Trešdiena, 8. janvāris
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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*on-call account
Atrasti 34157 termini
‘EC’ declaration of verification of the subsystem
‘RebuildUkraine' reconstruction plan
10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production
128-bit encryption
14-day cumulative COVID-19 case notification rate
15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
1951 Refugee Convention
1968 Brussels Convention
1968 Brussels Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
1974 Helsinki Convention
1979 Geneva Convention
1980 Rome Convention
1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
1988 Lugano Convention
1990 Schengen Convention
1992 Helsinki Convention
1994 Oslo Protocol on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions
1995 United Nations agreement concerning the conservation and management of straddling stocks and highly migratory fish stocks
1999 Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone
1-octanol/water partition coefficient
1-phase induction voltage regulator
2000 EU MLA Convention
2002 Protocol to the 1974 Athens Convention
2007 Lugano Convention
2013 EU Adaptation Strategy
2019-2023 Action Plan European e-Justice
2019-2023 Action Plan for European e-Justice
2019 Hague Judgments Convention
2020-2025 EU action plan on firearms trafficking
2020 Capital Markets Union action plan
2020 CMU action plan
2021 EU Climate Adaptation Strategy
2021 International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour
2050 low carbon economy roadmap
21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
21st session of the Conference of the Parties
3-D animation
3-D computer animation
3D motion
3D representation
3'-flanking region
40-bit encryption
5+5 Dialogue on Migration in the Western Mediterranean
5+5 Joint Military Commission
5'-flanking region
5'-noncoding region
7 pin application
7th Environment Action programme
7th Environment Action Programme to 2020 - "Living well, within the limits of our planet"
A2A integration
Aarhus Convention
Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee
Aaron's rod
abandon a match
abandoned application
abandoned call
*abbreviations in bibliographical description
ABC classification
ABC code for carrying cost classification
ABC code for contribution margin
abdication of parental responsibility
abduction of minor
aberration of the chromatid type
ability of circulation
abiotic degradation
abiotic hydrolytic transformation
abiotic transformation
abiotic transformation reaction
able-bodied population
A Blueprint for a deep and genuine Economic and Monetary Union
abnormal termination
abolition of border controls
abolition of capital punishment
abolition of checks
abolition of customs duties
abolition of customs duty
abolition of discrimination
abolition of double taxation
abolition of fiscal frontiers
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957
abolition of internal border controls
abolition of obstacles
abolition of restrictions
abolition of taxes
Abolition of the Army
abolition of the death penalty
aborted connection
above-plan production
abrasion resistance
abrasion resistance test
abrasion resistant coating
abrasion tester
abrasion test of coated surfaces
abrasive action
abridged edition
abrogation of derogation
abrogation of derogations
abrogation of exemption
abrogation of exemptions
abrogation of law
absolute elongation
Absolute Emission Reduction Target
absolute instruction (deprecated in this sense)
absolute location
absolute motion
absolute territorial protection
absorption ability
absorption capacity
absorption coefficient
absorption factor
absorption landing
absorption limiting frequency
absorption maximum
absorption of losses
absorption (of the bed)
absorption practices
absorption ratio
absorption refrigerating system
absorption spectrum
absorption spectrum band
absorption-type refrigerating appliance
absorption water
abstraction of water
*abstract journal rubrication
abstract publication
Abstract Syntax Notation 1
abundance of common forest birds
Abu Nidal Organization
abuse of a dominant position
abuse of a position of vulnerability
abuse of dominant position
abusive communication
abusive registration of a domain name
A button
academic publication
academic recognition of diplomas and periods of study
academic staff in higher education
a call on a guarantee
A Capital Markets Union for people and businesses - new action plan
accelerated commutation
accelerated depreciation allowance
accelerated examination procedure
accelerated motion
accelerated underreach protection
Accelerating Renewable Energy Transition in SIDS
acceleration capability
acceleration due to gravity
acceleration duty
acceleration factor
acceleration intensity
acceleration notice
acceleration of a covered bond
acceleration of gravity
acceleration of pace
acceleration of particle
acceleration of the legs
acceleration of translation
acceleration of transoport[ation]
acceleration of transportation
acceleration of turnover
acceleration principle
acceleration ratio
acceleration run
acceleration station
acceleration time
acceleration vector diagram
acceptance of goods declaration
acceptance of the goods declaration
acceptance of the succession
accept an obligation
accepted technique of execution
accesion card
accesion number (US)
access account
accessibility theory of jurisdiction
accession agreement
accession arrangement
accession book
accession country
accession criteria
accession document
accession list
accession negotiations
accession number
accession order
accession partnership
accession process
accession record
accession register
accession state
accession to an agreement
accession to the European Union
Accession Treaty
access permission
access restriction
Access Services Administration
access to a profession
Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator Facilitation Council
access to education
access to EU information
access to information
access to the Commission's file
access violation
Accidental Deletion Protection
accidental pollution
accident concentration risk
accident investigation
accident prevention
accident to person
acclimatisation techniques (pl) (GB)
acclimatization techniques (pl) (US)
accommodation allowance
accommodation bill
accommodation centre
accommodation costs
accommodation expenses
accommodation ladder
accommodation train
accompanying reconstitution solvent
accordion fold
accordion-folded prospectus
accordion folding
accordion list
accordion menu
accordion pleat
*accountable person
*accountable person card
account alias
account authority
account balance
account bill
account book
account breach
*account calculation
account card
account certification
account certification service
account code segment
*account credit
account current
account data*
account data
account debit
account discipline*
account document*
account domain
account entry
account expiration
*account for decentralized downputs
account forest
account for own resources
account harvesting
account holder
account information
account information service
account information service provider
accounting application
accounting commission
accounting consolidation
accounting distribution
accounting distribution line
accounting event liquidity classification
accounting information
Accounting Integration
accounting segregation
accounting segregation method
account linking
account lockout
account manager
account money
account number
account number portability
account of extraordinary charges
account of extraordinary expenses
account of extraordinary income
account of preceding financial year relating to implementation of budget
account payment
account picture
account policy
account protection
account provider
account reconciliation
account record
account rule
account service
account servicing payment service provider
account set
account statement
account structure
account takeover
account turnover*
Accra Agenda for Action
accrediation rules
accreditation body
accreditation card
accreditation certificate
accreditation of a paying agency
accreditation of prior and experiential learning
accreditation of suppliers
accreditation process
accreditation system
accretion borer
accretion [severance] cutting
accrued pension right
acculturation stress
accumulated depreciation
accumulation accounts
accumulation fund
accumulation of assets
accumulation of reserve
accumulation phase
accumulation rate
accumulator station
accuracy of information
accuracy of the particulars contained in the declaration
accurate information
accused person
Aceh Monitoring Mission
ace person
acetate film lamination
acetous fermentation
achieve rebounding position
achromatic lesion
acid corrosion
acid deposition
acid deterioration
acidic precipitation
acid migration
acid operation
acid penetration
acid solution
acoustic absorption
acoustic airborne noise emission
acoustic attenuation
acoustic insulation
acoustic insulation material
acoustic propagation
acoustic protection
acoustic refraction
ACP-EC Convention
ACP-EC Customs Cooperation Committee
ACP-EU Convention
ACP-EU institution
acquired mutation
acquiring trade notification
acquisistion of property rights
Acquisition and Cross Services Agreement
acquisition and cross-servicing agreement
acquisition cost
*acquisition costs
acquisition costs
acquisition date
acquisition ethics (pl) (US)
acquisition expenses
acquisition frequency
acquisition list
acquisition number
acquisition of control
acquisition of goods
acquisition of holdings
acquisition of origin
acquisition of parental responsibility
acquisition of property
acquisition of proprietary rights
acquisition of shares
acquisition policy
acquisition potential
acquisition receipt
acquisitions of non-financial assets account
*on-call account
pieprasījuma konts
онкольный счет
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija