Piektdiena, 3. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*period of limitation of duty arguments
Atrasti 650 termini
abolition of customs duty
acceleration duty
access period
accounting period
Acheulin period
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
action programme for customs in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
action programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
activity limitation
adaptation period
additional duty
additional duty on importation
additional import duty
adjustment period
ad valorem (custom) duty
ad valorem [customs] duty
ad valorem duty
affirmative duty
after-closure period
after-tax period
aging period
allocation period
alteration of customs duty
amount of customs duty
amount of duty
annuity accumulation period
annuity customs duty
annuity period
anti-bounty duty
antidumping duty
anti-dumping duty
anti-subsidy duty
applicable customs duty
application for remission of duty
appropriate basis for levying duty
approximation of rates of excise duty
archaeological period
arguments of fact and law relied on
arms limitation
assessment period
at a reduced rate of duty
Aurignacian period
authorization period
automatic mutual recognition of the outcomes of a learning period abroad
autonomous duty
autonomous duty rate
autonomous rate of duty
average cost period
avoidable duty
Azilian period
balancing period
barring of penalties by limitation
baseline period
base period
basic duty
best before period
betting duty
bill duty
biological recovery period
biological rest period
braking duty
breach of duty
broken period interest
building period
business planning time period
call-up period
Cambrian period
Campigny period
Carboniferous period
catch limitation
chargeable period
Chellean period
child-raising period
chip thickness limitation
CIF Community frontier price, duty unpaid
CIF Union frontier price, duty unpaid
clarify the forms of order sought, the pleas in law and arguments
class society formation period
closed fiscal period
closed period for fishing
closed waiting period
co-insurance period
collection of duty
commitment period
Committee on Excise Duty
commodity circulation period*
Community system of reliefs from customs duty
commutating period
compensating duty
compound duty
conciliation period
constant duty
constant-failure period
continuous duty
continuous-operation penodic duty with electric braking
continuous-operation periodic duty
continuous [running] duty
contractual limitation
contribution period
conventional duty
cooling-off period
countervailing duty
countervailing duty investigation
credit period
Cretacerous period
Crusade Period
[customs] duty
custom[s] duty
customs duty
customs duty exemption
customs duty-free admission
customs duty of fiscal nature
customs duty on exportation
customs duty on exports
customs duty on import
customs duty on importation
date period code
deactivation period
death duty
deferral period
deferred period
definitive anti-dumping duty
definitive countervailing duty
definitive duty
*degree of index limitation
delivered duty paid
Delivered Duty Paid (named place of destination)
delivered duty unpaid
Delivered Duty Unpaid (named place of destination)
Delivered Ex Quay (Duty Paid) (named port of destination)
delivery time (date, period)
depreciate period
depreciation period
Devonian period
differential duty
Directive (EU) 2015/2193 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from medium combustion plants
discount period
discriminating duty
disguised customs duty
distribution retention period
dose limitation
drawback of customs duty
driving period
duty cycle
duty copy
duty dodger
duty drawback
duty exemption
duty free
duty-free, quota-free market access
duty-free admission
duty-free allowance
duty-free allowances
duty-free and quota-free market access
duty-free export
duty-free good
duty-free goods
duty-free import
duty-free importation
duty-free replacement of goods procedure
duty-free sale
duty-free shop
duty-free shoping / tax-free shopping
duty-free zone
duty holder
duty inclusive price
duty of assistance
duty of care
duty of disclosure
duty of entry
duty of fidelity
duty of importation
duty of secrecy
duty of support
duty of the expert to carry out his task conscientiously and impartially
duty of tourist
duty on assets contributed
duty paid
duty personnel
duty rate
duty relief
duty runway
duty stamp
duty suspension
duty suspension arrangement
duty type
duty to adhere
duty to behave with integrity and discretion
duty to cohabit
duty to consent to sexual intercourse
duty to declare
duty to provide help and comfort
duty to refuse to testify
duty to support
duty with non-periodic load and speed variations
Early Acheulian period
early Carboniferous Subperiod
Early Chellean period
early-failure period
Early Metal period
earth period
electronic brake force limitation
elimination of customs duty
emergency period
emission durability period
employment period
end user exempt from excise duty
*equalization duty
equilibration period
European Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitation to Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes
exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting for the period 2021-2027
exchange duty
excise duty
excise duty on imports
excise duty rate
excise duty suspension
excise duty suspension arrangement
excise duty suspension regime
exemption from customs duty
exemption from excise duty
exemption from turnover tax and excise duty on imports in international travel
export duty
expression period
extension of a period
extension of loan period
external rate of duty
failure to report for duty
favourable duty
felling period
fiduciary duty
fiscal element of duty
fiscal period
fishing period
fixed-period residence entitlement
flat rate duty
flat-rate duty
fraud of duty
free of duty
free oscillations period
free vibrations period
full-duty import licence
full insurance period
functional limitation
fundamental period
gas storage withdrawal period
Global Activity Limitation Index
Global Activity Limitation Indicator
grace period
grain duty
granting of a reduced or zero rate of import duty
grant period
Great Migration period
growing period
guarantee period
half-life period
Hallstatt period
harbour duty
heating period
heavy-duty cabinet
heavy duty motor vehicle
heavy-duty vehicle
high-duty boiler
high-duty burner
high-duty goods
hybrid electric heavy-duty vehicle
hoisting duty
identity period
imbalance settlement period
impact compression period
impact restitution period
import duty
imposing of the duty
income reference period
incubation period
induction period
infectious period
infective period
inheritance duty
initial period
injection period
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for the period from 2014 to 2020
insurance period
inter-epidemic period
interest limitation
interest period
Interim Agreement Between The United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Certain Measures With Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
Interim Agreement between the USA and the USSR on Certain Measures with Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
interim financial period
intermittent duty
intermittent periodic duty
intermittent periodic duty with electric braking
intermittent periodic duty with starting
internal duty
internal rate of duty
inventory period
investigation period
investment period
Jurassic period
jury duty
lag period
Late Acheulian period
Late Chellean period
La Tene period
leaf-fall period
legislative period
lending period
lesser duty rule
liable to duty
liable to import duty
lift duty
light-duty cabinet
light-duty vehicle
*limitation of delivery of materials for production
limitation of legal proceedings
limitation of liability
limitation of substitution
limitation of the effects of a Community trade mark
limitation on scope
limitation on tax benefits
limitation period
Lyngby period
loading period
loan period
*loan period card
lock-up period
lookback period
low-duty burner
low duty cycle
low-duty goods
low-emission heavy-duty vehicle
lowering duty
Magdalenian period
Maglemose period
main supporting arguments
margin period of risk
market time period
maturity period
method excise duty
method rate of excise duty
MFN customs duty rate
minimum excise duty
minimum limitation period
minimum rate of excise duty
mixed duty
most favoured nation customs duty rate
motor vehicle duty
Mousterian period
municipal duty
municipality duty
municipal stamp duty
navigation period
Neogene period
neutral duty
New Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
nil rate of duty
noise limitation
notice period
obligation period
off-duty time
offer period
office on duty
official duty
official duty passport
"off-peak" period
off period
on-hold fiscal period
on period
on period duration
on period time
open fiscal period
operating duty
operating period
*operative plan on duty
Ordovician period
oscillations period
out-of-quota customs duty
overhaul period
overtime, overtime period
pay-back period
payback period
payment of the amount of duty
payment period
pay period
Paleogene period
partial payment of duty
party liable to duty
patent duty
peak listening period
peak-load period
peak-power limitation
perinatal period
period beginning stock
*period of limitation of duty arguments
darba strīdu noilgums
давность по трудовым спорам
Verjährungsfrist bei Arbeitsstreitigkeiten
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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