Piektdiena, 10. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*means of circulation
Atrasti 188 termini
ability of circulation
acceptable means of compliance
African Union Strategy on the Control of Illicit Proliferation, Circulation and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons
Agreement on the Internationa1 Carriage of Passengers by Road by Means of Occasional Coach and Bus Services
agricultural means of production
amount of money in circulation*
annex concerning customs formalities applicable to commercial means of transport
autonomous means of transport
available financial means
ball spin, circulation
bent-up foot attached to the bow by means of a profiled ring
by administrative means
by all available means
by fraudulent means
boarding and search of means of transport
brain circulation
broadcasting by wireless means
caul circulation
caul circulation (particle board)
caul circulation station
circulation assets
circulation coins
circulation costs
circulation desk
circulation expenses
circulation flow
circulation flow rate
circulation fund
circulation integral of a vector
circulation loading (of a ring)
circulation of assets
circulation of capital
circulation of depreciation fund
circulation of money and commodities
circulation pump
circulation ratio
circulation signage (US)
circulation time
coins in circulation
coins not in circulation
commodity circulation
commodity circulation period*
compensation of means of production
controlled circulation boiler
Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
Convention relating to Stops on Bearer Securities in International Circulation
counterfeiting of means of payment
currency circulation
customs declaration for release for free circulation
customs formalities for putting goods into free circulation
Dangerous product - release for free circulation not authorized - Regulation (EEC) No
declaration for release for free circulation
delivery means
Directive on the fight against fraud to the Union's financial interests by means of criminal law
distance communication means
document circulation*
earned means
electronic identification means
electronic means
enterohepatic circulation
entry for release for free circulation
equilibrium of money circulation
euro coin unfit for circulation
European Agreement concerning Programme Exchanges by means of Television Films
evidence of means of subsistence
exhibition circulation
financial means
*fluctuations of money circulation
foot attached to the bow by means of a spiral-winding
forced circulation
forced-circulation boiler
forced-circulation circuit
forced-circulation loop
forced circulation system
forgery of means of payment
free circulation
freeze of means*
freezing of means
goods in free circulation
goods released for free circulation
guarantee of means of return
individual guarantee by means of vouchers
inflectional means
international means of payment
k-means clustering
law of the circulation of money
Law on the Circulation of Fertilisers
light means of transport
limited circulation
marked circulation route
marking of the circulation route
means-end analysis
means-ends analysis
means of agricultural production
means of appeal
means of circulation
means of communication
means of conveyance
means of delivery
means of distance communication
means of exchange
means of existence
means of finance
*means of financing
means of financing
means of identification
means of labour
means of living
means of payment
means of production
means of propulsion
means of public conveyance
means of redress
means of safety engineering
means of settlement
means of subsistence
means of support
means of testing
means of transport
means of transport for private use
means (pl) of information
means (pl) of transport
means-tested benefit
means-tested social benefit
medium of circulation
money circulation
money in circulation
money stock in circulation
nationality of means of transport
nationalization of means of production
natural circulation
natural circulation boiler
natural-circulation boiler
new national side of euro coins intended for circulation
non-cash means of payment
non-monetary circulation*
notes in circulation
notes not in circulation
one-off circulation
ownership of the means of production
phonetic means
population of moderate means
preventive means
primary public circulation of securities
private means
private means of transport
Product not in conformity - release for free circulation not authorized - Regulation (EEC) No
protective means
public transmission by audiovisual means
punitive means
putting into circulation
regulation by means of pitch control
release for free circulation
removable means
reproduction of means of production
requirement of means of production
secondary public circulation of securities
securities public circulation
several offences committed by means of a single act
single means of transport
special means
speed of circulation
speed of money circulation
sphere of circulation
*state of moderate means
tax as a means to an end
*technical means of production
to put into free circulation
to release for free circulation
to secure by means of customs seals
to take out of circulation
total circulation
to withdraw money from circulation
traffic circulation plan
transitional arrangements for second-hand means of transport
UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery
*unity of production and circulation
unlawful means
velocity of money circulation
visitor circulation
visitors' circulation
ways and means
withdrawal [from circulation]
withdrawal of means*
word-formation means
new national side of euro coins intended for circulation
apgrozībai paredzēto euro monētu jauna valsts puse
nouvelle face nationale des pièces en euros destinées à la circulation
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