Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*monthly production rate
Atrasti 1317 termini
10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production
14-day cumulative COVID-19 case notification rate
30-day case fatality rate
30-day mortality rate
5-year survival rate
above-plan production
acceptance rate of asylum applicants
acceptance rate of refugee claims
access rate
accident rate
accrual rate
accumulation rate
Act in Support of Ammunition Production
Action Plan for the development of EU organic production
Action plan for the development of organic production
Action Plan for the future of Organic Production in the European Union
Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy
activity rate
actual rate of increase
actual transfer rate
additional rate of natural resource tax
after-tax real rate of return
age-standardised death rate
age-standardised mortality rate
agricultural bioenergy production
agricultural conversion rate
agricultural means of production
agricultural production
agricultural production policy
agrimonetary conversion rate
aid rate
air freight rate
alcohol production
algae production
all-commodity rate
all-in rate
alternative agricultural production
amended rate
animal production
*annual demographic rate
annual growth rate
annual (monthly) exemption
annual percentage rate
annual percentage rate (APR)
annual percentage rate of charge
annual production rate
application rate
appropriate rate
AROPE rate
arrival rate
*artisan production
asylum application acceptance rate
asylum recognition rate
assembly line for [the production of] book blocks
assembly line production
at a faster rate
at a reduced rate of duty
at reduced rate
at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate
at-risk-of-poverty rate
at-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers
attendance rate
audiovisual co-production
audiovisual production
automatical production
automation of production
autonomous duty rate
autonomous rate of duty
auxiliary production
availability rate
available bit rate
available flow rate
average effective tax rate
*average monthly output
average monthly salary*
average nominal long-term interest rate
average rate
average rate of profit law
average room rate
average specific growth rate
average tax rate
average weighted rate
average weighted rate of VAT
background rate
baggage rate
bank rate
baseline mortality rate
base rate
base-rate fallacy
base rate fallacy
basic monthly salary
basic production
basic rate
Basic Rate Interface
basic rate of natural resource tax
basic risk-free interest rate term structure
basis rate swap
bast production
battery return rate
beating rate
*beginning of output of production
benchmark rate
bilateral central rate
bit error rate
bit error rate (deprecated)
bit rate
blanket rate
bond rate
book production
borrowing rate
bounce rate
bracket rate
braking rate
branch of production
breakdown rate
building renovation rate
burning rate
burn rate
calculation of exchange rate
call completion rate
call failure rate
call-in rate
call rate
call rate for VAT
call-up rate
cargo rate
carry rate
case weighted average default rate for calibration
catalogue of production
catch rate
ceiling rate
central bank policy rate
central intervention rate
centralised production
central rate
certification of production
change of tax rate
change of tax rate*
chemical pulp production
child mortality rate
churning rate
churn rate
circulation flow rate
classification rate
clock frequency rate
clock rate
co-financing rate
collection of loan rate*
combined electricity/heat production
combined heat and power production
combined production of heat and power
combustion rate
commercial rate
commercial rate / corporate rate / company rate
commission rate
Committed Information Rate
Committee on organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs
commodity production
common flat-rate scheme for farmers
*common tariff rate
common tariff rate
compensation of means of production
*completeness of production
complicated production
concentration of production
concept of production improvement
conformity of production
conformity to EU-type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing
conformity to type based on internal production control
conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product checks at random intervals
conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
constant bit rate
constant rate
continuous production
*continuous production line
contribution rate
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction
convergence rate
conversion rate
conversion rate for rice
conversion to beef production
cooling rate
co-operative production
co-production costs
corner rate
cost-of-capital rate
cost of production
cost rate table
countercyclical buffer rate
country of production
craft production
criterion on participation in the Exchange Rate Mechanism of the EMS
critical cooling rate
critical quenching rate
critical shear rate
crystal growth rate
crop production
cross-currency interest rate swaps
cross exchange rate
crude fertility rate
cumulative default rate
cure rate
cure rate defaulted assets
Currency Rate Swap
current exchange rate
cut-rate price
daily demurrage rate
*daily production rate
dairy production
day rate
*dangerous production
Data Management, Document Production Unit
data signaling rate
data transfer rate
death rate
decay rate
default rate
defective production
*defects in production process
deformation rate
degradation rate
*delivery of materials for production
*delivery of production to consumer
*delivery of standard production
deposit rate
depreciation rate
depuration rate constant
derived production
design flow rate
desulphurisation rate
determination of rate
determination of rate of interest
differential rate
digital transfer rate
disability rate
discounted cash flow rate of return
discount rate
disintegration rate
dismissal rate
dispatching of production*
dissipation rate
dissolution rate
dissolved oxygen uptake rate
distribution of production
distribution of production forces
*diversified production
domestic production
double occupancy rate
double-rate meter
*double-rate tariff
double-rate tariff
drop in the exchange rate
dropout rate
dust dissipation rate
duty rate
EAD weighted average default rate for calibration
EAFRD contribution rate
early school leaving rate
economic activity rate
economic rate of return
economy of scale production
effective average tax rate
effective rate
effective tax rate
effective transfer rate
electricity production
element of production
elements of production costs
elimination rate constant
embryo production team
emergence rate
employment rate
EMS exchange-rate mechanism
energy dependency rate
energy production
energy release rate
energy renovation rate
engagement rate
engine fuel rate
enhanced rate
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
entry rate
environmentally friendly film production
equidae for breeding and production
error rate
ESL rate
estimated error rate
EU production
Euribor interest rate
Euribor rate
Euro exchange rate
Euro Interbank Offered Rate
European Convention on Cinematographic Co-production
European Guide for Good Hygiene Practices in the production of artisanal cheese and dairy products
European Production Order
euro short-term rate
evaporation rate
exchange rate
exchange rate adjustment
exchange rate appreciation
exchange rate bulletin
exchange rate fluctuations
exchange-rate mechanism
exchange rate mechanism
exchange rate policy
exchange rate risk
exchange rate type
excise duty rate
excise rate
exhaust mass flow rate
expansion of production
expected average mortality rate
expense inflation rate
experimental production organization
extended error rate
extensive production
extensive production growth
external leakage rate
external rate of duty
factory production control
factory production schedule*
factor of production
factors of production
failure rate
failure-to-acquire rate
failure-to-enrol rate
failure to enrol rate
failure-to-enrol rate (FTE)
fall rate
false acceptance rate
false accept rate
false matching rate
false match rate
false match rate (FMR)
false negative identification rate
false negative rate
false non-matching rate
false non-match rate
false non-match rate (FNMR)
false positive identification rate
false positive rate
false rejection rate
false reject rate
family rate / family plan
favourable rate
feed conversion rate
fertility rate
film production
final exchange rate
final goods production team*
final production
first order reaction rate
first-rate quality
fishery production potential
fishing mortality rate
fish mortality rate
five-year survival rate
fixed exchange rate
fixed industrial production assets
fixed production assets
fixed rate
fixed-rate agreement
fixed rate of interest
fixed-rate position
flat flow rate
flat rate
flat rate amount
flat-rate charges
flat-rate compensation
flat rate compensation
flat rate compensation percentages
flat-rate correction
flat-rate duty
flat rate duty
flat-rate farmer
flat-rate financial correction
flat-rate financing
flat rate guarantee
flat-rate meeting allowance
flat rate rebate
flat-rate remote meeting allowance
flat rate scheme
flat-rate security
flat-rate subsistence allowance
flat rate tax
flat-rate tax
flat rate taxation
flat-rate travel allowance
flexible production system
floating exchange rate
floating interest rate
floating rate
floating rate bond
factor of production
ražošanas faktors
facteur de production
factor of production
ražošanas faktors
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EuroVoc tēzaurs v4.12 © Eiropas Savienība, 2020
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija