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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*delivery of materials for production
Atrasti 867 termini
10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production
above-plan production
Act in Support of Ammunition Production
Action Plan for the development of EU organic production
Action plan for the development of organic production
Action Plan for the future of Organic Production in the European Union
Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials
Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy
additional payment for delivery
additional payment for economizing on materials
ad materials
advanced materials
advanced materials for industrial leadership
advice of delivery
Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials
agricultural bioenergy production
agricultural means of production
agricultural production
agricultural production policy
*agricultural raw materials
aid delivery
air carrier materials
alcohol production
algae production
alternative agricultural production
American Society for Testing and Materials
American Society for Testing Materials
amorphous materials
ancillary materials
ancillary vaccination materials
animal production
*animal raw materials
annual production rate
*artisan production
assembly line for [the production of] book blocks
assembly line production
auction collateral delivery account
audio interpretive materials (pl) (US)
audiovisual co-production
audio-visual materials stock
audiovisual production
automatical production
automation of production
autonomous delivery robot
auxiliary materials
auxiliary production
baggage delivery area
basic production
bast production
*before-contract delivery
*beginning of output of production
bill of materials
bill of materials explosion
bill of materials item
*binding materials
bituminous materials
book delivery
book production
branch of production
building materials
bunker delivery note
bunker fuel delivery note
capacity delivery
cartographic materials
cash on delivery
cash on delivery aid
cash on delivery outstanding
catalogue of production
cell delivery
centralised production
*centralized delivery
certification of production
chain delivery [device]
chemical pulp production
classification of materials
class materials
closed delivery opener
collection on delivery
collect on delivery
combined electricity/heat production
combined heat and power production
combined production of heat and power
Committee on organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs
commodity production
compensation of means of production
*completeness of production
complex utilization of raw materials
complicated production
composite materials
concentration of production
concentration of raw materials
concept of production improvement
conditions of delivery
confirmation of delivery
conformity of production
conformity to EU-type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing
conformity to type based on internal production control
conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals
conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
construction materials
consumption of materials
consumption of raw materials
content delivery network
continuous delivery
continuous production
*continuous production line
contract for (future) delivery
controlled delivery
control of materials and supplies inventories
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction
conversion to beef production
co-operative production
co-production costs
cost of direct materials
cost of production
country of production
craft production
critical materials
critical raw materials
Critical Raw Materials Club
Critical Raw Materials initiative
Critical Raw Materials Regulation
crop production
cross-border parcel delivery service
*customer's raw materials
*daily production rate
dairy production
*dangerous production
data collection and delivery process
Datagram Delivery Protocol
Data Management, Document Production Unit
date and place of delivery
date of delivery
date of delivery*
default on delivery
defective production
*defects in production process
deferral of delivery of sentence
deferred delivery service
deficit materials
delayed delivery
delay in delivery
delivery (in electronic mail)
delivery address
delivery ahead of schedule
delivery at frontier
delivery by (in) lots
delivery by instalments
delivery board
delivery channel
delivery channel type
delivery confirmation
delivery contract
delivery day
delivery date
delivery device
delivery drum
delivery expenses
delivery ex-refinery
delivery extension
delivery FOB
delivery for repair
delivery free domicile
delivery free-on-board
delivery gap filling mechanism
delivery gap mechanism
delivery gripper
delivery interval
delivery location
delivery means
delivery missile
delivery model
delivery note
delivery notes
delivery notice
delivery notification service
delivery obligations
delivery of a copy against a receipt
delivery of aid
delivery of a judgment
delivery of an order
delivery of cargo
delivery of energy
delivery of finds
delivery of goods
*delivery of goods according to agreement
delivery of humanitarian aid
delivery of materials for production
*delivery of production to consumer
*delivery of standard production
delivery of the judgment
delivery of the shares
delivery of the shot
delivery on call
delivery on commission
Delivery Optimization
delivery option
delivery order
delivery pipe
delivery protocol
delivery pump
delivery quantity
delivery queue
delivery receipt
delivery register
delivery regulator
delivery risk
delivery robot
delivery roller
delivery schedule
delivery sheet
delivery system
delivery status notification
delivery sucker
delivery table
delivery terms
delivery time (date, period)
delivery to the client's address
delivery truck
delivery van
delivery vehicle
delivery versus payment
delivery-versus-payment mechanism
delivery-versus-payment system
delivery within the system
*delivery without order
derived production
*designed materials
deterioration of materials
*determining requirements of materials
digest delivery
direct delivery
direct materials
dispatching of production*
distribution of production
distribution of production forces
*diversified production
Dynamic Delivery
Dynamic Email Delivery
document delivery
document delivery service
document delivery time
domestic production
domestic raw materials
double delivery
economies of materials
economy of scale production
ECOWAS Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons, Their Ammunition and Other Related Materials
eDelivery Access Point
edition: other materials
educational, scientific or cultural materials
electricity production
electric power delivery contract
electronic registered delivery service
element of production
elements of production costs
embryo production team
energy production
enrichment of materials
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
enterprise content delivery network
environmentally friendly film production
equidae for breeding and production
EU Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials
EU delivery scorecard project
EU production
European Convention on Cinematographic Co-production
European Critical Raw Materials Act
European Critical Raw Materials Board
European Guide for Good Hygiene Practices in the production of artisanal cheese and dairy products
European Production Order
European Raw Materials Alliance
European Topic Centre on Waste and Materials in a Green Economy
expansion of production
expenditure of materials
experimental production organization
express delivery
express delivery service
extensive production
extensive production growth
external delivery system
*extra-fund materials
factory production control
factory production schedule*
factor of production
factors of production
fatigue of materials
feed materials
fibrous plant materials
fibrous (raw) materials
film production
final goods production team*
final production
fishery production potential
fixed industrial production assets
fixed production assets
flat sheet delivery
flexible production system
flow-line production
*fodder production
food production
forces of production
Formulation in materials
free delivery
free-rhythm production line
full load of production capacity
full-scale production
*fund materials
fungible materials
furniture production
gas delivery
general price of production
general production reserves
Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction
goods delivery
graphic production
green film production
gross electricity production
gross production
group production
growth production
guiding principles for COI production
handing over of waste materials
hazardous materials
hazardous materials suit
health care delivery system
heat delivery
heat production
heat-resisting materials
*highly specialized production
High mechanical energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles
high production volume
high production volume chemical
hydrogen-based steel production
hydrogen production
hydroponic production
hold-for-delivery service
home-made production
home production
homogeneity of production
homogeneous production
hopper delivery
ICT production environment
identification of materials
implement of production
incomplete delivery
increase in production
increase of production
increasing-returns-to-scale homogeneous production function
individual production
industrial production
*industrial raw materials
industrial scale production
Industrial use of process regulators for polymerisation processes in production of resins, rubbers, polymers
industries with non-stop production
inflammable materials
in-line production
inobservance of delivery time
Instant Printing and Delivery Service
Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements
instrument of production
integrated production
integrated production facility
integrated use of raw materials
integration of production
intensification of production
intensive livestock production
internal production control
internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals
internal production control plus supervised product testing
International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility
*interrupted production line
interruption of production
job-lot production
job-order production
knowledge of materials
*labour input per production unit
lacquer raw materials
large-lot production
large-scale production
last-mile delivery
law of anarchy and competition of production
Leontiev production function
level of production specialisation
*limitation of
delivery of materials for production
limited take-away card for materials
linear homogeneous production function
line production
list of materials
livestock production
location of production
loss of production income
Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles
machine production
*delivery of materials for production
materiālu nodošana ražošanā
отпуск материалов в производство
Materialausgabe für Produktion
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija