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Jūs meklējāt
*execution of work
Atrasti 772 termini
2014 Year of Reconciling Work and Family Life in Europe
ability to work
ability-to-work age
absence from work
*acceptance of work
accepted technique of execution
accident at work
accomplished work-day
actual cost of work performed
actual cost of work performed (ACWP)
actual work
additional payment for night work
additional payment for overtime work
Administrative Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work
Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work
aerial work
agility exercises (agility work)
allocation of work
amount of work
analysis work file
annual work programme
anonymous work
*anticipated execution of a plan
apparatus activities, work (gymnastics)
arbitrary code execution
arbitrary execution
artistic work
assembly line work
assignment to work
assurance work
atypical work
audiovisual work
authorisation to work
automatic work piece change
automatic work piece handling
auxiliary work
backboard work (rebounding)
balanced work
baseline work
basic work
bending stress work
best execution
best-execution process for sales of NPLs
best execution sales process
Better Work Programme
bill for work
black work
blank work
block work
breakeven work
*budgetary cash execution
budgetary execution
budgeted cost of work performed
budgeted cost of work scheduled
budget execution
Building and construction work
bundle of work
cabinet-work waste
capacity for work
careless execution
care work
carpenter’s preparative work
carrying out of work
cash-emission work*
casual work
*change of work quota
changing world of work
cinematographic work
clerical work
club of persons looking for work
*coefficient of eventual work-day charge
cold work
cold-work die steel
cold work hardening
collective work
college work plan
*coming late for work
Commission’s legislative and work programme
Commission Legislative and Work Programme
Commission's annual work programme
Commission Work Programme
Community strategy 2007-2012 on health and safety at work
Community strategy on health and safety at work 2002-2006
community work
complexity of work
composing stick for jobbing work
compressed work schedule
concealed work
concurrent execution
conditions of work
confirmation of work quotas
conformance work
construction and installation work
contractual work breakdown structure
contract work
contract work activity*
contract work breakdown structure (CWBS)
Convention concerning decent work for domestic workers
Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value
Convention concerning Safety in the use of Chemicals at Work
Convention concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990, of the International Labour Organization (Convention No 170)
Convention concerning Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships
Convention concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work
Coordination of Consultative work, Follow-up of opinions, structured dialogue and stakeholder consultation
copyright work
Copy to my work
create work breakdown structure
creative work
crowd work
cutting work
day-wage work
day work
Data Execution Prevention
decent work
Decent Work Agenda
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
deduction for execution faults
deep work
deformation work
Department of Preventive Health Care and Safety at Work
design and exploration work
design work programme
detached youth work
development work[s]
digital youth work
digital work
dignity at work
Dignity at Work Policy
direct and manage project work
Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on work-life balance for parents and carers and repealing Council Directive 2010/18/EU
Directorate B – Legislative Work 1
Directorate B for Legislative Work
Directorate B - Legislative Work
Directorate C – Legislative Work 2
Directorate C for Legislative Work
Directorate C - Legislative Work
Directorate for Legislative Work 1
Directorate for Legislative Work 2
direct piece-work
distribution of work
domestic work
duplication of work
earthing for work
educational work
education based on work*
education work sheet
effective work
elementary work
emergency / rescue work / operations
employment of a foreign national not entitled to work
*entrustment of execution
equal pay for equal work
equal pay for equal work principle
equal pay for work of equal value
equal remuneration for work of equal value
erection work
essentially does not work
ethnographic field work
EU Framework Directive on Safety and Health at Work
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport
European framework agreement on harassment and violence at work
European Framework Directive on Safety and Health at Work
European Youth Work Convention
European platform tackling undeclared work
European Platform to enhance cooperation in tackling undeclared work
European Platform to enhance cooperation in the prevention and deterrence of undeclared work
European Union Work Plan for Youth
European Union Work Plan for Sport
EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2014-2020
EU strategic framework on health and safety at work 2021-2027
EU Work Plan for Culture 2023–2026
EU Work Plan for Youth
EU Work Plan for Sport
evaluation of execution
excellent execution
execution core
execution discipline*
execution duration
execution error
*execution inscription
execution mark (score)
execution monitor
execution of an order
execution of a plan
execution of a sentence
execution of a stunt
execution of contract
execution of orders
execution of sentence
execution of the budget
execution of the general budget
execution of the service
execution of work
Execution Plan pane
execution profile
execution sequence
execution time
execution timestamp
execution trace
execution tree
execution within firm
executive work
exhausting work
expended work
experimental design work*
experimental work
Expert group on youth work for active citizenship, preventing marginalisation and violent radicalisation
Expert group on youth work for active citizenship and the prevention of marginalisation and violent radicalisation
Expert Group on youth work quality systems
exploratory work
external work
extra hour work
extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary execution
extrajudicial execution
extra-legal execution
failure to work
faulty execution
female work
field work
field work (US)
final work*
finished work*
finishing work
first -class execution
fiscal disincentive to work
fitness-for-work age
fit work
flat execution
flexible work
flow of work
fluency in execution
forced execution
form of payment for work
form work
Framework agreement on harassment and violence at work
full-shift time-work
gender-based harassment at work
gig work
gymnastic agility work
good work
Governing Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
grounding for work
ground work
group [work] order
Group Work Site
handicraft work
hand work
harassment at work
hard work
harmful work
hazardous work
health and safety at work
health and social work
highly paid work
High mechanical energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles
hybrid work
home-based work
home-to-work traffic
home to work travel
home work
hot-work die steel
household with low work intensity
household with very low work intensity
humanisation of work
ICT-based mobile work
ideal execution (performance)
ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work
ILO Convention (No. 180) concerning Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships
ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
ILO Manual on the Measurement of Volunteer Work
immediate execution
immunity from execution
inability to work
incapability to work
incapacity for work
independent work of creation
indirect piece-work
indirect piece work payment system
individual piece-work
inferior work
informal work
infrastructure work
inlaid work
inspection of construction work
installation work
intellectual work
interim filing of work pieces
intermittent work
International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 180 concerning Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships
interruption of work
interrupt the execution
intersessional BTWC work programme
introducing part of the work out
investigative field work
invisible work
involuntary part-time work
in-work at-risk-of poverty rate
in-work benefits
in-work poverty
youth work
youth work quality system
Japanese school of execution
job work
joiner’s work
joint work
journey to and from work
kind of work
labour-intensive work
law of distribution according to work done
leave for creative work
lightness in execution
limited properties of work centers
line item workflow work item
*list of work
literary and artistic work
loaded-machine work*
low work intensity household
machine work*
main conditions of technique element execution
maintenance (work)
making work pay
Management Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
managerial work
manner of execution
manual work
manual work place
Marketing Event Planning and Execution
mask work
maximum work output
mechanical work
mental work
method of execution
method of work
methodology of work evaluation and employee qualification assessment
My work
mobile elevated work platform
mobile elevating work platform
monotonous work
museum work experience (US)
musical work
National Execution Measures database
neat execution
new forms of work
new forms of work organisation
night work
nonconformance work
non-shift work
non-transport work
*number of workers reported for work
office work
Off Work
on-call work
on-demand work
one-pommel work
one-sided work
online platform work
on-location platform work
operational work
organisation of work
original work
original work of art
orphan work
osier barking work
Other hot work operations with metals
out-of-commerce work
out-of-work benefit
outreach work
overtime work
overtime (work)
payment of night work
parallel execution
parquetry work machine
participation in work
partner-balancing work
part-shift time-work*
part-time work
part-time work for older employees
paste board work
pattern of execution
pattern of work
pensioner able to work
percent work complete
perfect execution
permanent work disability
permission to work
person performing platform work
person seeking work
persons in work
physical work
photographic work
neat execution
tīrs (bez kļūdām) izpildījums
чистое, безошибочное исполнение
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