Svētdiena, 12. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*income item
Atrasti 532 termini
accounted income*
account of extraordinary income
accrued income
accumulated income
accumulated other comprehensive income
active income
actual income
additional Tier 1 own-fund insurance item
adjusted disposable income
adjusted gross income
adjustment item
after-tax income
agenda item
agenda per item
agent family income
agent household income
agent income
agent taxable income
aggregate family income
aggregate household income
aggregate income
aggregate taxable income
agricultural factor income
agricultural income*
'A' item
'A' item note
allocation of monetary income
allocation of monetary income of national central banks
allocation of primary income account
ancillary own-fund insurance item
ancillary own-fund item
"any other business" item
annual contribution income
annual income
annual income tax return
application for refund of overpayment of corporate (enterprise) income tax
assessable income
asset item
avatar item
bad item
balance of national income
balance sheet item
balancing item
basic allowance for personal income tax
basic income
basic income support
basic income support for sustainability
basic own-fund insurance item
before-tax income
below-the-line item
bibliographic item
bill of materials item
'B' item
bound item
budgetary item
budget income*
budget income part*
budget item
bulk item
business income
Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation
businessman’s income
calculated income
calculation of gross income
calculation of income
calculation of net income
calendar item
calendar item peek
campaign item
capital income
cash income
cash income order
category item
chargeable income
collection item
collector's item
Commission expert group on gross national income
Committee on the harmonisation of gross national income at market prices
common high priority item
communication history item
Community statistics on income and living conditions
company income tax
complementary income support for young farmers
complementary redistributive income support for sustainability
comprehensive income taxation
computer program configuration item
computer software configuration item
confidential item
configuration item
configuration item development record
conforming item
congestion income
congestion income distribution methodology
consolidated taxable income
consolidation taxable income
constituent configuration item
contact item
contract item
contribution income
corporate income tax
corporation [income] tax
corporation income tax
corporaton income tax
costing item
Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments
coupled income support
coverage item
critical application item
critical item
current income
current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
daily income
data item
data item field
declared income
decorative item
de-coupled income support
deduction from the basic taxable income
deferred corporate income tax
deferred income
derivation of unearned income*
determinable income
direct investment income
disclosure of income
display item
disposable income
distributed income of corporations
distribution and use of income accounts
distribution of income
dodging source income
domestic source income
dual inclusion income
dual-use item
durable item
earned income
employment income
enterprise income tax
entrepreneurial income
equivalised disposable income
European Minimum Income Network
European Union statistics on income and living conditions
EU statistics on income and living conditions
event registration item
exchange income
excluded item
exempt income
exemption of income
expected income
expenditure and income table
expenditure item
expense item
extent of item
External Data Item
External Data Item Builder
External Data Item Builder Web Part
External Data Item Web Part
external item
External Item Picker
extraordinary income
fair income
family income
farmers' income
farm income
farm operating income
faulty item
favourable corporate income tax regime
financial accounting net income or loss
financial services income
financing instrument for cooperation with industrialised and other high-income countries and territories
fixed income
fixed income arbitrage
fixed-income security
foregone income
foreign income tax
foreign source income
formula item
fuel tax income
fungible item
gender income gap
generation of income account
ghosted item
gift item
global income tax
*goods income order
government income
graduated income tax
gross disposable household income
gross income
gross income tax
gross national disposable income
Gross National Income
Gross National Income Expert Group
growth-enhancing item
growth of income
guaranteed income
guaranteed minimum income
handicraft item
heavytonnage item
high-income country
high-income earner
high-income economy
high-income taxpayer
household income
households’ real income
"I/A" item note
incidental income*
incidental income
income after tax
income and expenditure
income before tax
income bracket
income cash department
income classification
income distribution
income-equalisation tool
income-expenses analysis
income from deposit
income from foreign subsidiaries
income from self-supporting performance
income from tuition fees
income guarantee
income in addition to normal pay
income inclusion rule
income inequality
income in kind
income item
income year
income liable to tax
income mark (on a document)
income multiplicator
income net of tax
income order
income per head
income policy
income produced
income-producing real estate
income producing real estate exposure
income protection disability-morbidity risk
income protection insurance
income protection insurance obligation
income quintile ratio
income quintile share ratio
income rate
income received in advance
income reference year
income reference period
income related charges
income replacement
income stabilisation
income stabilisation tool
Income Statement
income summary
income support
income tax
income tax accrued
income tax assessment
income taxation
income tax base
income tax due on dividends
income taxes
income tax liability
income tax on all earnings
income tax paid
income tax return
income tax treaty
income threshold
income volatility
*increase of income
indexation of income*
individual income
individual income tax
industrial item
inspection item
insurance of income*
interest income
inventory item
investment income
invisible income
irregular income
*issue item
item allocation key
item-based content type
item-by-item voting
item comment
item consumption
item dimension
item discount group
item entry system
item expiration
item expiration date
item for public deliberation
item group
item-level role assignment
item-level role definition
item number
item of air mail
item of correspondence
item package
item price tolerance group
Item Ratings
item relation
item requirement
item sales tax group
item type
kind of income
kit item
labour income
labour income share
letter-post item
levy on income
liable to income tax
Line Item Order
line item workflow
line item workflow work item
local income tax
location of the income
loss of production income
lower middle-income country
lower middle-income economy
lower middle-income household
low income
low-income country
low-income earner
low-income economy
low-income family
low-income food-deficit country
low-taxed income
low-tax income
luxury item
mean agent income
mean aggregate income
mean income
median disposable income
median equivalised disposable income
median income
menu item
message item
middle-income country
middle-income economy
minimal income
minimum income
minimum income benefit
minimum income guarantee
mixed income
Model Convention with respect to taxes on income and on capital
Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital
money income
monetary income
multimedia item
must stock item
named item view
national/real income aggregates
national disposable income
national income
national income (at market prices)
negative capital income
net commission income
net fee income
net income
net income before taxes
net investment income
net national disposable income
net national income
nominal "B" item
nominal income
*non-balance item
non-custodial dividend income
non-deliverable item
non-direct item
non-food item
non-legislative discussion item
nonoperating income
non-resident-alien income tax return
non-resident alien income tax return
nontaxable gross income
non-taxable gross income
nontaxable income*
non-taxable income
nontaxable income
off-balance-sheet item
off-budget item
original income
other income
Outlook item
overlapping of income
own-fund item
passive income
per capita income
personal disposable income
personal income tax
phantom bill of materials item
phantom item
place of the income
planned income*
planned income
population income tax
pop-up item
postal item
*goods income order
materiālu saņemšanas orderis
ордер на материалы приxодный
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija