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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*double rate tariff
Atrasti 1407 termini
14-day cumulative COVID-19 case notification rate
30-day case fatality rate
30-day mortality rate
5-year survival rate
abolition of double taxation
acceptance rate of asylum applicants
acceptance rate of refugee claims
access rate
accident rate
accrual rate
accumulation rate
activity rate
actual rate of increase
actual transfer rate
additional rate of natural resource tax
administer of tariff quotas
administration of tariff quota
ad valorem tariff
Advance-Purchase Excursion tariff, APEX
after-tax real rate of return
age-standardised death rate
age-standardised mortality rate
agricultural conversion rate
agrimonetary conversion rate
aid rate
air freight rate
all-commodity rate
all-in rate
allocation of tariff quota
amended rate
*annual demographic rate
annual growth rate
annual percentage rate
annual percentage rate (APR)
annual percentage rate of charge
annual production rate
application rate
appropriate rate
Arabian double salto
AROPE rate
arrival rate
asylum application acceptance rate
asylum recognition rate
asymmetrical double-glazed unit
asymmetrical double glazing
at a faster rate
at a reduced rate of duty
At double-arm intervals left (right) dress!
At double arms intervals, dress!
at reduced rate
at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate
at-risk-of-poverty rate
at-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers
attendance rate
autonomous duty rate
autonomous rate of duty
autonomous tariff quota
availability rate
available bit rate
available flow rate
average effective tax rate
average nominal long-term interest rate
average rate
average rate of profit law
average room rate
average specific growth rate
average tax rate
average weighted rate
average weighted rate of VAT
back double flyaway
back double salto (somersault)
background rate
back-up double rear in
back uprise with mixed grip, followed by double rear vault to support rear-ways
backward double salto (somersault)
baggage rate
bank rate
baseline mortality rate
base rate
base-rate fallacy
base rate fallacy
base tariff
basic rate
Basic Rate Interface
basic rate of natural resource tax
basic risk-free interest rate term structure
basic tariff
basis rate swap
battery return rate
beating rate
benchmark rate
bilateral central rate
bilateral double tax convention
binding of tariff reductions
binding tariff
binding tariff information
bit error rate
bit error rate (deprecated)
bit rate
blade double-scraper
blade scraper with a double-sided concavity
blanket rate
bond rate
borrowing rate
bounce rate
bracket rate
braking rate
breakdown rate
bucket tariff
building renovation rate
bulk tariff
burning rate
burn rate
calculation of exchange rate
call completion rate
call failure rate
call-in rate
call rate
call rate for VAT
call-up rate
cargo rate
cargo tariff
carry rate
car tariff
cartwheel double-full off
case weighted average default rate for calibration
catch rate
ceiling rate
central bank policy rate
central intervention rate
central rate
chain of double ringlets
change of tariff heading
change of tax rate*
change of tax rate
child mortality rate
churning rate
churn rate
circulation flow rate
classification rate
clock frequency rate
clock rate
clockwise double leg circle
co-financing rate
collection of loan rate*
combustion rate
commercial rate
commercial rate / corporate rate / company rate
commission rate
Committed Information Rate
common customs tariff
Common Customs Tariff heading number
common flat-rate scheme for farmers
common tariff policy
common tariff rate
*common tariff rate
Community tariff quota
Community tariff quotas
composition in double column
constant bit rate
constant rate
contribution rate
Convention between the Member States of the European Communities on Double Jeopardy
Convention on the Elimination of Double Taxation in connection with the Adjustment of Profits of Associated Enterprises
convergence rate
conversion rate
conversion rate for rice
cooling rate
corner rate
cost-of-capital rate
cost rate table
countercyclical buffer rate
criterion on participation in the Exchange Rate Mechanism of the EMS
critical cooling rate
critical quenching rate
critical shear rate
crystal growth rate
cross-currency interest rate swaps
cross exchange rate
crude fertility rate
cumulative default rate
cure rate
cure rate defaulted assets
Currency Rate Swap
current exchange rate
curvilinear cutting on double trimmer
customs tariff
customs tariff bureau
customs tariff matters
customs tariff nomenclature
customs tariff policy
customs tariff system
custom tariff
cut-rate price
daily demurrage rate
*daily production rate
day rate
day tariff
data signaling rate
data transfer rate
death rate
decay rate
default rate
deformation rate
degradation rate
deposit rate
depreciation rate
depuration rate constant
design flow rate
desulphurisation rate
determination of rate
determination of rate of interest
determination of tariff
differential rate
differential tariff
digital transfer rate
disability rate
discontinue (double dribble)
discounted cash flow rate of return
discount rate
discriminative tariff
disintegration rate
dismissal rate
dissipation rate
dissolution rate
dissolved oxygen uptake rate
distribution tariff
domestic tariff
double, doubling (movement)
double-acting engine
double-acting hammer
double-action press
double angel
double-angle burin
double-angle [milling] cutter
double-angle point grinding
double annealing
double antibody sandwich ELISA
double-arm manipulator
double-arm order (military)
double-arm robot
double arms
double arms circling to the left (right)
double arms left (right)
double-articulated vehicle
double axle
double back cody
double back dismount
double back somersault layout (piked, tucked)
double-ballot voting system
double-base diode
double-base transistor
double-beam oscillograph
double beat handspring
double bed
double bell charging system
double bell system
double belt sander
double-bevel groove weld
double-billed axe
double-bird pendant
double-byte characters
double-byte character set
double byte character set
double block
double-block brake
double bond
double bottom
double bounce
double break disconnector
double-break switch
double bridge
double buffering
double burial
double-burin with end-retouch (middle-burin above, angle-burin beneath)
double-busbar system
double busbar substation
double-busbar substation
double button
double button with a conical head
double button with round ends
double-cage rotor
double channel simplex
double-checking system
double circle formation
double circle on end facing inward
double-circuit fault
double-circuit line
double-circuit semivertical configuration
double-circuit vertical configuration
double class number
double-click speed
double closure
double-clutch transmission
double column page
double-column press
double conductor cable
double contact
double-core cable
double counting
double counting of emissions reductions
double-crank (two-point) press
double criminality
double criminality of the act
double cross-cut circular saw
double cross-rib
double crown
double-cup insulator
double cut
double Czechkehre
Double data type
double-deck vehicle
double deduction
double degree
double delivery
double-delta connection
double density disk
double diode
double-dip recession
double-direction ball thrust bearing
double-disk colter
double dislocation
double distilled water
double-distilled water
double door
double dot
double-double / twin-double
double druse
double duct air conditioner
double earth fault
double-earth short-circuit
double edge
double-edged axe
double-edged bird arrow
double-edged blade
double-edged dagger
double-edged knot
double-edged sword
double elbow horizontal lever
double emulsion
double-ended crow bar
double-ended ga[u]ge
double-ended queue
double-ended substation
double-enf[ed- wrench
double entry
double-entry accounting
double-entry bookkeeping
double entry bookkeeping
double entry book-keeping
double-entry method
double entry system
double-entry visa
double faults
double-feed asynchronous machine
double-feed electric machine
double feeding
double feint (fake)
double file
double financing
double fine[-face]rule
double fixture
double flank vault
double flic-flac
double-flow turbine
double fold
double forme
double former folder
double foul
double-frame hammer
double front
double front round, rear in
double front somersault (front double salto)
double full cody
double full fliffis
double full front
double full in (out)
double German giant
double German reverse straddle
double-glazed unit
double ground fault
double-ground short-circuit
double handel cross cut saw
double (hands, feet)
double handstand pivot backward
double hat
double-head box wrench
double header
double-head wrench
double-hop connection
double immunodiffusion test
double impregnation process
double in
double inking
critical shear rate
kritiskais bīdes ātrums
критическая скорость сдвига
kritische Schergeschwindigkeit
critical shear rate
kritiskais bīdes ātrums
критическая скорость сдвига
kritische Schergeschwindigkeit
Mehānikas terminoloģijas vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 1997
critical shear rate
kritiskais bīdes ātrums
критическая скорость сдвига
kritische Schergeschwindigkeit
Mehānikas terminoloģijas vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 1997
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