Sestdiena, 18. janvāris
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*extract from the account
Atrasti 886 termini
2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice Guidelines Arising from the Kyoto Protocol
absence from work
access account
account alias
account authority
account balance
account bill
account book
account breach
*account calculation
account card
account certification
account certification service
account code segment
account consignor
*account credit
account current
account data*
account data
account debit
account discipline*
account document*
account domain
account entry
account expiration
*account for decentralized downputs
account forest
account for own resources
account harvesting
account holder
account information
account information service
account information service provider
account linking
account lockout
account manager
account money
account number
account number portability
account of extraordinary charges
account of extraordinary expenses
account of extraordinary income
account of preceding financial year relating to implementation of budget
account payment
account picture
account policy
account protection
account provider
account reconciliation
account record
account rule
account service
account servicing payment service provider
account set
account statement
account structure
account takeover
account turnover*
acquisitions of non-financial assets account
active account
active contrary account
Active Directory account
active-inactive account
ad account
additive contra account
Ad Hoc Expert Group on the transition from institutional to community-based care
admin account
administrator account
ads account
advance in current account
advance on account of wages
advance on current account
advertising account
Agreement between the European Union and the Principality of Andorra on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement between the European Union and the Principality of Liechtenstein on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of San Marino on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community
air cargo or mail carrier operating into the Union from a third country airport
aircraft operator holding account
alcoholic extract
alert on missing persons or vulnerable persons who need to be prevented from travelling
allocated gold account
allocation of primary income account
allowance account
analytical account
anastylosis (reconstruction of monument from broken parts US)
angle-burin gouged from a blade
annual account
anonymous account
ansver account
application for immunity from fines
*appropriation account
approval of account
aqueous extract
arithmetical average deviation from the mean line Ra
auction collateral delivery account
automatic transfer service account
back drop from front drop
back handspring from knees (Morava)
back hip circle from long swing
back hip circle from long swing (bar)
backward scissors from feint
balance account
balance of account
balance of payments on current account
balance on current account
balance sheet account
ball enters the basket from below
ball out forward somersault from the back
bank account
bank-account penetration
bank account register
bank account registers interconnection system
bank account registers single access point
basic account
basket shoot to handstand from forward swing in support
basket to forward swing in hang, from cross stand
basket to forward swing in hang, from forward swing in support
basket to forward swing in upperarm hang, from cross stand
basket to handstand from cross stand
basket to L-support from cross stand
basket to straddled L-support from forward swing in support
basket to support from cross stand
basket to support from forward swing in support
basket to upperarm support from forward swing in support
beef extract-glucose-peptone-serum
beef extract-glucose-peptone-serum medium
being prevented from acting
below-line account
beneficiary correspondent account
benefit from
bilateral account
billing account
by way of derogation from
blocked account
bridging account
budget account
built-in administrator account
business account
cakes from sesame
calculation account
calculation of efficiency from summation of losses
calculation of efficiency from total loss
Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies
camphor white essential oil from Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl.
camphor white oil from Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl
capital account
capital gains from the sale of real estate
capital gains from the sale of shares
carbon neutral growth from 2020
cash flows from the underlying pool
cast back, cast (from support)
cast from front support (backward into a hang)
cast from high bar to long hang
cast front salto from high bar over low bar
cast to hang from support
certificate from the bank regarding financial situation
change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers account
cheking account
cheque from a limited cheque book
cheque from an unlimited cheque book*
chequered account
*chequered account
chicken flock free from specified pathogens
child account
chips from lop
clearance from bonded warehouse
clearing account
closing of account
closing of bank account
coaching from the touchlines
cody, backward somersault from the front
collation account
commercial processing for foreign account
Commission notice on immunity from fines and reduction of fines in cartel cases
Committee for the adaptation to scientific and technical progress and implementation of the directive on protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources
Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
Common standard on reporting and due diligence for financial account information
communication from the Commission
Communication from the Commission - Energy for the future: Renewable sources of energy - White Paper for a Community strategy and action plan
Community system for the rapid exchange of information on dangers arising from the use of consumer products
Community system of reliefs from customs duty
complex cost account
computer account
concentrative-distributive account
conclude from
confiscation from a third party
consolidated account
consolidation account
content access account
contra account
control account
Convention for the Dispensation from the Requirement of Legalisation of Certain Documents
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-Based Sources
Convention on Civil Liability for Damage Resulting from Activities Dangerous to the Environment
Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime
Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism
Convention on the issue of multilingual and coded extracts from civil-status records and multilingual and coded civil-status certificates
correspondent account
crawling account
*credit of a special account
crypto-asset account
current account
current account advance
current account balance
current account credit
current account deficit
current account held with the Office
current account of the balance of payments
current account surplus
customer account statement
day absent from port
date from
date of account*
date of withdrawal from the EU
dealing on own account
debarment from succession
debarred from succession
deduction from own funds
deduction from the basic taxable income
deduction from wages
deductions from profit
deductions from wages
defend from
deferment account
definitive uniform arrangements for the collection of own resources accruing from value added tax
departure from the norm
departure from the territory
departure from value
deposit account
derogation from EU law
descent from support to hang
destination company account
detail register account
deter from
deviation from regression
deviation from regulations
deviation from [true] longitudinal section profile
dial-up account
differentiating infected from vaccinated animals vaccination
digital euro payment account
Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market
Directive 2014/92/EU on the comparability of fees related to payment accounts, payment account switching and access to payment accounts with basic features
Directive concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources
Directive (EU) 2015/2193 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from medium combustion plants
Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
Directive on the Promotion of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in the Internal Electricity Market
Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
disbursement account
dismissal [from office]
disqualification from driving
distance from cloud minima
distance sales of goods imported from third territories or third countries
distribution tax recapture account
double rear from end of horse to the pommels
double rear from pommels to end of horse
double rear in from stand
double rear out from feint
doubtful account
downput to account
early leaver from education and training
early leaving from education and training
eggs from caged hens
electricity from cogeneration
electricity from renewable energy sources
electricity from renewable sources
element isolated from the human body
email account
e-money account
end user exempt from excise duty
energy from low-carbon sources
energy from renewable sources
energy from sea currents
entering in account
Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources
Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources platform
Epidemics Intelligence from Open Sources Platform
EPSO account
escrow account
ESD Compliance Account
ether extract
ETS AAU deposit account
ETS central clearing account
EU Allocation Account
EU Auction Account
EU Aviation Allocation Account
EU Aviation Auction Account
EU Aviation Total Quantity Account
EU Regulated Entity Auction Account
EU Regulated Entity Total Quantity Account
European account preservation order
European Agreement for the Prevention of Broadcasts transmitted from Stations outside National Territories
European Association of Elected Representatives from Mountain Areas
European expert group on the transition from institutional to community-based care
European Unit of Account
EU Total Quantity Account
even passage from the socket to the blade
Events from Email
exclude from participation in the finals
exclude from the proceedings
exclusion from an international organisation
exclusion from public-sector employment
exclusion from refugee status
exclusion from subsidiary protection
exclusion from treatment (EU)
exempt a witness from taking the oath
exempt (from)
exempt from expropriation
exempt from levies
exempt from requisition
exempt from tax
exempt from the competition
exempt from VAT
exemption from customs duties
exemption from customs duty
exemption from duties
exemption from excise duty
exemption from impediment to marriage
exemption from levies
exemption from local taxes
exemption from restrictive-practice authorisation
exemption from tax
exemption from tax liability
exemption from the obligation to present goods
exemption from turnover tax and excise duty on imports in international travel
exemption from value added tax
exemption from VAT
exit age from the labour force
exit from the territory
expulsion from housing
extension on account of distance
external account
external trading platform account
external transactions account
extra-balance account
extract content of bark
extract from account
extract from a protocol
extract from the account
*extract from the document
extract from the minutes
extract from the register
extraction from account
extract of account
extract of cannabis
fail from the spot
fake account
falling (fall down) from the apparatus (falling of)
fall over forward to rearward swing in hang and Stemme to support from handstand
fall over forward to rearward swing in hang from handstand
fax account
fiduciary account
final account
financial account
Financial Account Identifier
first hand account
flic-flac to hang on HB from a brief squat stand on HB
“flight from money”
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
fraud in respect of revenue not arising from VAT own resources
fraud in respect of revenue other than revenue arising from VAT own resources
freedom from disease
freedom from risk
free from carbon dioxide
free from disease
free hip circle from long swing
free pointed angle support, from stoop through
from above (over, behind) head
from abroad
from chest height
from close point (blank range)
from farm to fork
from farm to table
from handstand slow -lowering to L cross
from (on) place
from plough to plate
from SA USL
from stable to table
from stand
from the centre line
from underneath (throw)
front vault half turn from handstand
fully qualified account number
functional account
gain and loss account
gateway deposit account
Gathering Energy and Digital Innovators from across the EU
generation of income account
generic account
generic user account
giving evidence from a distance
global account
Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack
account balance
konta bilance
остаток на счете
An amount that is the difference between the sum of debit entries and the sum of credit entries entered into an account during a financial period.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
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