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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
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*full classification number
Atrasti 897 termini
abbreviated number
ABC classification
ABC code for carrying cost classification
absolute number
accesion number (US)
accession number
access number
accounting event liquidity classification
account number
account number portability
acid number
acquisition number
Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs
air classification
aircraft classification number
all-around ranking (all-round classification)
alphabetical classification number
alphanumeric classification number
american plan / full board
analytico-synthetic classification
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system
announce the vault number (to)
announcing vault number
*annual average number of workers
apparatus classification
application in full
application number
approximate number
Article 133 Committee (Full Members)
artificial classification
asset number
attain full requirement of content for difficulty
authorization number
author number
automatic FRR full activation time
automatic number identification
automatic number plate recognition
automatic number plate recognition system
auxiliary classification
auxiliary number
*average number listed
average number of listed employees
*average number of listed workers
AWaRe classification
back drop, full twist to feet
back flip full twist (US)
back-in full out
backward (back) somersault with full twist, back full
backward fly-away with full turn
Baer classification
bank classification
bank giro number
bank transit number
banquet with full waiter service
barking in full
base number
basic number of chromosomes
batch number
bibliographic classification
bibliothecal-bibliographical classification
*bibliothecal-bibliographical classification systems
*bibliothecal classification schedules for public libraries
bifurcate classification
billing classification
billing telephone number
binary classification
binary number
binary number system
Bjoerkman number
bliss classification
body in full extension
book classification
book-trade classification
Brinell hardness number
Brinell number
British Board of Film Classification
broad classification
Brunet classification
budgetary classification
budget classification
*budget classification chapter
budget revenue classification
build number
buy full game
business classification
calculation pass number
calling number
calling number identification presentation
calling number identification restriction
call number
cancellation number
cartwheel double-full off
case classification
case number
CAS Number
CAS Registry Number
catalog classification number
catalog class number
category of classification
Central Product Classification
cetane number
"CFR" identification number
CFR number
change in classification
changes in classification of assets and liabilities
changes in sector classification and structure
channel number
chassis number
check number
Chemical Abstracts Service index number
Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
child of full age
CIPAC number
Classification, Labelling and Packaging
classification and labelling
classification and labelling inventory
classification and typology of the resorts
classification axis
classification by hazard
classification by trichotomy
classification code
classification for defence reasons
classification level
classification list
classification marking
classification (norm)
classification number
classification of accounts
classification of balancing items
classification of crimes
classification of economic assets
*classification of elements of expenses
classification of excursions
classification of financial assets and liabilities
classification of financial transactions
classification of goods
Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose
Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose
classification of industries
classification of information
classification of institutional sectors
classification of inventions
classification of material consumption norms
classification of materials
classification of museum objects
classification of museums
classification of offences
classification of products by activity
classification of teams
classification of technique
classification of the functions of government
classification of types
classification of tourism accommodation
classification of transactions and other flows
classification opinion
classification rate
classification schedule
classification scheme
classification scheme (GB)
classification system
classification system (US)
classification slip
classification society
classification subdivision*
classification table
classification tree
classification tree method
class number
class number, class mark
class number structure
close classification
code number
Colon classification
column number
combinated classification
combination of number
combined number
commodity classification
commodity number
common classification of territorial units for statistics
Common Customs Tariff heading number
common European risk classification scheme
common fleet register number
common number
complex number
complex number modulus
composition in full breadth lines
composition to full measure
compound number
computer serial number
condition number
conformity based on full quality assurance
conformity based on full quality assurance plus design examination
conjunct classification
connected number
connected number identification presentation
connected number identification restriction
consecutive number
conventional number
Cooperative Patent Classification
coordination number
criminal case number
cross classification
cusip number
customer identification number
Cutter number
data classification
data classification system
decimal classification
decimal number
declaration No. (number)
deep knee-bend, full (low) squat position
designate (to) offender (number)
development code number
Dewey decimal classification
diagram number
dial-in number
dial in number
dichotomized classification
diploid chromosome number
diploid number
Direct Dial number
disjunct classification
double class number
double full cody
double full fliffis
double full front
double full in (out)
double somersault with full twist (double full)
drugs classification
early full fliffis
EC number
Economic Operators Registration and Identification number
effective number of bits
EINECS number
ELINCS number
Emergency Location Identification Number
employer identification number
english / full breakfast
ENI number
enumerative classification
enumerative classification system
EORI number
error number
error state number
ESCO classification
EU Fleet Register number
European article number
European Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Inventions
European Interest Representation Number
European Social Security Number
European Technical and Scientific Centre for the analysis and classification of counterfeit euro coins
European vehicle number
European Vessel Identification Number
Europe-wide emergency call number
even number
evolutionary classification
exact classification
exchange full powers
excise number
expansive classification
extension of classification
external identification number
external network number
F2 octane number
faceted classification
faceted classification system
*facet method of classification
fatigue strength at specified number of cycles
FCR full activation frequency deviation
FCR full activation time
federal tax identification number
feet bounce with full twist
file of classification decisions
fish full life cycle test
Fixed Dialing Number
font number
formulation number
forward scissors with full turn
fractional number
free hip circle backward and hecht dismount with full turn
free hip circle rearways forward with full turn swing backward in hang
freight classification
front off with full twist
front somersault with full turn (front full)
Froude number
full access
full activation mode
full activation time
full adoption
full age
full and a half (salto)
full and inclusive application
full annealing
full aperture
full application
full auctioning
full backup
full barrier
full beam
full-beam headlamp
full binding
full board
full-body suit
full (capital) title
full cardboard binding
full carrier
full carrier (adj.)
full carrier single-sideband emission
full cycling
full classification number
full command
full community property system
full contour marking
full cost
full costs
full court
full-court defence
full-court man-to-man pressing defence
full-court press
full crawl
full-cream milk
full day idle time*
*full-day losses
full description
full differential backup
full dimension
full disclosure
full disk encryption
full distance protection
full division
full dose-response curve
full duplex
full-duplex transmission
full-duty import licence
full employment
full examination
full excitation
full file replacement
full-fledged screening mechanism
full-fledged treebank
full flight simulator
full-flow dilution system
full free standing exercises
full gainer
full grade
full harmonisation
Full HD
full hour
full house
full import
full in, pike-out double back somersault
full in back out
full in double dismount
full information
full installation
full insurance period
full insurance phase
full insurance scheme
full insurance stage
full internal model
fully qualified account number
full language cover
full language coverage
full language regime
full license
full lighting impulse
full line
full litter system
full load
full load hour
full load of production capacity
full logging
full mass
full member
full mode
full motion video adapter
full name
full okoumé plywood
full operating capability
full operating system license
full operational capability
full out
full outer
full outer join
full packaged product
full page
full paper
full path
full-pitch winding
full post-editing
full power conversion
full powers
full-power steering equipment
full-power tapping
full price
full-range speaker
cartwheel double-full off
rondats un nolēciens (no baļķa) ar divkāršo salto atpakaļ, pagriežoties par 360°
рондат и двойное сальто назад с поворотом на 360° в соскок (бревно)
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