Ceturtdiena, 9. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*furniture industry
Atrasti 404 termini
Additional Agreement to the Agreement concerning Products of the Clock and Watch Industry between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation
Ad hoc Working Party on defence industry
advanced technology industry
Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions in the Transport Industry
Advisory Committee on restrictive practices and monopolies in the transport industry
aeronautical industry
aeronautics industry
aerospace industry
Agenda 21 for the Travel & Tourism Industry
Agreement concerning products of the clock and watch industry between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation
agriculture-industry relationship
agri-food industry
agri-foodstuffs industry
aid to industry
aircraft industry
a piece of furniture
armaments industry
arms industry
Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Association of the European Rail Industry
audiovisual industry
automotive industry
automotive industry value chain
baking industry
baroque style furniture
beverage industry
bio-based industry
by-product coke industry
board furniture
bolt and screw industry
*[branch] industry statistics
*branch industry structure
brewing industry
building industry
building material industry
Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
butter industry
cabinet [case] furniture
cabinet-type [case] furniture
cash industry
catering industry
cement industry
chamber of commerce and industry
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Chambers of Commerce and Industry of France
chemical industry
*china and faience industry
cybersecurity demand industry
cybersecurity supply industry
cycle and motorcycle industry
Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
cleaning industry
clock and watch industry
clothing industry
coal by-products industry
coal industry
coal [mining] industry
commercial sex industry
Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Committee on Forest Industry
Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
communications industry
Community industry
Compact for Continuous Improvements in Labour Rights and Factory Safety in the Ready-Made Garment and Knitwear Industry in Bangladesh
Competition, Industry, Research and Space Directorate
competitive industry
Competitiveness Council (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space)
Competitiveness Council (Internal Market, Industry and Research)
concentration of industry
Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
Confederation of Portuguese Industry
conservation-industry confrontation
content industry
cosmetics industry
cottage industry
cotton industry
couch furniture
creative industry
cultural industry
culture industry
curved furniture legs
curved piece of furniture
dairy industry
defence industry
demand-side industry
DG Defence Industry and Space
DG Enterprise and Industry
DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
dining-room furniture
Directorate-General C - Competitiveness, Innovation and Research, Industry and Information Society, Internal Market, Competition and Customs, Transport, Energy
Directorate-General for Competitiveness, Innovation and Research, Industry and the Information Society, the Internal Market, Competition and Customs, Transport and Energy
Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space
Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry
Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
dyestuffs industry
double piece of furniture
Early Victorian furniture style
electrical industry
electric industry
electric machine industry
electric-power industry
electro-intensive industry
electronic industry
electronics industry
Electronics Industry Association
Electronics Industry Standards Association
electrotechnical industry
energy industry
energy-intensive industry
engineering industry
entrance-hall furniture
environmental goods and services industry
environmental industry
environment industry
Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
European Defence Industry Programme
European Defence Industry Reinforcement through common Procurement Act
European Industry Day
European Net-Zero Industry Academy
European Space Industry
export industry
Extended Industry Standard Architecture
extractive industry
fancy leather goods and glove-making industry
fertiliser industry
film industry
fish industry
fishing industry
flour-and-cereals industry
food industry
food industry factory lime
footwear industry
foot-wear industry
forest-based industry
forest industry
forest products industry
forestry and forest-based industry
forest[ry] industry
frame furniture
freedom of trade and industry
*fruit and vegetable industry
fuel-producing industry
functional dimensions of furniture
*fur industry
furniture beetle
furniture bolt
furniture bottom
furniture covering material
furniture factory
furniture foot
furniture industry
furniture industry
furniture lacquer
furniture maker
furniture making
furniture measurements
furniture pin hinge
furniture production
furniture set
furniture style
furniture surface
furniture veneered stock
furniture wax
furniture wood
furniture works
Future of the Automotive Industry Interregional Group
gas industry
General Confederation of Italian Industry
glass industry
Gothic style furniture
green industry
handicraft industry
healthcare industry
heavy engineering industry
heavy industry
*hemp and jute industry
hides and furskins industry
High Level Group on the Competitiveness of the Agro-Food Industry
High Level Group on the Competitiveness of the Chemicals Industry in the European Union
High Level Industrial Roundtable 'Industry 2030'
home industry
hospitality industry
hotel and catering industry
hotel industry
house building industry
housing furniture
Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Industry 2030
Industry and Energy Council
industry average score
industry category
industry classification
industry code
Industry Consortium for the Advancement of Security on the Internet
industry cost
industry-funded safety net
industry museum (US)
industry-oriented technological development
*industry proportions
industry-research relations
Industry Standard Architecture
*industry total costs
Industry User Manual Part 1: Getting started with REACH-IT
Industry User Manual Part 10: Claim of a registration number for a notified substance
Industry User Manual Part 11: Online dossier creation and submission for inquiries
Industry User Manual Part 12: Data holders
Industry User Manual Part 13: Categories in IUCLID
Industry User Manual Part 16: How to create and submit a C&L notification using the REACH-IT online tool
Industry User Manual Part 17: Legal entity change
Industry User Manual Part 2: Sign-up and account management
Industry User Manual Part 3: Login and Message Box
Industry User Manual Part 4: Online Pre-registration
Industry User Manual Part 5: Pre-SIEF
Industry User Manual Part 6: Dossier submission
Industry User Manual Part 7: Joint submission
Industry User Manual Part 8: Invoices
Industry User Manual Part 9: Advanced Search
industry vertical
information industry
information technology industry
instrumental industry
instrument for the reinforcement of the European defence industry through common procurement
inter-industry unification
Internal Market, Industry, Competition and Intellectual Property Directorate
Interregional group on the Future of the Automotive Industry
Interregional Group on the Future of the Automotive Industry in our Territories
intra-industry unification
introduction of research results in industry*
iron and steel industry
iron furniture
key industry
kitchen furniture
*knitted-goods industry
labour-intensive industry
language industry
large-scale industry
Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
lead furniture
leather industry
leisure industry
light industry
Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association
local industry
location of industry
lock for furniture
luxury products industry
machine-building industry
machine-tool industry
Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry
management of industry
managing director for the purposes of trade and industry law
Manufacture of furniture
manufacturing industry
match industry
material-intensive industry
meat industry
meat processing industry
*medical industry
medium-sized industry
*metal-fabricating industry
metal furniture
metallurgical industry
microbiological industry
mineral industry
mining industry
mining (industry)
modernisation of industry
motor-car industry
motor industry
motor vehicle industry
multimedia content industry
museum of industry
net [binding] industry
net-zero industry
Net-Zero Industry Academy
non-waste industry
nuclear industry
office furniture
offshore wind industry
oil extraction industry
oil industry
optical industry
osier furniture
paint and varnish industry
paperboard industry
paper industry
particle boards for furniture
peat industry
*perfumery and cosmetics industry
Permanent Assembly of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry
pesticides industry
petrochemical industry
petroleum [refining] industry
pharmaceutical industry
photochemical industry
photographic industry
plastics industry
plywood industry
printing industry
private industry
private [industry] sector
processing industry
productive industry
profitable industry
programmes industry
public catering / catering industry
publishing industry
pulp and paper industry
pulp industry
radio-electronic industry
railway industry
raw chemical industry
ready-made garment industry
recycling industry
recreational industry
recreation industry*
refrigeration industry
related industry
Research Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry
retail industry
RMG industry
rococo furniture
Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
rubber industry
rule and furniture casting machine
safety piece of furniture
*salt industry
sawing industry
school furniture
school-industry relations
science-intensive industry
Secretariat of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
sectional furniture
sectional [type] kitchen furniture
sensitive industry
service industry
service sector / service industry / tertiary industry
services industry
shale industry
short-run supply curve of competetive industry
silk industry
Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
small industry
small-sized furniture
small-size furniture
social furniture
solid wood furniture
steel furniture
Steel Industry Association
street furniture
study furniture
sugar industry
supply-side industry
tailoring industry
Technological Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry
telecommunications industry
Telecommunications Industry Association
textile industry
The Association of Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts
timber industry
tinplate and cutlery industry
tobacco industry
toy industry
tool industry
tourism industry
tourism industry carrying capacity
*transport machine-building industry
travel industry
two-digit industry
Union industry
unit furniture
unprofitable industry
upholstered furniture
upholstered furniture cushion
upholstered furniture frame
vacuum industry
veneer industry
ventilation in woodworking industry
vertical industry
war industry
wastes from the baking and confectionery industry
wastes from the dairy products industry
wastes from the textile industry
wastes from wood processing and the production of panels and furniture
webbing for upholstered furniture
wedge-like piece of furniture
wind energy industry
wind industry
wind power industry
wine industry
wood chemistry industry
wooden furniture
wood industry
wood-pulp and paper industry
printing industry
poligrāfijas rūpniecība
промышленность полиграфическая
polygraphische Industrie
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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