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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*notice of redemption of debts
Atrasti 178 termini
acceleration notice
additional electronic contractual notice contact
additional letter of formal notice
adjustment notice
advance ship notice
allowance for doubtful debts
arrival notice
at a moment's notice
at short notice
at ten minute's notice
award notice
Brexit Notice
Brexit preparedness notice
cancellation of debts
capital redemption
capital redemption operations
collection of debts
collection of fiscal debts
Commission notice
Commission notice of 18 December 1978 concerning the assessment of certain subcontracting agreements in relation to Article 85(1) of the EEC Treaty
Commission notice on immunity from fines and reduction of fines in cartel cases
compulsory redemption
concession award notice
concession notice
contest notice
Continued notice
contract award notice
contract notice
Convention on State Succession in Respect of State Property, Archives and Debts
copyright notice
credit debts
debt redemption fund
*debts of debtors
debts recovery
deductible bad debts
delivery notice
De Minimis Notice
deposit at short notice
deposit redeemable at notice
design contest notice
discharge of debts
disclaimer notice
dispatch notice
doubtful debts
early redemption
early redemption clause
early redemption option
electronic notice
employee's notice
employer's notice
European redemption fund
field safety notice
formal notice
hopelessness of debts recovery*
inquiry notice
Interpol black notice
Interpol blue notice
Interpol green notice
Interpol yellow notice
Interpol orange notice
INTERPOL purple notice
INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice
invitation redemption
last notice day
legal notice
legal notice ('Impressum')
Leniency Notice
letter of formal notice
negotiated procedure after prior publication of a contract notice
negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice
negotiated procedure with publication of a contract notice
notice and action mechanism
notice and action scheme
notice and take down
notice board (GB)
*notice of allocation
notice of appeal
notice of comment
notice of competition
notice of default
*notice of defect
notice of delivery
notice of exportation
*notice of illegality
notice of initiation
notice of intended procurement
*notice of limit
notice of marriage
notice of meeting
notice of meeting and provisional agenda
notice of mutual payments
*notice of non-acceptance
notice of open competition
*notice of payments
notice of payments
notice of planned procurement
notice of poll
notice of receipt
notice of recruitment
notice of redemption of debts
notice of termination
notice of the institution of the proceedings
notice of the poll
notice of the readiness of the goods for inspection
notice of vacancy
notice on the existence of a qualification system
notice period
notice template
notice to airmen
Notice to Applicants
notice to pay
notice to pay or perform
notice to skippers
overdue notice
periodic indicative notice
period of notice
pre-information notice
preparedness notice
prior information notice
privacy notice
provision for bad debts
provisions for doubtful debts
purple notice
rate notice
recall notice
recruitment notice
redemption at maturity
redemption date
redemption fund
redemption of bonds
redemption of insurance policy
redemption of public debt
redemption price
redemption request
redemption right
redemption value
red notice
registered trade mark notice
registration notice
reserve for debt redemption
right of redemption
simplified contract notice
subcontracting notice
subcontract notice
[tax] deficiency notice
tax redemption
tender notice
term of notice
this is to give notice that
till further notice
to accumulate debts
to answer debts
to bring to somebody's notice
to claim debts
to export with notice of intended return
to get into debts
to incur debts
to meet debts
to put a notice
to run into debts
to take notice
*urgent notice
vacancy notice
Vienna Convention on Succession of States in respect of State Property, Archives and Debts
warning about tax debts
warning notice
website notice
write-off of debts
writing-off/writing-down of bad debts
written notice
XML notice
*notice of redemption of debts
parāda atmaksāšanas pieteikums
заявление о возврате долга
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija