Sestdiena, 18. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
Akadēmiskajā terminu datubāzē AkadTerm
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Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*intermediate term
Atrasts 371 termins
admitted term
agrotechnical term
A long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas
ambient correction term
attenuation constant (deprecated term)
average nominal long-term interest rate
basic risk-free interest rate term structure
borrowed term
broader term
budget allocation term
bulk petrochemical intermediate
chemical intermediate
closed term
complex term
compound term
*conventional term
coordinate term
Council Directive 2003/109/EC of 25 November 2003 concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents
depreciated term
Directive 2003/109/EC on long-term residents
domestic long-term care worker
element of a term
enrollment term
equivalent term
EU long-term expert
European Convention on the Promotion of a Transnational Long-Term Voluntary Service for Young People
European long-term investment fund
European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy
euro short-term rate
*exceed of term
expiration [of term]
expiry of the term of office of the Registrar
facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payments
fixed term
fixed-term, fixed-price electricity supply contract
fixed-term contract
fixed-term employment contract
formal long-term care
generic term
global long-term rating scale
Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities
hybrid term
hyphenated term*
index term
initial term
instrument with a long-term economic profile
insurance term
interest rate term structure
intermediary (intermediate) circle
intermediary (intermediate) swing
intermediate adjustable link
intermediate amplifier
intermediate application rate
intermediate approach segment
intermediate balance of products
intermediate bill
intermediate biometric sample
intermediate biometric sample processing
intermediate body
intermediate CA
intermediate certification authority
intermediate cycle*
intermediate coach
intermediate company
intermediate compound
intermediate consumption
intermediate control
intermediate crop
intermediate current transformer
intermediate D7116link
intermediate double circle
intermediate equipment
intermediate etching
intermediate felling
intermediate finding
intermediate fitting link
intermediate food contact material
intermediate form
intermediate fracture
intermediate frame
intermediate good
intermediate goods
intermediate holding position
intermediate in camera procedure
intermediate inputs
intermediate insurance holding company
intermediate layer
intermediate language
intermediate level radioactive waste
intermediate level waste
intermediate link
*intermediate load
intermediate loop
intermediate maintenance*
intermediate monetary objective
intermediate node
Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty
intermediate office
*intermediate operational control
intermediate packaging
intermediate payment
intermediate parent entity
intermediate phase
intermediate plate
intermediate position
intermediate precision
intermediate product
intermediate products
intermediate-range ballistic missile
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
intermediate relay
intermediate reloading
intermediate result
intermediate retention
intermediate routine
intermediate scabbardfish
Intermediate System
Intermediate System to Intermediate System protocol
intermediate skill (exercise)
intermediate stage of processing
intermediate station
intermediate storage
intermediate superheater
intermediate support
intermediate technology
intermediate term
*intermediate test
*intermediate total
intermediate voltage capacitor
intermediate voltage terminal
involuntary fixed-term contract
isolated intermediate
lease term
legislative term
loan term
loan with no fixed term
longer-term refinancing operation
long short-term memory
long-term action plan for better implementation and enforcement of single market rules
long-term agreement
long-term baiting
long-term capacity optimisation
long-term capital movement
long-term care
long-term cash incentive
long-term certified emission reduction
long-term contract
*long-term contract of lease
long-term credit
long-[term] credit
long-term crediting
long-term debt
long-term deposit bank*
long-term disease
Long Term Evolution network
long-term expert
long-term financial investments
long-term financing
long-term flow
long-term forecast
long-term government bond
long-term illness
long-term investment
long-term investments
long-term lease
long-term letter of credit
long-term liabilities
long-term loan
long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy of the European Union and its Member States
long-term obligations
long-term planning
long-term program
long-term programme
long-term programming
long term rating
long-term renovation strategy
long-term reserve
long-term residence
Long-term Residence Directive
long-term resident
Long-Term Residents Directive
long-term resident status
long-term service
Long Term Servicing Channel
*long-term standard
long term strength
long-term supplier's declaration
long-term sustainability of public finances
long-term test
long-term toxicity
long-term transmission right
long-term unemployed
long-term unemployment
long-term visa
long term visa
LSPA term sheet
mechanism for short-term monetary support
medium-term adjustment
medium-term budgetary objective
medium-term capital movement
medium-term credit
medium-term financial assistance
medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payments
medium-term financing
medium-term fiscal-structural plan
medium-term forecast
medium-term investment
medium-term objective
medium-term plan
medium-term planning
medium-term programming
MFF mid-term review
middle-term credit
mid-term evaluation
mid-term renewal
mid-term review
mid-term review/revision of the MFF
mid-term review/revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework
mid-term review of the MFF
mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework
multi-word term
narrower term
national long-term care coordinator
national medium-term fiscal-structural plan
non-isolated intermediate
non-monomeric intermediate
*non-term passport
obsolete term
online short-term rental platform
on-site isolated intermediate
open-circuit intermediate voltage
optional quality term
orphaned term
payment term
payment term extension
parliamentary term
particular term
performance term
Policy Framework for Systematic and Long-Term Defence Cooperation
post-term non-compete obligation
precautionary medium-term financial assistance
preferred term
*pre-term completion of work
pre-term fulfilment
prolongation of term
propagation constant (deprecated term)
protected term
reaction intermediate
related term
renewal term
renting term
report intermediate format
reservation term
scale of term acceptability rating
*shortened term
short-term accommodation rental
short-term accommodation rental service
short term asset
short-term business statistics
short-term business visitor
short-term capital movement
*short term charge documents
short-term contract
short-term credit
short-[term] credit
short-term credit assessment
short-term crediting
short-term culture
short-term debt
short-term debt instrument
Short-term Defence instrument on common procurement
short-term dietary toxicity
short-term economic policy
short-term economic prospects
short-term employee benefit
short-term financing
short-term flow
short term fluctuations
short-term forecast
short-term investment
short term lease
short-term lease
short-term leave*
short-term liabilities
short-term loan
short-term migrant
short-term money
short-term monetary support
short-term monetary support mechanism
short-term monetary support system
short-term multiple entry visa
short-term note
short-term obligations
short-term paper
short-term period
short-term placement
short-term planning
short-term programming
short term rating
short-term repeated-dose toxicity
short term risks
short-term service
short-term stance
short term standardised product
short-term statistics
short-term toxicity
short-term visa
short-term work scheme
simple term
single root term
system of short-term monetary support
small or micro online short-term rental platform
storage term
subordinate term
superordinate term
targeted longer-term refinancing operation
task force on long-term care statistics
term/document matrix
term card
term deposit
term deposits
term dictionary
term discrimination value
term element
term end date
term entry system
term equivalent
term funding
term harmonization
term identification
term loan
term mining
term not individually negotiated
term of abuse
term of delivery
term of notice
term of office
term of office of a Judge
term of payment
term of protection
term of the contract
term of validity of a contract
term passport
term premium
term prolongation
term (repayment)
term set
Term Sheet on the ESM
Term Sheet on the European Stability Mechanism
term system
term structure of interest rates
term to maturity
term transformation
time (date, period, term) of delivery
TLAC Term Sheet
to extend the payment term
top term
total loss-absorbing capacity term sheet
traditional term
trailing term
transported isolated intermediate
Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles
triple intermediate link
very short-term financing
very short-term financing mechanism
volatilisation term
word-group term*
*intermediate term
промежуточный срок
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija