Svētdiena, 22. decembris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*official memorandum
Atrasti 187 termini
accompanying official (judge)
administering official
admission of securities to official stock exchange listing
appointed official
AU-EU Memorandum of Understanding on Peace, Security and Governance
border official
bribery of a foreign public official
Budapest Memorandum
Budapest Memorandum on security assurances
change of residence of the official
chief referee (official, judge)
Community official
Council of Europe Convention on Access to official Documents
customs official
debit memorandum
EEA Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
elected official
established official
EU Official Journal
Eurofisc liaison official
European official
explanatory memorandum
first-contact official
former official
for official use*
free official
grey shirt (official's)
Guide to official codification
immediate superior of the official
information management system for official controls
information memorandum
instrument appointing an official
Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 December 1994 - Accelerated working method for official codification of legislative texts
law enforcement official
lead official (only in the USA)
LUX Film Prize Official Competition
LUX Film Prize Official Selection
LUX Prize Official Competition
LUX Prize Official Selection
Management Committee of the Office for Official Publications
marriage of the official
memorandum of agreement
memorandum of association
memorandum of understanding
Memorandum of Understanding between the African Union and the European Union on Peace, Security and Governance
Memorandum of Understanding between the European Economic Community and the United States of America on oil seeds under GATT
Memorandum of Understanding establishing a framework for financial services regulatory cooperation between the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Memorandum of Understanding on financial services regulatory cooperation
Memorandum of Understanding on Oilseeds
Memorandum of understanding on online advertising and intellectual property rights
Memorandum of Understanding on regulatory cooperation in financial services
Memorandum of Understanding on specific economic policy conditionality
Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks
Memorandum of Understanding on the online sale of counterfeit goods
Memorandum of Understanding on the Sale of Counterfeit Goods
Memorandum of Understanding on the Sale of Counterfeit Goods via the Internet
Memorandum on Security Assurances in Connection with Ukraine’s Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
minor official's table
non-official point-out
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
official activity
official attestation
official auditor
official authority
official authorization
official auxiliary
official bulletin
official business style
official capacity
official catalog
Official Ceremonies and Courtesy Events Unit
official certification
official classification
*official classification tables
official codification
official communique
official controls
Official Controls Regulation
Official Corporate Action Event Identifier
official deed
official development assistance
official development finance
official development financing
official discount rate
official document*
official document
official documents
official duty
official duty passport
official EU deactivation mark
official file
official foreign reserves
official holiday
official in active employment
*official in charge of procurements
official inquiry
official instructions*
official interest rate
Official IRA
Official Journal
Official Journal Official Journal of the European Communities
Official Journal of the European Communities
Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office
Official Journal of the Office
Official Journal of the Office for Harmonisation
official journey
official label
official laboratory
official land allotment
official language
official language of a Member State
official language of the EU
official languages
official list
Official Mail Unit
official mandate
official mark
official market
official memo
official memorandum
official misconduct
official on mission
official on secondment
official or other servant carrying out temporarily the duties of Registrar
official papers*
*official part of classified catalog
official passport
official permit
official person
official personal document number
official plant health officer
official publication
Official Publications Office
official recognition
official record
*official reference
official register
official register of professional operators
official report
official representative
official results of competition
official's career
official seal
official sector
official's immediate superior
official stamp
official statistics
official status
official stock exchange
official surveyor
official traininag
official training at the competition site
official veterinarian
official visit
Official Visits, Delegations and Visas Unit
official with active status
other official activities
parent institution of an official
Paris Memorandum of Understanding
Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control
participating Eurofisc liaison official
personal file of the official
public legal official
public official
Regulation on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products
seconded official
senior court official
senior official
stop clock or do not start clock (official's signal)
suspension of an official
team leader (official)
the official is prosecuted
The Subnational Global Climate Leadership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
to buy a public official
top-level official
to remove a customs official
total official support for sustainable development
trail official
trail official (only in the USA)
Turkey-Libya Memorandum of Understanding on the delimitation of maritime jurisdictions in the Mediterranean Sea
under the responsibility of the official veterinarian
under the supervision of the official veterinarian
Unit for Reception and Referral of Official Documents
unofficial market
Sharks MoU
Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks
saprašanās memorands par migrējošo haizivju saglabāšanu
Gemeinsame Absichtserklärung zur Erhaltung der wandernden Haiarten
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