Ceturtdiena, 9. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*normal labour time
Atrasti 1369 termini
2021 International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour
abend [abnormal end]
abnormal backlog
abnormal conditions
abnormal difference (judgement)
abnormal end [of task]
abnormal event
abnormal occurrence
abnormal termination
abnormal use
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957
absolute time
acceleration time
access time
accumulated labour
Action Plan on Adult learning - It is always a good time to learn
action time
activated partial thromboplastin time
active labour market measure
active labour market policy
acts of labour legislation
actual flight time
actual playing time
actual value of a specified time
actuating time
actuation time
added time
additional labour
*additional payment for idle time
additional time
add on time for stoppages
add-subtract time
Add Time Stamp
Administrative Time
adolescent labour
aggregate amount outstanding at any time of loans
Agreement amending the Cotonou Agreement for the first time
Agreement amending the Cotonou Agreement for the second time
agreement between management and labour
agricultural labour force
alert state trigger time
allow time to answer
all-time team
annual contract for ordered labour
aperiodic time constant
application time
arcing time
arrangement of working time
assembly time (2)
assembly time (1)
astronomical time
attachment to the labour market
attenuation time
at the same time
auditing time
automatic FRR full activation time
autoreclose interruption time
autoreclose open time
*auxiliary machine time
auxiliary of time (in UDC)
*auxiliary time
auxiliary time
average generation time
average turnover time of current assets*
average working time
Backus Normal Form
balance of calendar time*
balance of labour power
balance of labour resources
balancing energy gate closure time
balancing time
balancing time unit
barking time
base cycle time
basic gate propagation delay time
*basic machine time
*basic time
basic time
beat time
bench ageing time
bench ageing time equation
billable time
binding time
blackout time
blink time
block time
block to block time
blood clotting time
blood clotting time/potential
Boyce-Codd normal form
bonded labour
bounce time
braking time
breach of labour discipline
break, time up
break time
*break time
bridging time
budget cycle time span
business planning time horizon
business planning time period
calculation of the normal value
calendar time
calendar time fund
call release time
call-request time
call-selection time
call setup time
call set-up time
capacity calculation time-frame
capacity for labour
caret blink time
cell cycle time
Central European Time
certificates for living time in Latvia
charged time-out
charging time
check-out time
child labour
chock to chock time
circulation time
cycle time
clearing time
close-open time
close to real-time
closing date (dead time) for entries
closing time
closing time of a make contact
closing time (press)
clotting time
coagulation time
*coefficient of division of labour
*coefficient of use of working time
collaboration time
Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility
commission of labour dispute
Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors
Compact for Continuous Improvements in Labour Rights and Factory Safety in the Ready-Made Garment and Knitwear Industry in Bangladesh
compensation time for game stoppages
compilation time
compilation time (2)
compilation time (1)
compile time
completion time theorem
complex labour
complicated labour
composing time
compulsory labour
computed machine time
computer time
Confederation of Labour Podkrepa
connecting time
connection to the labour market
connect time
*consideration of labour disputes
Constitution of the International Labour Organization
construction time
consumption time
contact time difference
continuous driving time
Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour
Convention concerning Labour Inspection in Agriculture
Convention concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990, of the International Labour Organization (Convention No 170)
Convention concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour
Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour
Convention concerning Tripartite Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards
co-operation of labour
Coordinated Universal Time
core international labour standards
core labour standards
cost of labour
CPU time
critical fault clearing time
cumulated driving time
cumulative break time
curing time
current time increment event
cut-off time
cutting edge normal plane
dad time
day ahead market gate closure time
day-ahead market time-frame
daylight saving time
damping time
dead time
deduction for idle time*
defectives through labour fault*
definite time-delay overcurrent release
delay time
delivery time (date, period)
demand during lead time
demand for labour
Democratic Labour Federation of Cyprus
dependent time-delay relay
dependent time measuring relay
dependent time relay
deployment time
desegregation of the labour market
design time
developing time
deviation of synchronous time
dialogue between management and labour
dictation time
digital labour
digital labour platform
direct-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant
direct-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant
direct- axis transient open-circuit time constant
direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant
Directive 2000/84/EC on summer-time arrangements
Directive 2003/88/EC concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time
direct manufacture time
direct normal irradiance
direct social labour*
Disappearance Time 50
discharge of labour
discharge time
disconnection time
disengaging time
displacement-time diagram
distribution according to labour
division of labour
dynamics of labour productivity
document delivery time
domestic division of labour
domestic labour
down time
driving time
drying time
drying time for paints
duration of envisaged break time*
ECB time
economies of labour
effective time
effective working time
elapsed time
elasticity of labour supply
electrical time deviation
electromagnetic time constant
electromechanical time constant
electronic time stamp
*elimination of idle time
embossing time
employee labour input at constant compensation
employer of labour
employment pass / labour permit
end lap [normal fillet] weld
energy payback time
estimated off-block time
estimated time of arrival
estimated time of interchange
etching time
EU Code of Conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour in Development Policy
EU Code of Conduct on Division of labour in Development Policy
EU labour mobility
EU Labour mobility legislation
European agreement concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time in inland waterway transport
European Convention on the Calculation of Time-limits
European Labour Authority
European Labour Authority national event
European Labour Authority's capacity building strategy
European Labour Authority's Mutual Learning and Understanding Framework
European Labour Authority's National Liaison Officer
European labour market monitor
European Union labour mobility
European Union labour mobility legislation
evening opening time
exceeding time-limit
execution time
exit age from the labour force
expected approach time
expenditure of labour
expenditure of manual labour
expiry of a prescribed time-limit
exsposure time
extension of a time-limit
extension of the procedural time-limit
extension of time
extra time, extended time
failover time
fair labour mobility
fair labour standards
family time
fault clearance time
fault current interruption time
FCR full activation time
feasible labour*
Federal Labour Court
felling cycle time
first half-time (half)
first normal stress coefficient
first normal stress decay coefficient
first normal stress decay function
first normal stress function
first normal stress growth coefficient
first normal stress growth function
first normal stress relaxation function
first-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards
first time applicant
first time asylum applicant
first time asylum seeker
first-time evaluation
first-time Schengen evaluation
first-time team
first-time undersell
first time undersell
first time visitor
fishing time
flexibility of working time
flexibility of working time arrangements
flexible working time
flexible working time arrangements
flight time
flow time
focus time
forced labour
Forced Labour Convention, 1930
forced or compulsory labour
free movement of labour
free time
French Democratic Confederation of Labour
fulfilment ahead of time
full activation time
full day idle time*
full shift idle time*
full-shift time-work
full-time education
full-time employment
full-time equivalent
full-time job
full-time training
full-time working day
fundamental labour rights
gain of time*
gain time
gate closure time of transmission system operator energy bid submission
Gaussian [normal] distribution
Gaussian normal distribution function
gelatinization time
gender-based division of labour
gender division of labour
gender segregation of the labour market
General Confederation of Labour
General Confederation of Labour – Workers' Force
General Italian Confederation of Labour
General Labour Federation of Belgium
generation time
Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War
geographical labour mobility
Global Estimates of Child Labour: Results and trends
Good After Specified Date and Time
Good after Time
goods not paid for on time
Good-Till-Specified Date and Time
Good Till Time
Governing Body of the International Labour Office
grace time
grant (charge) a time-out (to)
Green Paper Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st century
Greenwich Mean / Standard Time (GMT) / (GST)
Greenwich Mean Time
grip time
group transmission time
half-life time
half-time working day
Harmonised European Time Use Surveys
harvest time
heating time
highly productive labour
highly segmented labour market
hired labour
hired labour force
hiring of labour
hypermedia/time-based structuring language
holding time
holdover time
hold-up time
idle time
idle time cost
idle time cost[s]
idle time due to repair
idle time due to repairs*
idle time due to technological reasons
*idle time expenses
idle time expense[s]
*idle time rates
idle time report
ILO Convention No 144 concerning Tripartite Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards
implement of labour
implicit tax rate on labour
Impossible time travel
inclusive labour market
direct social labour*
tieši sabiedriskais darbs
труд непосредственно общественный
unmittelbar gesellschaftliche Arbeit
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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