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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*object cost calculation
Atrasts 671 termins
abatement cost
ABC code for carrying cost classification
ability to meet cost of onward or return journey
Accelerated Cost Recovery System
Access Object Model
*account calculation
*accounting cost
accrued cost
accumulated cost
a Community trade mark as an object of property
a cost and freight
acquisition cost
Active Data Object
Active Directory object
active enterprise object
active object
Active User Object
ActiveX object
activity cost estimates
actual cost
actual cost (AC)
actual cost of manufacturing
actual cost of work performed
actual cost of work performed (ACWP)
actual costs according to breakdown of calculation
actuarial calculation
addition / cost-plus pricing
adjusted cost
advancing depending on the object
amber object
amortised cost
amortised cost method
amortization cost[s]
antler object
application object
Application Object Tree
aproximate calculation
archaeological object
area calculation
art object
art object of the month
authentic object
Automation object
average cost
average cost period
avoided cost method
baseline cost
base object
basic cost
basic engineering object
basic engineering object class
basic engineering object type
basis for calculation
basis for calculation of import turnover tax
basis of calculation*
Batch calculation
BCD object
BDC Administration object model
BDC Runtime object model
benefit cost analysis
benefit-cost ratio
binary large object
by object restriction
bone object
Boot Configuration Data object
bound object frame
breakdown of calculation
browser helper object
budgetary cost
budgeted cost of work performed
budgeted cost of work scheduled
building cost estimate
calculation account
calculation accounts
calculation code
calculation condition
calculation error
calculation factor
calculation formula
calculation group
*calculation limit
calculation nomenclature
calculation of actual costs
calculation of cost price
calculation of costs
calculation of cut
calculation of discount
calculation of duties
calculation of economic efficiency
calculation of efficiency from summation of losses
calculation of efficiency from total loss
calculation of exchange rate
calculation of gross income
calculation of income
calculation of lacquer consumption
calculation of material requirements
calculation of net income
calculation of overhead expenses
calculation of pay
calculation of payments
calculation of pension
calculation of prices
calculation of prime cost
calculation of profitability
calculation of profits
calculation of results
calculation of taxes
calculation of the final score
calculation of the normal value
calculation of wages
calculation pass
calculation pass number
calculation profile
calculation[s] of interests
calculation[s] of percentage
calculation subcube
*calculation unit
capacity calculation
capacity calculation approach
capacity calculation methodology
capacity calculation process
capacity calculation region
capacity calculation time-frame
capacity object
capacity planning object
capital cost
capitalization of cost
carbon cost
carrying cost
CBOR Object Signing and Encryption
child object
CIM Object Manager
clean-up cost
client object
client object model
collection cost
*combined calculation
commercial cost
committed cost
common cost
Common Information Model Object Manager
common method of calculation
Common Object Model
Common Object Request Broker Architecture
community object
COM object
comparative cost
complete object crediting
complex cost account
compliance cost
Component Object Model
composite object
Composites Runtime object model
computational object template
computer object
Concise Binary Object Representation
configuration object
connected object
connection object
*consolidated calculation
construction cost
construction object
consumer object
container object
control device object
control object
cooperating object
cost, insurance, freight
cost, insurance, freight price
cost, insurance and freight
cost/benefit appraisal
cost accounting
cost-accounting enterprise
cost accounting relations
cost accumulation method
cost adjustment amount
cost aggregation
cost analysis
cost analysis requirements description
cost and freight
cost avoidance
cost baseline
cost basis
cost benefit analysis
cost-benefit analysis
cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
cost-benefit analysis for OSH
cost-benefit assessment
cost-benefit calculation
cost-benefit ratio
cost center
cost compensation mechanism
cost competitiveness
cost constraint
cost criterion
cost driver
cost-effective energy savings potential contribution
cost-effectiveness analysis
cost efficiency
cost escalation
[cost] estimate
cost estimate
cost factor
cost factors
cost function
Cost Increase
*cost in retail prices
cost insurance freight price
cost line
cost management plan
cost of borrowing
cost of capital
cost-of-capital rate
cost of collection
cost of direct materials
cost of emission
cost of felling and converting
cost of goods sold
cost of indirect material
cost of kWh not supplied
cost of labour
cost of living
cost-of-living allowance
cost of living index
cost of logs
cost of non-Europe
Cost of Non-Europe Office
Cost of Non-Europe report
cost of ownership
cost of pollution
cost of pollution abatement measures
cost of preserving goods
cost of production
cost of quality
cost of transaction
cost of transport
cost of wood
cost of wood drying
cost-optimal level
cost (p., p.p. cost)
cost performance baseline
cost performance index
cost planning
cost plus award fee
cost plus award fee contracts
cost plus award fee (CPAF)
cost plus award fee (CPAF) contract
cost-plus basis
cost-plus contract
cost plus fee
cost plus fee contract
cost-plus-fee (CPF)
cost plus fixed fee
cost plus fixed fee contract
cost plus fixed fee (CPFF)
cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) contract
cost plus fixed fee (CPFF) contract
cost plus incentive fee
cost plus incentive fee (CFIF) contract
cost plus incentive fee contract
cost plus incentive fee (CPIF)
cost-plus-incentive-fee (CPIF) contract
cost plus method
cost plus percentage of cost
cost plus percentage of cost (CPPC)
cost plus pricing
cost plus pricing method
cost-plus pricing system
cost-plus pricing strategy
cost plus regime
cost price
cost project
cost (purchase) price
cost-push inflation
cost rate table
cost recovery
cost-reimbursable contract
cost-reimbursement contract
cost resource
costs / prime cost
cost sharing methodology
cost[s] of construction
cost structure
cost template
cost unit
cost-utility analysis
cost variance
cost variance (CV)
credit for complete object
cult object
cultural object
current cost
current replacement cost
cutting loss (net calculation)
cutting of unit cost
database object
data object (in programming languages)
data object
debt service cost
depreciable cost
depreciation cost[s]
description of an object
digital object identifier
direct calculation of efficiency
direct cost
direct object
directory object
DirectX Media Object
dismantling cost[s]
Distributed Component Object Model
distribution cost
dynamic object
Document Object Model
economic calculation[s]
economic cost
edge of an object
educational object (US)
embedded object
emission abatement cost
end-of-life cost
enlistment object
environmental cost
EOL cost
equipment cost
error in calculation
*estimated cost
estimated cost
European Convention on the Calculation of Time-limits
exact cost reversing
excavation object
Excel Calculation Server
Excel Object Model
executive calculation
executory cost
falling-object protective structure
Fee Calculation Plugin User Manual
file-mapping object
final cost
financing cost
first cost
fixed cost
fixed cost accrual
flint object
floating-point calculation
flow-based calculation
flow-based capacity calculation methodology
food calculation
Format Object task pane
frangible object
freight calculation table
freight cost
full cost
funding cost
generating cost[s]
Generic Object Exchange Profile (GOEP)
geological and geomorphological natural object
[grammatical] object
gross replacement cost
*handbook of consolidated calculation norms
handling cost[s]
handling object
harmonised capacity calculation methodology
haul cost[s]
*heating calculation
horn object
household object
housing cost neutrality
housing cost overburden
housing cost overburden rate
How much does it cost?
identification of an object
idle time cost
idle time cost[s]
immovable object
implicit cost
implied cost
imputed cost
incremental cost
indirect calculation of efficiency
indirect cost
indirect labour cost
indirect object
industry cost
infinitive of object*
information object (in electronic mail)
information object
initial cost
initial direct cost
inline object
inspection of object
insurance cost
intangible cost
cost of pollution abatement measures
abatement cost
piesārņojuma mazināšanas izmaksas
coût de dépollution
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