Otrdiena, 7. janvāris
Šī ir funkcionējoša termini.lza.lv versija. Apmeklējiet arī
Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
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Vēlaties portāla jaunumus
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Norādiet savu adresi:
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Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*facultative elements of description
Atrasti 125 termini
*abbreviations in bibliographical description
actual costs according to elements of expenses
analytical description
architecture description (AD)
audio description
basic elements
bibliographical description
bibliographic description
brief description
brief general description of the use
building elements
characteristic description
*classification of elements of expenses
commercial description
concept description
constituent elements of a crime
constituent elements of a criminal offence
constituent elements of an offence
constituent elements of criminal act
content description
cost analysis requirements description
crop description
data description
data description language
data elements
deduction for omission of O-elements
deduction for omission of R-elements
deduction for omission of V-elements
description explaining the representation or the specimen
description of a monument
description of an object
description of artefacts
description of discoveries
description of finds
description of goods
description of the invention
description space
description standard
description unit
design description
detailed description of products
detailed design description
diagrammatical description
discriminant description
document description
elements executed in series
elements executed on both bars
elements of description
elements of entry
elements of production costs
elements of taxation
elements of the application
Essential Elements of European Escort
extended audio description
facultative elements of description
*facultative elements of entry
facultative mixity
facultative parthenogenesis
file description
finds description
Formal Description Technique
full description
*general methods of bibliographical description
grouping of costs according to elements*
hardware description
Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
iconographic description
Institute for Transuranium Elements
International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System
International standard bibliographic description
International standard for archival description
invention description
job description
masking out of data elements
*methods of bibliographical description
multilevel description
Multimedia Content Description Interface
*multitude of elements
name and description of debtor
network elements and components
*obligatory elements of description
*obligatory elements of entry
original materials for description
page description language
*particular methods of bibliographical description
physical description
physical description area
price elements
printing elements
problem description
product with digital elements
quantity elements
rapid response elements
rare earth elements
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on horizontal cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020
robot final control elements
robot task description
RR elements
sales description
sector-specific worker exposure description
selected elements
system description
spatial design elements
Specification and Description Language
structural description
suplementary description
surname, forenames, description and address of the witness
tariff description
to assess goods on the basis of their own tariff description
to give a general description on articles
to present a detailed description of goods
trade description
transposable elements
*united rules of bibliographical description
unit of description
Universal Description
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
Web Application Description Language
Web Part description file
Web Service Description Language Schema
Web Services Description Language
work description
elements of description
elements of entry
data elements
apraksta elementi
елементы описания
Elemente der Beschreibung
Elemente der Titelaufnahme
Bibliogrāfiskā apraksta sastāvdaļas, kas katra atsevišķi noteiktā aspektā raksturo apraksta objektu. Izšķir obligātos un fakultatīvos A.e.
Bibliotēku fondi un katalogi. Terminoloģiska vārdnīca — R., LNB, 1993
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija