Otrdiena, 11. marts
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*out service education
Atrasti 1902 termini
12-key layout
50-on layout
A/V Conferencing Edge service
abbreviated dialling service
About This Report
About turn! , About face!
academic staff in higher education
access control service
Access Edge service
access management service
access to education
account certification service
account information service
account information service provider
Accounting Service
account lockout
account service
account servicing payment service provider
accredited in-house technical service
accredited in-house technical service of the manufacturer
acquiring payment service provider
activation service
Active Directory Service Interfaces
adding without conjunction*
additional / ancillary service
additional payment for long service
additional service
addition without carry (deprecated)
address for service
address verification service
Administration Systems Service
Administrative Inquiries and Disciplinary Procedures Service
adult basic education
adult education
adult education organisation
Adult Education Survey
adult elementary education
advertising intermediation service
Advisory Committee on Education and Training in the Field of Architecture
advisory service
advisory service[s]
aerodrome control service
aerodrome flight information service
aeronautical fixed service
aeronautical information service
aeronautical mobile satellite service
aeronautical mobile service
aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service
aeronautical radionavigation service
aeronautical telecommunication service
after-sale service
after-sales service
Agenda for the Western Balkans on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
Agreement on Access to Higher Education and Admission to Study in the Western Balkans
agricultural advisory service
agricultural education
agricultural extension service
agronomic service
AI as a service
air freight service
air navigation service provider
air service
air service agreement
air traffic advisory service
air traffic control service
air traffic service
air traffic service provider
Air Traffic Service route
air traffic services surveillance service
air transport service
alarm layout (US)
Alerter service
alerting service
All content in this Application, including advertising content, is provided by [video service name].
alternative service
Altiero Spinelli Prize for Outreach: Spreading Knowledge about Europe
amateur-satellite service
amateur service
American lake trout
Analytics Service
ancillary banking service
ancillary service
Application Registry Service
Applications Development and Integration Service
application service provider
approach control service
apron management service
apron management service provider
area control service
area without internal frontiers
art education
article service life
artificial intelligence as a service
assembly layout
assisted service
associated phase layout
assurance service
assured service quality connectivity product
atmosphere monitoring service
atmospheric fallout
ATS surveillance service
attendance; service
audiovisual media service
audiovisual media service provider
audit service
authentication service
authority to accept service
authorization of the service
authorized service provider
Autodiscover service
automatic terminal information service
automatic transfer service account
auxiliaries service
availability service
Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Health
Azure Sync Service
Background Intelligent Transfer Service
back layout to one foot
back-up service
backward (back) salto (somersault) layout, hollow -back somersault
balancing service
balancing service provider
banking service
banking-type ancillary service
banking type of ancillary service
banquet with full waiter service
banquet with half waiter service
bar service
Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider
basic education
basic motions without ball
basic physical education principles
BDC Service Application
BDC Service Application Proxy
bilingual education
blackout state
blackout time
blocking the service
block shot service
booter service
Boot Information Negotiation Layer Service
Bot Framework Service
bout of one-touch interpassing
breakout room
broadcasting-satellite service
broadcasting service
broadcast satellite service
broadcast videography service
brook trout
brown trout
Brussels Operations Service
Brussels sprout
Budget and Finances Service
buffet service
Building Projects Service
bump service (serve)
Bureau, plenary and central meeting service
burial in a coffin-shaped layout of stones
burnout of refuse
burnout syndrome
Business Data Connectivity service
Business Data Connectivity Service Application
Business Data Connectivity Service Application Proxy
Business Data Connectivity Shared Service
Business Software Selection Service
call routing service
camming service
capacity conversion service
card-issuing payment service provider
cargo service
carrier service provider
cast out (layout) to long hang, pushaway to a hang
catalog layout
CBRN Surveillance as a Service
cement grout
cementitious grout
Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives
Central Publishing service
Central Systems Service
certificate of release to service
change of service
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit
charter service
chatroulette service
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Surveillance as a Service
Chemical Abstracts Service
Chemical Abstracts Service index number
Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
Childcare Facilities Service
child protection service
chipper spout
choice of service
circuit layout
Citizens' Signpost Service
C-ITS service
civil service
Civil Service Tribunal
Cyber Education, Training, Evaluation and Exercise platform
Cybersecurity Service for the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies
class / class of service
class in physical education
class of service
Client Liaison Service
Clients and Projects Service
Climate Action Research and Tracking Service
climate change service
climbing with hands only (without the use of the feet)
cloud-backed service
cloud backup service
cloud-based AI as a Service
Cloud Competence Centre Service
cloud computing service
cloud-hosting service
cloud search service
Cloud Search service application
cloud service
cloud service broker
cloud service category
cloud service customer
cloud service customer data
cloud service derived data
cloud service partner
cloud service provider
cloud service provider data
cloud service user
cloud storage service
Cluster service
CM service
COI service provider
collaboration service provider
column-major layout
commercial air transport service
commercial education
Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
Commission for Culture, Education and Research
Commission for Culture and Education
Commission for Education, Youth, Culture and Research
Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture
Commission spokesperson service
Committee on Culture and Education
Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs, Social Affairs and Education
Committee on Social Affairs, Employment, Education, Culture and Civil Society
Committee on Social Affairs, Youth and Children, Human Exchanges, Education and Culture
Common Audit Service
common information service
Common Management Information Service
communication service
communications service
Community Research and Development Information Service
community service
commuter service
company buyout
comparative education
Compendium of Inspiring Practices on Inclusive and Citizenship Education
complain about
Component Update Service
comprehensive sexuality education
compulsory education
computational service[s]
Computer Browser service
computer printout
Conferencing Announcement service
conferencing service
conferencing service provider
confirmed service
confiscation without compensation
connected education
connected service
connection layout
connection timeout
consultancy service
consultancy service[s]
consultation service
consulting service
*consumer service establishment
consumer service[s]
Content and Engagement Service
content distribution service
content service
continuing education
continuing education and training
continuing vocational education and training
continuity of service
continuous service
continuous vocational education and training
Contract Administration Service
contract closeout
Contract Implementation Service
contract service
contractual service margin
contribution of the Legal Service
control service
Convention against Discrimination in Education
Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region
Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters
cooperation in the field of education
Coordination Service
Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service
Copernicus Climate Change Service
Copernicus Emergency Management Service
Copernicus Land Monitoring Service
Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service
Copernicus Security Service
core platform service
core service feature
core service platform
Council Legal Service
Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education
Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events
country code for global service
*course education
Credential Vault Service
credit service provider
critical ICT service provider
crypto-asset service
crypto-asset service provider
cross-border parcel delivery service
cross-border service of judicial and extrajudicial documents
crowdfunding service
crowdfunding service provider
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
Crown Prosecution Service
*cultural service[s]
current awareness service
Customer Relationship Management Service
customer service
customer service center
customer service representative
customer service[s]
customs service
customs service budget
customs union service
customs waterguard service
cutout people
daily training, practice (workout, session)
day and night service
data centre service
datagram service
data integrity service
data intermediation service
data layout
data link-automatic terminal information service
data link service
Data Mgt, Doc.Processing Service
data origin authentication service
data reporting service provider
data retrieval service connection
Data service
data service provider
Data Service Unit
data transmission service
debt service
debt service cost
debt service payment
debt service ratio
debt service risk
Debt Service Suspension Initiative
declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education
deduction without inclusion
deduction without inclusion outcome
defence service provider
deferred delivery service
definitions callout
delaying the service
delivery notification service
*delivery without order
Demand Management Service
democratisation of education
denial of service
denial of service attack
denial-of-service attack
denominational education
department service
deployment service
deposit payout
design for service
desk at the European External Action Service
*detailed layout
detention without charge
Development Education and Awareness Raising
Device as a Service
DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
DG Education and Culture
Diagnostic Policy Service
Diagnostic Service Host
dialogue service
Dial Service Assistance
core platform service
platformas pamatpakalpojums
zentraler Plattformdienst
service de plateforme essentiel
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