Piektdiena, 24. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*real catalog
Atrasti 338 termini
accessions catalog
after-tax real rate of return
aggregated catalog
agricultural real estate
album catalog
alphabetical catalog
alphabetical catalog (US)
alphabetical classed catalog
alphabetical subject catalog
alphanumerical catalog
analytical catalog
annotated catalog
App Catalog
areal linguistics
areal typology
areal velocity
assessed value of real estate
auction catalog (US)
author catalog
auxiliary catalog
auxiliary index to a book or catalog
Azure Data Catalog
Azure Data Catalog Registration Tool
backup set catalog
base catalog
basic catalog
bookform catalog
bookseller's catalog
book-trade catalog
boreal forest
bovine venereal campylobacteriosis
Brazilian real
breakfast cereal
capital gains from the sale of real estate
card catalog
card catalog (US)
catalog cabinet
catalog card
catalog card (US)
catalog case
*catalog certificate
catalog checking
catalog classification number
catalog class number
catalog code
catalog drawer
*catalog editor
catalog layout
Catalog Maintenance Request file
*catalog making
catalog merge
catalog merge area
catalog of holdings(US)
catalog of paintings (US)
catalog of periodicals
catalog of places
catalog organisation
catalog photograph (US)
*catalog propaganda
catalog revisions
catalog set
catalog tag
catalog tray
catalog (US)
catalog views
catchword catalog
category catalog
central catalog
central catalog (US)
cereal flakes
cereal flour
cereal grain
cereal husks
cereal leaf aphid
cereal product
cereal products
cereal straw
cereal substitute
changes in net worth due to real holding gains/losses
chronological catalog
class catalog
classed catalog
classified catalog
classified subject catalog
close to real-time
cloud app catalog
collection catalog (US)
commercial real estate
commercial real estate property
computerized catalog (US)
corporeal property
cross catalog
current catalog editing
database catalog
Data Catalog
dictionary catalog
enumerative catalog
exhibition catalog (US)
extracorporeal life support
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
extracorporeal oxygenation
*folded catalog
full-text catalog
GDP in real terms
general catalog
geographical catalog
global catalog
gross domestic product in real terms
households’ real income
illustrated catalog
*illustrated wall catalog
IMDB catalog
income-producing real estate
income producing real estate exposure
incorporeal property
inverted catalog
investment value of real estate
joint catalog
Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
Kunming-Montreal biodiversity agreement
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
land real sample value of city
*local editions catalog
location catalog (US)
machine-readable catalog
Macro Catalog
main catalog
main catalog (US)
market value of real estate
master catalog
Microsoft Update Catalog
monitoring mechanism for anthropogenic CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in the Member States
Montreal Convention
Montreal Protocol
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
national/real income aggregates
national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol
near real-time
near real-time analysis
near real-time data consumption system
near real-time metering and consumption data
network joint catalog
network union catalog
nominal catalog
numerical catalog
official catalog
*official part of classified catalog
one-step real-time RT-PCR
Online Public Access Catalog
periodic real estate assessment
planned catalog revisions
principal catalog
printed catalog
printed catalog (US)
processed cereal-based food
procurement catalog
Product Catalog
public catalog
publisher's catalog
quantitative real-time RT-PCR
real account
real address
real address mode
real and effective industrial or commercial establishment
real asset
real burden
real capital
real catalog
real component
real convergence
real demand
real diphthong
real disposable income
real domestic product
real driving emissions
real earnings
real economy
real estate
real estate agent
real estate assessment
real estate bubble
real estate business
real estate credit
real estate exploitation
real estate investment vehicle
real estate market
Real Estate Projects Unit
real estate purchase tax
real estate register
real estate restitution
real estate tax
real estate valuation
real evidence
real gas
real GDP
real GDP growth
real gross disposable household income
real gross disposable income of households
real gross domestic product
real gross national product
real gross national product deflator
real gross national product per capita
real head office
real holding gain
real holding gains/losses
real house price index
real image
real implicit cost of debt
real implicit debt-servicing cost
real income
real income*
Real IRA
real yellowwood
real labour productivity
real life support
real literal
real mode
real-mode mapper
real money stock
Real Motion
real name
real number
real open system
real power
real price
real property
real property market
real property tax
real punctuation mark*
real risk of serious harm
real risk of suffering serious harm
real robot movement
real salary
real seat
real system
real storage
real time
real time (adjective)
real-time bandwidth
real-time block list service
real-time chat
real-time clock
real-time closure
Real-time Co-authoring
real-time collaboration
real-time control
real-time control bandwidth
real-time data
real-time economy
real-time environment
real-time event
real-time imaging
Real Time Kinematic
real-time kinematics
real-time language
real-time locating system
real-time location system
Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling diagram
real-time operation
real-time operational analytics
real-time PCR
real-time polymerase chain reaction
real-time processing
Real-time protection
real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction
real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
real-time reverse transcription PCR
real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction
real-time RT-PCR
real time single-step RT-PCR
real-time system
Real Time Streaming Protocol
Real-Time Streaming Protocol
real-time text
real-time typing
real-time traffic information
real-time transmission of information
real type
*real turnover of book stock
real unit labour cost
real value
Real Vision
Real Voice
real wage
real wage growth
real wages
real-world data
real-world emissions
real-world NOx emissions
real-world vehicle emissions
refusal catalog
regional catalog
residential real estate
residential real estate property
sale of real estate
sales catalog (US)
service catalog
sheaf catalog
shelf catalog
simplified catalog
systematic catalog
systematic catalog (US)
*systems complex catalog
special catalog
special catalog (US)
specialized catalog
staff catalog
standard catalog
statistical catalog
*sub-collections catalog
subject card catalog (US)
subject catalog
subject catalog (US)
tax on real rate of return
thematic catalog
title catalog
type catalog (US)
to catalog
to catalog (US)
to enter on catalog cards (US)
topographical catalog
Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer system
union catalog
unused real estate
vendor catalog
venereal disease
venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
volume catalog
real yellowwood
upright yellowwood
platlapu podokarps
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podo de l'Afrique du Sud
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