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EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*formal acceptance [on completion of construction]
Atrasti 298 termini
acceptance angle
acceptance certificate
acceptance credit
acceptance criteria
acceptance error
acceptance form of settlement
acceptance of accounts
acceptance of an inheritance
acceptance of deposit
acceptance of documents
acceptance of goods
acceptance of goods declaration
acceptance of incashment documents
acceptance of order
acceptance of the goods declaration
acceptance of the succession
*acceptance of work
acceptance probability, confidence probability
acceptance protocol
acceptance rate of asylum applicants
acceptance rate of refugee claims
acceptance refusal
acceptance report
acceptance sub beneficio inventarii
acceptance test
acceptance testing
acceptance under benefit of inventory
act of acceptance
additional letter of formal notice
Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of industrial products
asylum application acceptance rate
auto completion
basic construction
be open for acceptance by signature
bill of acceptance
biometric false acceptance
block construction
breadboard construction
budget at completion
build acceptance test
Building and construction work
buildings and construction
built-up construction
call completion rate
capital construction
capital construction department
cellular construction
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
completed construction
completion code
completion criteria
completion of archives
completion of calls to busy subscriber
completion of the customs formalities
completion of the evaluation
completion of the internal market
completion of the measures of inquiry
completion time theorem
conditions of acceptance
conformal map[ping]
construction and demolition waste
construction and installation work
construction area*
construction base*
*construction by contract
*construction board
construction complex
construction contract
construction cost
construction costs
*construction design[ing]
construction economics*
construction economy
construction equipment
construction estimate documentation
*construction line
construction machinery
construction materials
construction object
construction of a rampart
construction of road
construction operations
construction organization
*construction organization plan
construction plan
construction policy
construction product
Construction Products Regulation
construction project
construction projects
construction services contract
construction site
*construction site certificate
*construction site line
construction-site vehicle
construction team*
construction timber
construction time
construction vehicle
construction waste
construction worker
construction works
consumer acceptance
contract construction
*contract of construction
cooperative construction
cost[s] of construction
crossed log construction
date of acceptance
date of completion
dative absolute construction
decision to initiate the formal investigation procedure
declaration concerning the acceptance or the waiver of the succession or of a legacy
*deposit acceptance
design construction
diploma certifying successful completion of higher or university education
divorce based on acceptance of the principle of the breakdown of the marriage
documents against acceptance
dust-tight construction
estimate at completion
EU Construction & Demolition Waste Management Protocol
EU Informal Task Force on Women, Peace and Security
European Inventory of validation of non-formal and informal learning
European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning
evidence of formal qualifications
explosion-proof construction
factory acceptance testing
false acceptance error
false acceptance rate
*financial construction plan
fire resistance of construction
formal acceptance [on completion of construction]
formal answer
formal arrangement
formal care
formal carer
formal childcare
formal classifying
formal coverage
Formal Description Technique
formal education
formal error
*formal featuring
formal financial sector
formal gender equality
formal grammar
formal group
formal inadmissibility of the application
formal language
formal language theory
formal learning
formal logic
formal long-term care
formal nominee arrangement
formal notice
formal parameter
formal parameter mode
formal relation
formal requirement
formal requisites of marriage
formal review
formal specification
formal specification (in computer programming)
formal style
formal stock exchange
*formal subject analysis
formal transformation model
formal validity
formal variant of a word*
fortification construction
general construction characteristics of the vehicle
*general construction plan
glued construction
grave with an underground stone construction
guarded construction
high-load construction species
hollow-core-construction door
hook-jointed construction
housing construction
informal alternative remittance systems
informal ARS
informal breakfast
informal breakfast meeting
informal care
informal caregiver
informal carer
informal consolidation
informal economy
informal education
informal group of young people
informal investor
informal learning
informal ministerial meeting
informal network for countering environmental crime
informal organisation
informal payment
informal review
informal sport
informal value transfer services
informal work
informal working breakfast
informal written procedure
inspection and acceptance
inspection of construction work
instrument of acceptance
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
laid up construction
land acquisition, development and construction exposure
large-scale construction
leakproof construction
leaktight construction
letter of formal notice
linear construction*
line construction*
Luxembourg and Strasbourg Major Construction Projects Unit
major construction department
management of construction
material acceptance statement*
migrant acceptance rate
mine, dump and construction sites
mobile construction site
modular construction
mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications
negative acceptance
noncontracted construction
non-formal education
non-formal learning
*notice of non-acceptance
object of construction
open construction
operational acceptance testing
*order of non-acceptance
positive acceptance
prefabricated construction
preliminary acceptance
*pre-term completion of work
prior acceptance
*procedure of acceptance
Protocol to the Europe Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products
purposive construction
*recovery without acceptance
*reduction of construction period
refusal of acceptance
Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products
Regulation laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Regulation (EU) 305/2011
*repair and construction trust
residential construction
risk acceptance
road construction
road construction and repair company
robot construction
roof construction
rural construction*
schedule of completion*
seasonal construction
signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval
site acceptance testing
slab construction*
software acceptance support
software construction
standardized construction
Standing Committee on approximation of the laws relating to construction products
Standing Committee on Construction
Standing Committee on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to construction products
statement of acceptance
strict construction
Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction
subsequent acceptance
temporary or mobile construction site
to refuse acceptance of goods
to tender for construction
Treaty concerning the construction and operation by private concessionaries of a channel fixed link
triangular construction
tropicalized construction
unit construction*
urban construction
user acceptance test
user acceptance testing
vaccination acceptance
vaccine acceptance
validation of non-formal and informal learning
variance at completion
wall construction
waste acceptance
waste pre-acceptance
watertight construction
welded construction
wooden construction
wood for construction
worker with less formal education
Working Party on Technical Harmonisation (Construction Products)
acceptance certificate
acceptance report
pieņemšanas un nodošanas akts
(preču) nodošanas un pieņemšanas akts
acceptance certificate
acceptance report
pieņemšanas un nodošanas akts
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
acceptance report
(preču) nodošanas un pieņemšanas akts
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
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