Piektdiena, 3. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*line process
Atrasti 2010 termini
‘top candidates’ process
2020 headline target
2030 EU headline target
2030 headline target
3-D line chart
4,4'-oxydianiline and its salts
abort [of a process]
Abrader process
absolute poverty line
abuse of process of a court
Accent Process
accession process
access line
account discipline*
accounting distribution line
accounting process
accreditation process
acetylcholine inhibitor
acetylcholine receptor
acid/alkaline reserve
additional driveline component
Additional Protocol to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities
adhesive binding line
adhesive binding process
Ad hoc Working Party on the Middle East Peace Process
adiabatic process
adjacent line
administrative boundary line
administrative process
adoption process
advanced stop line
aerial cable line
aerial line
aggressive inline skating
agricultural guideline
AHP, Analytic Hierarchy Process
air line
airline dispatcher
albitization mineral formation process
alkaline accumulator
alkaline cleavage
alkaline electrolyte
alkaline extraction
alkaline hydrolysis
alkaline leaching
alkaline phosphatase
alkaline saponification
alkaline solution
alkaline [storage] battery
alkaline waste
all-around event, discipline (gymnastics)
allocated baseline
alternating current line
America Online
anaerobic contact process
analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
aniline dyes
aniline dye [stuff]
aniline printing
anode process
aperiodic process
Appear offline
application engineering process
application process
application process group
Application Process (Invocation)
archipelagic baseline
arithmetical average deviation from the mean line Ra
ASEM process
asylum process
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
assembly line
assembly line for [the production of] book blocks
assembly line production
assembly line work
assisted process
assisted systems process
assisted software process
Astana Process
ATL Pipeline Component Wizard
attached process
attack (forward) line
auction process
auditing process
authorisation process
automated learning process
automated process
automated systems process
automated software process
automatic line
automatic line counter
[automatic] transfer line
*auxiliary line
auxiliary line
auxiliary process
aviation gasoline
baby hamster kidney cell line
back drop (trampoline)
backup (kā process)
barani (trampoline)
Barcelona Process
Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean
barking line
base line
baseline cost
baseline design
baseline document
baseline drive (US)
baseline duration
baseline emission inventory
baseline finish
baseline function point count
baseline guide
baseline management
baseline measurement
baseline mortality
baseline mortality rate
baseline option
baseline peak width
baseline period
baseline plan
baseline prediction
baseline scenario
baseline start
baseline structure
Baseline Study on Integrating Human Rights and Gender into the European Union's Common Security and Defence Policy
baseline (US)
baseline value
base-line value
baseline weight
baseline work
Basic Bending Process
Basic Chevron Process
basic line
Basic Process
basic process set
basic profile of line
Basic Timeline
batch process
Battlegroup generation process
beat (trampoline)
Becke line
bed (bouncing), canvas (trampoline)
behavior; process
beyond line of sight
beyond visual line of sight operation
Bellagio process
belly back out (trampoline)
below-line account
below-the-line item
bending line
bending process
Berlin process
Berlin process on Libya
best-execution process for sales of NPLs
best execution sales process
Bethell process (treatment)
BHK cell line
binding and covering conveyorline
binding process
biogenic mineral formation process
biometric acquisition process
biometric capture process
biotechnological process
bipolar line
bird line
bird scaring line
by-pass line
by-pass pipeline
by pipeline
blank line
bleaching-out process
boiler feedline
boiler pressure process
Bologna Process
bookbinding flow line
borderline content
borderline material
borderline serum
bored hole process
bottom line
bottom-set longline
boundary line
branch line
brandy (trampoline)
brass interline
brass space line
Brdo Process
breach of labour discipline
break (last) line
break line
break the bounce (to) (trampoline)
break (trampoline)
breeding line
broken line
Budapest Process
budgetary discipline
budgetary discipline (EU)
budgetary discipline procedure
budget discipline
budget discipline procedure
budget line
budget planning process
building line
build-up (trampoline)
burning process
business line mapping
business process
business process automation
business process-based testing
business process flow
Business Process Model and Notation
Business process modeler
Business Process Modeling Notation
business process re-engineering
cable line
cache line
Calling Line Identification Restriction
capability enabling line
capable process
capacity calculation process
carbonisation process
carbonization mineral formation process
card headline
Caroline Islands
Caroline poplar
carriage of goods by pipeline
*carrying out of a process
cashkeeping discipline*
cast (trampoline)
catch line
cathodic process
Cc line
cell line
center line
centerline average
centerline [of the profile]
centerline trap
central line
central venous line
centred line
centre line
centre line of a bar
certification process
change control process
check line
chemical process
chemical process installation
cheque line
child process
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
child sexual abuse online
chloritization mineral formation process
*choice of technological process
Circular Bending Process
Civilian Headline Goal
cybersecurity baseline
cyclic process
Claus process unit
clear on the line
'closed' budget line
Closed Chevron Process
'closed' line
closed plasma dust process
closing process group
club line
CO2-mould hardening process
Code of Conduct and Discipline
Code of Conduct and Discipline for EU Civilian CSDP Missions
Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online
Code of Conduct on illegal online hate speech
Code of EU Online Rights
coking process
collateral line
coloured line
colour printing process
colour scanning process
column effluent line
combination line-and-half-tone-block
combustion process
command line
command-line argument
command line interface
command-line interface
command-line operating system
command-line option
command-line syntax
communication line
company-specific process
composed line
Compressed Serial Line Internet Protocol
configuration baseline
confirmation deadline
conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
*construction line
*construction site line
consultation deadline
Contact Line
contact-line pole
contact line system
continual process improvement
Continuous Arrow Process
Continuous Block Process
continuous forming process in particle board manufacture
continuous line
continuous process
continuous process blast equipment
*continuous production line
contour line
contract discipline
contract line
contradictory process
control line
*control line
conventional railway line
cooking process
Copenhagen Process
copying process
core business line
corrected line
corrected line proof
cosmic mineral formation process
cost baseline
cost line
cost performance baseline
course line
credit discipline*
credit discipline
credit line
criteria application process
critical-impact process
cryptocrystalline rock
crystalline fracture
crystalline grain
crystalline matter
crystalline modification
crystalline particle
crystalline phase
crystal(line) phase
crystalline rock
crystalline shist
crystalline silicon
crystalline state
crystalline structure
crystalline substance
cross-border FRR activation process
cross-border RR activation process
crosscutting line
cross-line screen
cross-line tables
cross the line
crude oil pipeline
curing process
curved line
cut line
cutoff line
cutting line
cutting plane line
cutting process
dach-and-dot line
day ahead firmness deadline
damping transient process
dash line
data collection and delivery process
data line
Data Outline
data transmission line
date line
dead-end feedline
dead line
deadline date
deadline for consultation
deadline for payment
deadline for settling the accounts
deadline for submission of the application
deadline for tabling amendments
Deadline Smasher
decision-making process
Declaration of Western Balkans Partners on Roma Integration within the EU Enlargement Process
Declaration on Roma Integration in the EU Enlargement Process
decline, deny, reject
*decline in consumption
crystalline shist
kristāliskais slāneklis
кристаллический сланец
Kristalogrāfijas un mineraloģijas termini. LZA TK 63. biļetens — R., Zinātne, 1993
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija