Piektdiena, 3. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*deposit acceptance
Atrasti 209 termini
acceptance angle
acceptance certificate
acceptance credit
acceptance criteria
acceptance error
acceptance form of settlement
acceptance of accounts
acceptance of an inheritance
acceptance of deposit
acceptance of documents
acceptance of goods
acceptance of goods declaration
acceptance of incashment documents
acceptance of order
acceptance of the goods declaration
acceptance of the succession
*acceptance of work
acceptance probability, confidence probability
acceptance protocol
acceptance rate of asylum applicants
acceptance rate of refugee claims
acceptance refusal
acceptance report
acceptance sub beneficio inventarii
acceptance test
acceptance testing
acceptance under benefit of inventory
active deposit
act of acceptance
aeolian deposit
Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of industrial products
asylum application acceptance rate
bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework
bank deposit
be open for acceptance by signature
bill of acceptance
biometric false acceptance
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure
build acceptance test
cash deposit
cash on deposit
certificate of deposit
certificates of deposit
*conditioned close deposit
conditioned deposit
conditions of acceptance
consumer acceptance
contractual deposit guarantee scheme
copyright deposit
covered deposit
crisis management and deposit insurance framework
date of acceptance
date of deposit
declaration concerning the acceptance or the waiver of the succession or of a legacy
demand deposit
departmental deposit copy
deposit acceptance
deposit account
deposit agreement
deposit and return system
deposit at short notice
deposit bank
deposit book
deposit broker
deposit cash department
deposit certificate
deposit collection
deposit copy
deposit flight
deposit guarantee
deposit guarantee scheme
Deposit Guarantee Scheme Directive
deposit in escrow
deposit insurance
deposit insurance action
Deposit Insurance Fund
deposit insurance scheme
deposit into an occupation layer
deposit liabilities
deposit library
deposit money
deposit of goods
deposit of import duties and taxes
deposit of waste
deposit on a polluting product
deposit operations
deposit payable to a particular person
*deposit payable to bearer
deposit payout
deposit passbook
deposit protection
deposit rate
deposit receipt
deposit redeemable at notice
deposit refund scheme
deposit refund system
deposit return system
deposit-return system
deposit system
deposit slip
deposit-taking corporation
deposit-taking institution
deposit to cedant
deposit with an agreed maturity
deposit with condition
Directive on Deposit Guarantee Schemes
divorce based on acceptance of the principle of the breakdown of the marriage
documents against acceptance
electoral deposit
eligible deposit
eolian deposit
escheat deposit
ETS AAU deposit account
euro area crisis management and deposit insurance framework
European deposit insurance scheme
factory acceptance testing
false acceptance error
false acceptance rate
fixed deposit
*formal acceptance [on completion of construction]
*free deposit copy
gateway deposit account
groundwater deposit passport
Hague Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs
Hague System for the International Deposit of Industrial Designs
idle deposit
income from deposit
inspection and acceptance
instrument of acceptance
insured deposit
interbank deposit
interest-free deposit
interest on deposit
*leaving of a deposit by will
legal deposit
loan-to-deposit ratio
London Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs
long-term deposit bank*
lottery deposit
*lottery deposit winnings
material acceptance statement*
migrant acceptance rate
mineral deposit
natural gas deposit
negative acceptance
non-interest-bearing deposit
non-maturity deposit
*notice of non-acceptance
obligatory (legal) deposit
operational acceptance testing
*order of non-acceptance
ore deposit
overnight deposit
participating deposit-guarantee scheme
pesticide deposit
physical person deposit
positive acceptance
preliminary acceptance
prior acceptance
*procedure of acceptance
Protocol to the Europe Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products
radioactive deposit
receipt for a deposit
*recovery without acceptance
refusal of acceptance
registered deposit
remainder of deposit*
*reserves of mineral deposit
retail deposit
risk acceptance
savings deposit
scale deposit
sealed deposit
secured arrangements for the deposit of financial instruments
security deposit
sight deposit
signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval
site acceptance testing
software acceptance support
statement of acceptance
statutory deposit guarantee scheme
structured certificate of deposit
structured deposit
subsequent acceptance
target deposit
term deposit
time deposit
to deposit
to deposit estimated duties
to lodge a deposit
to place money on deposit
to refuse acceptance of goods
unavailable deposit
uninsured deposit
user acceptance test
user acceptance testing
vaccination acceptance
vaccine acceptance
warrant on deposit
waste acceptance
waste deposit
waste pre-acceptance
wholesale deposit
wind laid deposit
Working Party on Financial Services (Deposit guarantee schemes)
*deposit acceptance
naudas pieņemšana depozītā
принятие денег в депозит
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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