of performance
coefficient of population growth
coefficient of power
coefficient of regression
coefficient of restitution
*coefficient of succession heaviness (at factory accidents)
coefficient of tangential momentum transfer
coefficient of technical accomplishment
coefficient of use of traffic
*coefficient of use of working time
coefficient of variation
coefficient of viscosity
coefficient of viscous traction
color correction
colour correction
colour correction apparatus
*commensurability coefficient
compensating correction
compliance coefficient
conversion coefficient
correction area
correction coefficient
correction comb
correction composing stick
correction factor
correction index
correction in favour of the United Kingdom
correction marks
correction mechanism
correction mechanism in favour of the United Kingdom
correction needle
correction of errors
correction of matter
correction of plan
correction of prices
correction of quota
correction of the excessive deficit
correction of the monetary compensatory amounts
correction pencil
correction publish method
correction weight
correlation coefficient
coupling coefficient
critical damping coefficient
cross-correlation coefficient
damping coefficient
dielectric loss coefficient
diffusion coefficient
dimensionless coefficient
directivity correction
discharge coefficient
distribution coefficient
dynamic viscosity coefficient
dose coefficient
*economy coefficient
editorial correction
efflux coefficient
electronic colour correction
empiric coefficient of variation
error correction
error correction code
EU climate coefficient
evaporation coefficient
evolution coefficient
expansion coefficient
extinction coefficient
extrapolated correction
extrapolated financial correction
Fechner's correlation coefficient
filtration coefficient
financial correction
first normal stress coefficient
first normal stress decay coefficient
first normal stress growth coefficient
first-order coefficient
flat-rate correction
flat-rate financial correction
forward error correction
friction coefficient
Gini coefficient
heat conductivity coefficient
heat-transfer coefficient
heat transfer coefficient
hedging set supervisory factor coefficient
house of correction
instrument[al] correction
Integer coefficient
irregularity coefficient
keystone correction
kinematic viscosity coefficient
lateral correction
lateral-stability coefficient
leading coefficient
leakage coefficient
light absorption coefficient
light reflection coefficient
light scattering coefficient
light transmission coefficient
lump-sum correction
machine utilization coefficient
mass-transfer coefficient
mitigating coefficient
molar absorbance coefficient
molar absorption coefficient
molar decadic absorption coefficient
molar extinction coefficient
negative temperature coefficient
negative-temperature-coefficient thermistor
n-octanol/water partition coefficient
non-linear-distortion coefficient
normal stress coefficient
normal stress decay coefficient
normal stress growth coefficient
notch coefficient
octanol-water partition coefficient
*partial coefficient
partition coefficient
peak brake force coefficient
peak braking coefficient
Pearson's coefficient of correlation
permeability coefficient
phase-change coefficient
phase correction
pyromagnetic coefficient
porosity coefficient
positive correction
power coefficient
propagation coefficient
pseudo-first order rate coefficient
publishing without correction
radiant heat-transfer coefficient
radionuclide-specific dose coefficient
rank correlation coefficient
reduction coefficient
Reed-Solomon error correction code
reflection coefficient
refraction coefficient
regression coefficient
reinforcement coefficient
reliability coefficient
respiratory coefficient
right of correction or withdrawal
right to correction
roughness coefficient
safety coefficient
sample coefficient of city land utilisation
sample coefficient of land exploitation
saturation coefficient
screening coefficient
second normal stress coefficient
second normal stress decay coefficient
second normal stress growth coefficient
second-order coefficient
serial correlation coefficient
shear stress decay coefficient
shear stress growth coefficient
shrinkage coefficient
*simultaneity coefficient
synchronizing coefficient
synchronizing power coefficient
slight correction of feet position
slip coefficient
solar heat gain coefficient
sound reflection coefficient
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
standard error of correlation coefficient
standard error of regression coefficient
statement of correction
stiffness coefficient
*stockpiling coefficient
superimposed correction
swelling coefficient
tangential momentum transfer coefficient
taper coefficient
*tariff coefficient
tariff coefficient
tax correction
technical correction
techological correction
temperature correction
tensile recoil coefficient
tensile stress decay coefficient
tensile stress growth coefficient
tensile viscosity coefficient
thermal conductivity coefficient
thermal diffusion coefficient
thermal linear expansion coefficient
transfer coefficient
transver coefficient
Trouton's viscosity coefficient
turns correction
UK correction
ultimate tensile recoil coefficient
United Kingdom correction
velocity coefficient
viscosity coefficient
viscous traction coefficient
volume expansion coefficient
wagon correction digit
wear coefficient
weight distribution coefficient
wind correction
wobble correction
zero-point correction
coefficient of contingency
kontingences koeficients
коэффициент сопряженности
I. Liepa. Īsa biometrijas terminu vārdnīca (Biometrija, R., Zvaigzne, 1974)
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