Svētdiena, 5. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*correlation scheme
Atrasti 320 termini
1:1 resettlement scheme
1:1 scheme
aid scheme
amortization scheme
animal aid scheme
animation scheme
approved scheme
area-related aid scheme
asymmetric electronic signature scheme
authentication scheme
autocorrelation coefficient
auto-correlation function
bank support scheme
basic payment scheme
Basic Payment Scheme entitlement
basic vaccination scheme
block scheme
book and claim scheme
Buy-One-Get-One-Free scheme
Business Innovation Support Scheme
candidate European cybersecurity certification scheme
candidate scheme
carbon offset scheme
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
card scheme
cash accounting scheme
catch certification scheme
categorization scheme
certification scheme
certification scheme owner
classification scheme
classification scheme (GB)
coding scheme
coefficient of correlation
co-insurance scheme
collective investment scheme
color scheme
common European risk classification scheme
common flat-rate scheme for farmers
Community eco-label award scheme
Community eco-management and audit scheme
compensatory allowance scheme
contractual deposit guarantee scheme
Convention on the Establishment of a Scheme of Registration of Wills
co-responsibility levy scheme
correlation analysis
correlation assumption
correlation coefficient
correlation ellipse, homothetic ellipse
correlation ID
correlation linkage function
correlation matrix
correlation method
correlation pleads
correlation ratio
correlation scheme
*correlation table
correlation table
correlation trading
correlation trading portfolio
countervailing subsidy scheme
country-based support scheme
credit risk correlation
cross-correlation coefficient
cross correlation function
curvilinear correlation
DB scheme
DC scheme
defined benefit pension scheme
defined benefit retirement scheme
defined benefit scheme
defined contribution pension scheme
defined contribution retirement scheme
defined contribution scheme
deposit guarantee scheme
Deposit Guarantee Scheme Directive
deposit insurance scheme
deposit refund scheme
development scheme of engineering communications
direct payment scheme
direct price support scheme
drawback scheme
early retirement scheme
eco-labelling scheme
Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
EIT Regional Innovation Scheme
electronic identification scheme
emergency relocation scheme
emissions trading scheme
employee share option scheme
employee share scheme
energy efficiency obligation scheme
energy efficiency scheme
enquiry scheme
Entry/Exit scheme
environmental certification scheme
environmental labelling scheme
EPR scheme
EU Blue Card Scheme
EU Cancer Screening Scheme
EUCC scheme
EU Defence Innovation Scheme
EU Ecolabel scheme
EU Emissions Trading Scheme
European cybersecurity certification scheme
European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme on Common Criteria
European Common Criteria-based cybersecurity certification scheme
European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students
European deposit insurance scheme
European Young Officers Exchange Scheme
European Young Officers Exchange Scheme, modelled on Erasmus
European Law Enforcement Training Scheme
European Payments Council’s SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme
European resettlement scheme
European Unemployment Benefit Reinsurance Scheme
European Unemployment Reinsurance Scheme
EU Settlement Scheme
export authorisation scheme
extended producer responsibility scheme
false correlation
Fechner's correlation coefficient
*field of correlation
financial data sharing scheme
financial participation scheme
financial support scheme
flat rate scheme
font scheme
four party card scheme
full insurance scheme
funded pension scheme
funded scheme
funding scheme
Generalised Scheme of Preferences
*general scheme of management
global market-based measure scheme
global MBM scheme
GMBM scheme
group resolution scheme
GSP Scheme
guarantee scheme
humanitarian admission scheme
illusory correlation, nonsense correlation
implied correlation
Import One Stop Shop scheme
Import One-Stop-Shop special scheme
import scheme
imposition scheme
indexation scheme
individual pension scheme
insolvency scheme
institutional protection scheme
insurance compensation scheme
insurance guarantee scheme
intensive monitoring scheme
InvestEU just transition scheme
investor citizenship scheme
investor compensation scheme
investor residence scheme
IOSS scheme
IP addressing scheme
iteration scheme
youth exchange scheme
youth guarantee scheme
job retention scheme
Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme
just transition scheme under InvestEU
key agreement scheme
Kimberley certification scheme for rough diamonds
Kimberley Process certification scheme
KP certification scheme
linear correlation
logic scheme
margin scheme
margin scheme for travel agents
maritime emission trading scheme
matching offer scheme
modified Watson correlation
multiple correlation
multi-seller securitisation scheme
mutual assistance scheme
national cybersecurity certification scheme
national energy efficiency obligation scheme
national tax incentive scheme
negative correlation
non-linear correlation
non-Union OSS scheme
non-Union scheme
normal value added tax scheme
notice and action scheme
occupational pension scheme
occupational retirement pension scheme
occupational scheme
occupational social security scheme
OECD Scheme for the Varietal Certification of Seed Moving in International Trade
OECD Scheme for the Varietal Certification or the Control of Seed Moving in International Trade
OECD Seed Scheme
on-bill scheme
one-for-one resettlement scheme
one for one scheme
One Stop Shop scheme
on-tax financing scheme
on-tax scheme
OSS scheme
P4P scheme
pay-as-you-go pension scheme
pay-as-you-go scheme
pay-as-you-throw scheme
PAYG scheme
payment card scheme
partial correlation
participating deposit-guarantee scheme
Pearson's coefficient of correlation
pension scheme
performance scheme
person admitted in accordance with a national resettlement scheme
personal pension scheme
pilot scheme
positive correlation, direct correlation
power scheme
preference scheme
priority medicines scheme
private pension scheme
private supplementary sickness insurance scheme
public pension scheme
quality scheme
quota allocation scheme
rank correlation coefficient
regional aid scheme
Regional Innovation Scheme
registered travellers scheme
reinsurance scheme
relocation scheme
renewable energy support scheme
safety certification scheme
safety passport scheme
salary forgone scheme
Save-As-You-Earn scheme
savings scheme
scheme color
scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community
scheme for the climate, the environment and animal welfare
scheme for the climate and the environment
scheme of generalised tariff preferences
scheme of organization
scheme of payment
scheme of social security benefits
school fruit, vegetables and milk scheme
School Fruit Scheme
school milk scheme
school scheme
SCT Inst. Scheme
SCT Scheme
SDD scheme
SEPA Credit Transfer Scheme
SEPA Direct Debit scheme
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer scheme
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst.) Scheme
serial correlation coefficient
share option scheme
short-term work scheme
short time working scheme
short-time work scheme
sickness insurance scheme
single area payment scheme
single farm payment scheme
single payment scheme
Small Business Innovation Research Scheme
small farmers scheme
smart readiness indicator scheme
SME scheme
social assistance scheme
social security scheme
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
special scheme
special scheme for electronically supplied services
special scheme for self-employed persons
special scheme for self-employed workers
special scheme for small enterprises
special scheme for small underreports
special scheme for small undertakings
special scheme for transfers of own goods
special scheme for travel agents
special VAT scheme
standard error of correlation coefficient
state pension scheme
statutory deposit guarantee scheme
statutory pension insurance scheme
statutory pension scheme
supplementary pension scheme
support scheme
support scheme to promote the use of energy from renewable resources
table of correlation
take-back scheme
*tariff scheme
tax incentive scheme
tax on yield of pension scheme assets
tax scheme
third-party verification scheme
three party card scheme
to forge a scheme
to lay down a scheme
town-planning scheme
transfers of own goods scheme
unemployment insurance scheme
Unemployment Reinsurance Scheme
unfunded pension scheme
unified classification scheme for books published in the USSR
Union OSS scheme
Union scheme
utilization scheme
variable correlation
VAT margin scheme
Voluntary Humanitarian Admission Scheme
voluntary humanitarian admission scheme with Turkey
voluntary humanitarian admission scheme with Türkiye
wage subsidy scheme
WiFi4EU scheme
variable correlation
mainīgā korelācija
корреляция переменная
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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