Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*interruption of negative prescription
Atrasti 158 termini
acquisitive prescription
action for a negative declaration
autoreclose interruption time
concurrent negative control group
duplicate negative
electronic prescription
extinctive prescription
false negative
false negative identification
false negative identification rate
false negative rate
false-negative result
fault current interruption time
fault interruption rating power
film negative
hard negative
interruption arc
interruption duration
interruption in swing
interruption of drying
interruption of electricity supply
interruption of energy supply
interruption of enforcement of sentence
interruption of negative prescription
interruption of prescription
interruption of production
interruption of supplies
interruption of supply
interruption of the game
*interruption of transport runs
interruption of work
interruption signal
load weighted equivalent interruption duration
medical prescription
medicinal product not subject to medical prescription
medicinal product not subject to prescription
medicinal product subject to medical prescription
medicinal product subject to prescription
negative acceptance
negative acknowledgement
negative acknowledgment
negative balance
negative bank-sovereign feedback loop
negative bias
negative bidding
negative binomial distribution
negative biometric claim
negative capital income
negative charge
negative conflict
negative conflict of competence
negative conflict of jurisdiction
negative control
negative control chemical
negative control material
negative control reagent
negative control sample
negative control serum
negative control substance
negative control test
negative correlation
negative cost
negative-cost abatement option
negative credibility finding
negative credibility indicator
negative decision
negative displacement
negative economic shock
negative electrode
negative emissions
negative emission technology
negative equity
negative example
negative feedback
negative files (pl) (US)
negative impact
negative indent
negative indication tone
negative inhibition
negative instance
negative interest rate
negative inventory
negative list
negative list of goods and services
negative logic
negative lookahead
negative lookbehind
negative maximum
negative minimum
negative net worth
negative number
negative obligation
negative opinion
negative [-phase] sequence
negative [phase-]sequence component
negative [phase-]sequence current
negative [phase-] sequence impedance
negative [phase-]sequence reactance
negative [phase-] sequence resistance
negative [phase-]sequence system
negative [phase-]sequence voltage
negative plate
negative pledge
negative pledge clause
negative predictive value
negative prescription
negative profit
negative pronoun
negative rake
negative reserve
negative resistance
negative retouching
negative revenue
negative security assurance
negative segregant
negative sequence network
negative shareholder equity
negative shock
negative stockholders' equity
negative surrender strain
negative temperature coefficient
negative-temperature-coefficient thermistor
negative terminal
negative testing
negative-type semiconductor
negative value
negative viscosity
net negative emissions
non-prescription medicinal product
non-prescription medicine
positive prescription
post-prescription review
post-prescription review with feedback
power supply interruption duration
pre-prescription approval
pre-prescription authorisation
prescription drug abuse
prescription event monitoring
prescription medicinal product
prescription medicine
prescription of a claim
prescription-only medicinal product
prescription-only medicine
register of negative photographs
separation negative
sypply-interruption costs
system of negative proof
Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights
supply interruption
supply-interruption costs
true negative
uncapped negative bidding
zero-crossing with negative slope
null segregant
negative segregant
negatīvais skaldīšanās produkts
ségrégeant négatif
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