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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*output per conventional tractor
Atrasts 271 termins
active power output
Advanced super Thin-layer and high Output Metal Media
aggregate output
agricultural tractor
AI output
AI system output
analog output card
annual output
asynchronous input/output
asynchronous input-output
assessment output
assortment part of output*
attainment of output*
audio output
auditory output
average annual output
average daily steel output
average laser output power
*average monthly output
average output
average output power
Basic Input/Output System
Basic Input Output System
*beginning of output of production
boiler output
brake output torque
capital output ration
caterpillar tractor
coherence of output
commodity output
computer output microfilmer
computer output microfilm printer
computer output microfilm recorder
contact output
continuous output
conventional ammunition
conventional aviation fuel
conventional breeding
conventional cargo
conventional counterpart
conventional duty
conventional dwelling
conventional energy source
conventional error
conventional farming
conventional fossil fuel
conventional fossil kiln fuel
conventional fusing current
conventional gas
conventional impulse withstand voltage
conventional jet fuel
conventional machinery
conventional memory
conventional meter
conventional milling
conventional name
conventional natural gas
*conventional natural indices
conventional non-fusing current
conventional non-tripping current
conventional number
conventional penalty
conventional plastic
conventional price
conventional printed sheet
conventional railway line
conventional risk
conventional sign*
conventional signs of plan drawing
*conventional term
conventional thermal power station
conventional tillage
conventional title
conventional tripping current
conventional weapon
Conventional Weaponry Convention
Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons
Convention on Conventional Weapons
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
Convention on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons
crawler tractor
*daily machine load output
daily output
data output
deferred output VAT
electrolyser output capacity
excitation system output
forestry tractor
gearbox output flange
global reporting mechanism on illicit conventional arms and their ammunition
global reporting mechanism on illicit small arms and light weapons and other illicit conventional weapons and ammunition
glove output device
graphic output
gross output
gross output of a power station
gross output of a set
gross value of output
*handing over the output by first order
heat output
hourly output
human translation (output)
indicator of innovation output
innovation output indicator
input/output port
Input and output
input-output (adjective)
input-output analysis
input-output bus
input-output channel
input-output device
input-output error
input-output framework
input-output interface
input-output processor
input-output register
input-output table
input-output tables
input-process-output chart
yearly output
job printed output
limiting continuous current of an output circuit
limiting short-time current of an output circuit
livestock output
lumber tractor
*machine-output utilization ratio
machine translation output
market output
maximum work output
measurement of output
minimum safe output of the unit
monthly output
narrow-track tractor
natural resource tax on output and pollution
net output
net output a power station
net output of a set
net station output
NETwork Basic Input/Output System
Network Group for the exchange and coordination of information concerning coexistence of genetically modified, conventional and organic crops
nominal heat output
nominal output
non-market output
non-wares part of output
other non-market output
output (adjective)
*output above plan
output admittance
output ahead of schedule
output area
output-based aid
output break circuit
output buffer
output capacitance
output characteristic
output circuit
output cycle time
output current
output data
output (data)
output date
output decrease
output device
output domain
output (driven) link
output file
output filter
output floor
output force
output for own final use
output gap
output impedance
output indicator
output layer
output load
output make circuit
output material
output norm
output of organic solvent
*output [of production]
*output of products per time-unit
output per conventional tractor
*output per passenger-seat
output per shift
output plan
output power
output precurse
output primitive
output (process)
output produced for own final use
output product
output programme
output quantity
output queue
output rate
output resistance
output signal
output signal spectrum
output sound pressure
output standard
output tax
output taxation of heat
output terminal
output transformer
output unit
output value
output VAT
output voltage
pace of output
page output cache
parallel input/output
power output
printed output
rated heat output
rated heat output capacity
rated output
refrigeration output
rendered output
research output
roller tractor
saw output
*seasonal output
seasonal output
*shift output
skidding tractor
solvent output
specific output
standard output
static relay without output contact
static relay with output contact
station output
statistical output
steam output
text output
total output
tracked tractor
track-laying tractor
track-type tractor
*tractor and agricultural machinery engineering
tractor driver
tractor-drive wheel tyre
tractor logging
tractor plow
tractor-propelled plow
tractor removal
tractor road
tractor sledge
tractor sleigh
tractor steering wheel tyre
tractor unit
tractor vehicle
transformation output
truck tractor
ultimate output
useful energy output
useful heat output
useful output
voice output
volume of output
wares part of output
Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies
wheeled tractor
Working Party on Conventional Arms Exports
Working Party on Conventional Arms Exports (Arms Trade Treaty)
Working Party on Non-Proliferation and Arms Exports (Conventional arms exports)
human translation (output)
cilvēkradīts tulkojums
prot. Nr. 649 (13.12.2024)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija