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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*reduction of construction period
Atrasti 632 termini
1994 Oslo Protocol on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions
Absolute Emission Reduction Target
access period
accounting period
Acheulin period
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
action programme for customs in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
action programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
adaptation period
Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality
adequate risk reduction
adjustment period
administrative burden reduction
Administrative Burden Reduction Programme
after-closure period
after-tax period
aging period
Agreement on the price reduction of the roaming services in public mobile communication networks in the Western Balkans region
allocation period
aluminium reduction cell
annuity accumulation period
annuity period
archaeological period
assessment period
attack surface reduction
attack surface reduction rule
Aurignacian period
authorization period
automatic mutual recognition of the outcomes of a learning period abroad
average cost period
Azilian period
balancing period
baseline period
base period
basic construction
benchmark for debt reduction
best before period
biological recovery period
biological rest period
block construction
breadboard construction
broken period interest
Building and construction work
building period
buildings and construction
built-up construction
burden reduction implementation mechanism
business planning time period
call-up period
Cambrian period
Campigny period
capital construction
capital construction department
carbon emission reduction credit
Carboniferous period
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
cellular construction
certified emission reduction
certified emission reduction unit
chargeable period
Chellean period
child-raising period
class society formation period
closed fiscal period
closed period for fishing
closed waiting period
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
co-insurance period
Commission notice on immunity from fines and reduction of fines in cartel cases
commitment period
commodity circulation period*
commutating period
completed construction
conciliation period
constant-failure period
construction and demolition waste
construction and installation work
construction area*
construction base*
*construction by contract
*construction board
construction complex
construction contract
construction cost
construction costs
*construction design[ing]
construction economics*
construction economy
construction equipment
construction estimate documentation
*construction line
construction machinery
construction materials
construction object
construction of a rampart
construction of road
construction operations
construction organization
*construction organization plan
construction plan
construction policy
construction product
Construction Products Regulation
construction project
construction projects
construction services contract
construction site
*construction site certificate
*construction site line
construction-site vehicle
construction team*
construction timber
construction time
construction vehicle
construction waste
construction worker
construction works
contract construction
*contract of construction
contribution period
Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and on Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality
Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness
cooling-off period
cooperative construction
cost[s] of construction
credit period
Cretacerous period
crossed log construction
Crusade Period
data reduction
date period code
dative absolute construction
deactivation period
debt reduction
debt reduction benchmark
Decision No 406/2009/EC on the effort of Member States to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Community’s greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments up to 2020
deferral period
deferred period
delivery time (date, period)
demand reduction
depreciate period
depreciation period
design construction
Devonian period
dimensionality reduction
Directive (EU) 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment
direct reduction
disaster reduction
disaster risk reduction
discard reduction plan
discount / reduction of price
discount period
distribution retention period
double-reduction gear unit
double-reduction right-angle reduction gear unit
double-reduction wormgear unit
driving period
dust-tight construction
Early Acheulian period
Early Chellean period
early-failure period
Early Metal period
earth period
emergency period
emission durability period
emission reduction
emission reduction objective
emission reduction pathway
emission reduction target
emission reduction trajectory
emission reduction unit
emissions reduction
emissions reduction additionality
emissions reduction target
employment period
equilibration period
EU Construction & Demolition Waste Management Protocol
European Citizens’ Panel on Food Waste Reduction
European Gas Demand Reduction Plan
exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting for the period 2021-2027
explosion-proof construction
expression period
extension of a period
extension of loan period
fatigue strength reduction factor
felling period
*financial construction plan
fire resistance of construction
fiscal period
fish for reduction
fish for reduction purposes
fishing period
fixed-period residence entitlement
force reduction
forging reduction
*formal acceptance [on completion of construction]
fortification construction
free oscillations period
free vibrations period
frequency reduction
full insurance period
fundamental period
gas storage withdrawal period
gear reduction ratio
general construction characteristics of the vehicle
*general construction plan
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
glued construction
grace period
grant period
grave with an underground stone construction
Great Migration period
gross reduction
growing period
guarantee period
guarded construction
half-life period
Hallstatt period
harm reduction
harm-reduction equipment
heating period
high-load construction species
hollow-core-construction door
hook-jointed construction
housing construction
hub reduction
hub reduction axle
hub reduction tandem axle
identity period
imbalance settlement period
impact compression period
impact restitution period
income reference period
incubation period
indebtedness reduction
induction period
infectious period
infective period
Inflation Reduction Act
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships
Initial International Maritime Organization Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships
initial period
Initial Strategy on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships
injection period
inspection of construction work
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for the period from 2014 to 2020
insurance period
inter-epidemic period
interest period
interim financial period
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
International Day for Disaster Reduction
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
inventory period
investigation period
investment period
Jurassic period
Keep reduction valves free from grease and oil.
lag period
laid up construction
land acquisition, development and construction exposure
large-scale construction
Late Acheulian period
Late Chellean period
La Tene period
leaf-fall period
leakproof construction
leaktight construction
legislative period
lending period
limitation period
linear construction*
line construction*
Lyngby period
loading period
loan period
*loan period card
lock-up period
long-term certified emission reduction
lookback period
lump-sum reduction
Luxembourg and Strasbourg Major Construction Projects Unit
Magdalenian period
Maglemose period
major construction department
management of construction
margin period of risk
market time period
maturity period
mine, dump and construction sites
minimum limitation period
mobile construction site
modular construction
Mousterian period
MTT reduction assay
Nairobi Protocol for the Prevention, Control and Reduction of SALW in the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa.
national 2030 reduction target
national emission reduction commitment
national exposure reduction target
nationally determined reduction commitment
navigation period
Neogene period
net soil emission reduction benefit
New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
New Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
noise reduction
noise reduction system
noncontracted construction
notice period
NOx storage-reduction catalyst
object of construction
obligation period
offer period
"off-peak" period
off period
one-off cap reduction
on-hold fiscal period
on period
on period duration
on period time
open construction
open fiscal period
operating period
Ordovician period
oscillations period
overhaul period
overtime, overtime period
oxidation reduction potential
oxidation-reduction reaction
pace of debt reduction
payback period
pay-back period
payment period
pay period
Paleogene period
parallel-shaft reduction gear unit
particle concentration reduction factor
peak listening period
peak-load period
percentage reduction of area
perinatal period
period beginning stock
period between repairs
period between sessions
period covered by the accounts
period display
period during which a driving licence may not be reissued
period during which tenders are binding
period during which the goods may remain in the territory by reference to the authorized uses
period final stock
period for discharge
period for ramping
period for voluntary departure
period of a satellite
period of cycle
period of contribution
period of employment
period of grace
period of guarantee
period of imprisonment
period of insurance
period of limitation for the collection of import duties and taxes
*period of limitation of duty arguments
period of maturing
period of notice
period of probation
period of reconstruction
period of reference
period of repayment
period of reproduction of labour fource
period of reproduction of population
period of residence
period of self-employment
period of sensitivity
period of settlement
period of storage
period of study
period of the grant
period of time
period of unemployment
period of use
period of validity
*period of validity of reservation
period of validity of the ATA carnet
period of validity of visa
period [of vibration]
period of warehousing
period poverty
period under review
Permian period
phase-out period
*planning period end limit
line construction*
plūsmveida būvniecība
plūsmas būvniecība
строительство поточное
fliessender Bau*
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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