Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*document specific data area
Atrasti 2574 termini
‘quasi guidance’ document
‘specific’ category
3-D area chart
'a' area
abstract data type
access data
accession document
access to data
access to personal data
Accident/Incident Data Reporting system
accompanying document
account data*
account data
account document*
accounting data*
accounting data
accounting document
accrual based data
Action Plan for a Maritime Strategy in the Atlantic area
Action plan of the Council and the Commission on how best to implement the provisions of the Treaty of Amsterdam on an area of freedom, security and justice
active area
Active Data Object
Active Directory data model
active document
active document window
ActiveX Data Objects
ActiveX Data Objects (Multidimensional)
ActiveX Data Objects MultiDimensional.NET
activity data
actual data
adaptation data
additional data
Additional Data Set
Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, regarding supervisory authorities and transborder data flows
adjacent ecological focus area
administrative data
administrative personal data
advance amendment data
Advanced Data Governance
Advanced Data Residency Plan 1
Advanced Data Residency Plan 2
advance TIR data
African Continental Free Trade Area
African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection
age-disaggregated data
age-specific changes
age-specific mortality
aggregated emissions data at company level
aggregate national data
aggregation of data
Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area
Agreement of the Submitted Data with the Merchandise Actually Imported
Agreement on the Establishment of a European Common Aviation Area
Agreement on the European Economic Area
agricultural area
agricultural area in use
agricultural area used
agricultural area utilized for farming
agricultural area with environmental restrictions
AI, Data and Robotics Partnership
air-derived data
air-ground point-to-point data communication
air traffic data services
Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area
alien's travel document
Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud
alphanumeric data
alteration of data
analytical databank of isotopic data
Analyze Data
analog data
annual data
annular area
anonymised data
anonymized biometric data record
anonymized data
anonymous data
anonymous document
Anti-Access/Area Denial
anticipated data
antithetic data
aperture area
API data
applicant with specific and special needs
application area
application data
application document
application specific integrated circuit
application specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
application-specific requirements
arc of a circle on the edge of the penalty area
area aid
area and animal-related rural development measures
area at water risk
area-based direct payment
area-based intervention
area-based type of intervention
area border router
area calculation
area capacitance
area chart
area closure
area code
area control error
area control service
area determined
area-equivalent diameter
area facing natural and other specific constraints
area facing natural constraints
area facing natural or other specific constraints
area listed in Annex II
area load
area management
area minimum altitude
area monitoring system
area navigation
area of a museum's activity
area of application
area of armed conflict
area of defence
area of distribution
area of exposure
area of fisheries jurisdiction
area of freedom, security and justice
area of free movement
area of high water stress
area of holding
area of information
area of low pest prevalence
area of moments
area of offence, attack zone
area of operation
area of operations
area of population
area of prosperity and good neighbourliness
area of research and technological development
area of responsibility
Area of Special Conservation Interest
area of support
area of taxation
area of use
area of vision
area payment
area penalty
area planted
area planted with vines
area radiator
area record
area-related aid
area-related aid scheme
area-related direct payment
area-related support measure
area relevant to the CFSP
area source
area source radiator
area-specific disadvantage
area to be stocked artificially
area under crown-cover
area under cultivation
area under management
area under the curve
area under vines
area variable photogravure printing
area-wide refuse disposal
area with natural constraints
area without internal frontiers
arranged forest area
Article 29 Data Protection Working Party
artificial area
asynchronous data exchange
assembly area
assisted area
audio-visual document
audiovisual document
audit of computer system data
augmented data
authenticity of a document
automated data processing
automated data quality control mechanism
automatic calling (in a data network)
automatic data processing*
automatic data processing
automatic document feeder
automatized data bank
average FRCE data
average specific CO2 emissions
average specific emissions
average specific emissions of CO2
average specific growth rate
axillary area
Azure Data Catalog
Azure Data Catalog Registration Tool
Azure Data Lake Analytics for Hadoop
Azure Data Lake Storage
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
B2G data sharing
background document
bad risk area
baggage claim area
baggage delivery area
Balanced Data Distributor
bank document*
basal area of a stand
base area
base data type
baseline document
basic data
basic document
bathing area
BAT reference document
Best Available Techniques reference document
big data
Big Data Clusters
big data sandbox
binary data
biodiversity-sensitive area
biographical data
biographic data
biometric data
biometric data record
biometric data sample
biometric data subject
biometric enrolment data record
biometric reference data record
bioretention area
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Area
blocking of data
body area network
body surface area
bonded area
Boot Configuration Data
Boot Configuration Data object
border area
border area*
bound data
brake area
brake-specific fuel consumption
braking area
breakdown area
breeder document
budgetary instrument for convergence and competitiveness for the euro area
Building a European data economy
built-up area
burned area
burned-over area
burnt forest area
business data
business data action
Business Data Connectivity Model Template
Business Data Connectivity service
Business Data Connectivity Service Application
Business Data Connectivity Service Application Proxy
Business Data Connectivity Shared Service
business data processing
business document
business-to-government data sharing
cached data
calendar data
camouflage document
cancelling of a document
capability development document
capability focus area
capture area (of a terrestrial receiving station)
'c' area
Caribbean Area
Caribbean Free Trade Area
carriage document
carrier's communication of passenger data
CASE Data Interchange Format
case involvement data
cash based data
cash [department] document
cataloged data set
catalog merge area
catch-all material balance area
catch area
catchment area
cellular data
Centre of Excellence for Combating Document Fraud
centroid of area
CE synchronous area
challenge area
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit
character data
chart area
chart data region
chemical occurrence data
chemicals data
child-specific form of persecution
chronometer data
circuit breaker position data
citizen of the European Economic Area
Cybersecurity Threats, Risk Monitoring and Reporting Data Protection Compliance Unit
claimed document*
classified data
Class II Security Area
class meta-data
cleared area
clickstream data
clinical data
clocked data
closed area
closure area
Cloud Call Data Connector
cloud data portability
cloud service customer data
cloud service derived data
cloud service provider data
cluster (in distributed data processing)
coal-mining area
code-independent data communication
code-transparent data communication
code transparent data communication
cold area
Collaboration Data Objects
collation area
collect data template
Collect Data Through E-mail
collecting area
collection area
collection of data
collection of economic data
collection of personal data
collections area
collector aperture area
column area
combustible area
commercial document
Commission consultation document
Commission Expert Group on the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage
Commission for Constitutional Affairs, European Governance and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Commission staff working document
Commission working document
Committee for the Farm Accountancy Data Network
common area
Common Aviation Area
Common Data Model
common data platform
common data platform on chemicals
common data representation
common data space
common data space for security and law enforcement
common European agricultural data space
common European agriculture data space
common European data altruism consent form
common European data space
common European data space for cultural heritage
common European data space for public administrations
common European data space for smart and sustainable cities and communities
common European data space for tourism
common European energy data space
common European financial data space
common European Green Deal data space
common European health data space
common European industrial (manufacturing) data space
Common European Language Data Space
common European mobility data space
common European Security data space
common European skills data space
common European tourism data space
common health entry document
common priority control area
Common RSS Data Store
common technical document
common travel area
common veterinary entry document
Community Committee for the Farm Accountancy Data Network
Community data-protection law
company data
company-specific dataset
company-specific process
comparability of data
comparable data
compilation of data
complex data processing
compound document
computation data use
computer center, data processing center
computer data
computerised system for the cross-border electronic exchange of data in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
concept of operations (ConOps) document
conceptual data model
conceptual document
concession document
concise definition of the geographical area
conclusion document
COnference on DAta SYstems Language
confidential data
confidential document
confidentiality of document
confined area
confirming document
confirming document*
connected data source
Connect with a data plan
conserved area
consistency of data
consolidated banking data
biometric data sample
biometric sample
biometrisko datu paraugs
biometrisches Sample
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