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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*flow step
Atrasti 628 termini
24-hour flow-proportional composite sample
action step
active power flow analysis
air flow
airflow management
air-flow sensor
air traffic flow and capacity management
air traffic flow management
alternate flow
Alternating Flow
annular flow
app step
Arabian somersault step-out
arithmetic overflow
(arithmetic) overflow
(arithmetic) underflow
attribute flow
automated flow
available flow rate
axial-flow blower
axial[-flow] blower
axial-flow compressor
axial[-flow] fan
axial flow in annulus
axial-flow pump
axial-flow turbine
back flow
back-flow check valve
balanced flow
balance step
base flow
basic flow
bidirectional flow
block step
bookbinding flow line
bounding step
bounding step (landing)
buffer overflow
business process flow
capital flow
capital outflow
cargo flow
cash flow
cash flow facility
cash flow forecast
cash flow hedge
cash flow ratio
cash(flow) situation
cash in-flow
cash inflow
cash out-flow
cavity flow
cessation of steady shear flow
channel flow
child workflow
circulation flow
circulation flow rate
cocurrent flow
collection overflow
commodity flow
complex flow
cone and plate flow
constant-volume flow
contingent cash flow
continuous flow
control flow
control flow analysis
control flow diagram
control flow graph
control flow sub-path
control flow testing
control-flow trace
control-of-flow language
convective flow
convective self-flow
Couette flow
countercurrent flow
counter-current flow
counterflow dryer for chips
credit flow
credit quality step
creeping (very slow) flow
critical flow venturi
cross-border data flow
cross-border electricity flow
cross-border flow
cross-border flow of personal data
crossed step
cross-flow fan
cross flow fan
cross-flow heat exchanger
cross-frontier data flow
crossover step
cumulative flow diagram
current step
dance step
data flow
data flow activities
data flow analysis
data flow component
data flow coverage
dataflow diagram
data flow diagram
data flow engine
data flow graph
dataflow graph
dataflow machine
data flow task
data flow testing
data-flow trace
Data Free Flow with Trust
data step
deal flow
declarative workflow
dependent workflow
design flow rate
developed flow
differential cash flow
dimensionless flow function
direct elementary flow
direct investment flow
direct investment inflow
direction of flow
discontinuous flow
discounted cash flow
discounted cash flow yield
discounted cash flow method
discounted cash flow model
discounted cash flow rate of return
dissipative flow
double-flow turbine
ecological flow
economy-wide material flow accounts
eddy flow
eddying flow
electrically induced vortical flow
electricity flow
elementary flow
energy flow
engine intake air flow
entry step
environmental flow
excess flow limiting device
excess flow valve
exhaust mass flow rate
extensional flow
external flow
FDI flow
FDI inflow
feeder flow
five-step waste hierarchy
flat flow rate
flow around bodies
flow based approach
flow-based calculation
flow-based capacity calculation methodology
flow based parameters
flow birefringence
flow box
flow chart
flow chip
flow cytometer
flow condition
flow control
flow control system
flow deflector
Flow designer
flow diagram
flow-down crystal aggregate
flow energy
flow equation
flow-forming machine
flow function
flow gauge
flow governor
flow in screw extruder
flow law
flow limit
flow-line production
flow manufacturing
flow measurement
flow meter
flow nozzle
flow nozzle meter
flow of data
flow of goods
flow of imports
flow of payments
flow of revenue
flow of the match
flow of trade
flow of work
flow parameter
flow pattern
flow-proportional composite sample
flow-proportional sample
flow rate
flow-ratio control
flow regulator
flow resistivity
flow rhythm
flow run
flow scale
flow sensor
flow sheet
flow stall[ing]
flow strusture
flow-through diffusion cell
flow-through entity
flow-through fish test
flow-through system
flow-through test
flow time
flow ultrasonic emulsifier
flow valve
flow velocity
flow-weighted average
flow-weighted average concentration
flow-weighted mean concentration
fluid flow
fluid-flow analogy
fluid flow rate
foreign direct investment flow
foreign direct investment inflow
four-step rule
Francis [radial-flow] reaction turbine
free flow
free flow of non-personal data
free flow of personal data
front handspring step-out
front salto step-out
front step-out
fulfilment cash flow
full-flow dilution system
gallop step (walk)
GAR KPI flow
gas flow
gas flow change
gliding (chasse) step
gliding step
gravity-flow irrigation system
groundwater flow
group flow
handspring step out
heat flow
heat flow control layer
heat flow meter
heat flow rate
Hele-Shaw flow
helical flow
Hencky flow condition
high flow nasal cannula
high-pressure pneumatic (flow-metering) ga[u]ge
high-privilege workflow
hydraulic back-flow check valve
homogeneous simple shear flow
hop jump (feet bounce, skip step)
hop-step-jump (old)
hurdle step
illegal migration flow
immigration flow
incoming cash flow
incompressible fluid flow
inflow of liquidity
inflow velocity
*in-out flow
*in-out flow of heat
*in-out flow of radiation
instant flow
intake air flow
inventive step
irregular migration flow
irregular secondary flow
irrotational flow
iteration step
jet flow
job step
jumping step, stride leap
kanban flow
labour-mobility flow
laminar flow
laminar flow element
laminar-flow facility
laminar flow meter
large price step
lateral flow device
line item workflow
line item workflow work item
liquidity flow
liquidity inflow
load flow
load flow calculation
long step
long step right forward
long-term flow
loop flow
mail flow
mail flow rule
marching step
mass flow
mass flow meter
mass flow-meter
mass flow rate
maximum flow rate
maximum rated step voltage
message flow
migration flow
migratory flow
minimum flow
mixed-flow turbine
move-step width
*multi-rhythm flow
nearlly viscometric flow
net budgetary inflow
net liquidity outflow
nomination flow rate
non-elementary flow
nonstationary flow
nonsteady flow
object flow
object flow state
OBO flow
oil outflow
On-Behalf-Of flow
on-demand workflow
one-step real-time RT-PCR
operating cash flow ratio
operational workflow
oscillatory flow meter
outflow of capital
outflow of gold
outflow of money
outflow of population
outflow velocity
out-of-step operation
out-of-step protection
overdrive (step-up) transmission
overflow dam
overflow exception
overflow of population
overflow pipe
overflow room
overflow stock
overflow tank
overflow text
overflow vessel
overland flow
parallel-flow condenser
parallel-flow superheater
partial-flow-dilution system
particle number sample flow
passenger flow
PDF Reflow
penultimate step
physical electricity flow
physical flow
physical power flow
pike front salto step-out
Pitot-based flow device
plane layer flow
plane-parallel flow
plug flow
Poiseuille flow
Poisseuille flow
post-operational workflow
potential flow
power flow
power flow capabilities
preparatory step
pressure-flow rate relation
procedural step
process flow
production flow
production flow model
production step
pulsatic (pulsating) tube flow
queue workflow work item
radial flow between parallel disks
radial-flow hydraulic turbine
radial-flow turbine
radial-flow water wheel
rated step voltage
bounding step
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