Piektdiena, 10. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*relatively fixed costs
Atrasti 420 termini
accommodation costs
acquisition costs
*acquisition costs
activity costs
actual costs
actual costs according to breakdown of calculation
actual costs according to elements of expenses
additions to fixed assets
administrative costs
aeronautical fixed circuit
aeronautical fixed service
aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
after-sales costs
agency costs
agreement of the parties on costs
air transport costs to be included in the value for customs purposes
allocation of costs
amortisation of fixed assets
amortization costs
ancillary costs
apportionment of costs
associated costs
*average age of fixed assets
avoidable costs
balance of fixed assets
balance of fixed capital
balance of fixed nonproductive assets
basic material costs
bear one's own costs
borrowing costs
bottom-fixed offshore wind
business costs
calculation of actual costs
calculation of costs
*carry over costs
certain, of a fixed amount and due
Channel fixed link
charge in excess of customs costs
circulation costs
claim for costs
class of fixed assets
commercial costs
compensation of fixed capital
computing costs
construction costs
consumption of fixed capital
contradictions between value and costs
contribution to the costs of married life
Control Costs
controllable costs
Convention on centralised customs clearance, concerning the allocation of national collection costs retained when traditional own resources are made available to the EU budget
co-production costs
cost plus fixed fee
cost plus fixed fee contract
cost plus fixed fee (CPFF)
cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) contract
cost plus fixed fee (CPFF) contract
costs / prime cost
costs and benefits study
costs eligible for financing
costs of basic material
costs of harvesting
costs of ownership transfer
costs of the expert's report
costs of the proceedings
costs unreasonably or vexatiously caused
costs which are eligible for financing
court costs
credit costs
cross-Channel Fixed Link
cutting of costs
debt servicing costs
decision as to costs
decrease of costs
deferred acquisition costs
depreciate of fixed assets
depreciation costs
depreciation of fixed assets
differential costs
direct costs
*dismantling costs
disposal of fixed assets
dispute concerning the costs to be recovered
ecological costs
economic costs
education costs
elasticity of costs
elements of production costs
eligible costs
environmental costs
equivalent fixed intensity
estimate of fixed assets
exceeding borrowing costs
excessive costs
external costs
*factor of renewal of fixed assets
factor of withdrawal of fixed assets
familiarisation costs
fee for the review of the determination of the procedural costs to be refunded
felling costs
financing not linked to costs
fiscal costs
fixed accent
fixed ammunition
fixed aspect ratio
fixed asset
fixed asset addition
fixed asset group
fixed asset register
fixed assets
fixed assets acquisition value
fixed assets liquidation
fixed assets residual value
fixed assets restoration value
fixed assets wear and tear
fixed axes system
fixed axode
fixed-bed adsorption
fixed-bed reactor
fixed capacitor
fixed capital
fixed carbon
fixed centrode
fixed charge
fixed combination medicinal product
fixed compensation
fixed compensation plan
fixed component
fixed contact
fixed contact member
fixed contact [piece]
fixed cost
fixed cost accrual
fixed costs
fixed-count iteration
fixed coupling
fixed crane
fixed currency
fixed database role
fixed date
*fixed-date payment
fixed defence
fixed deposit
fixed deposits
fixed development program of robot
Fixed Dialing Number
fixed disk
fixed distribution allocation method
fixed-dose combination
fixed dose combination medicinal product
fixed-dose combination product
fixed dose level
fixed dose procedure
fixed-duration task
fixed end
fixed equipment
fixed establishment
fixed exchange rate
fixed expenses
fixed extinguishing system
fixed fee job
fixed file location
fixed-film bioreactor
fixed fire-extinguishing system
fixed-for-fixed swap
fixed-for-floating swap
fixed formation
fixed frame of reference
fixed gillnet
fixed gillnet on stakes
fixed grid
fixed head disk
fixed headquarters
fixed HQ
fixed income
fixed income arbitrage
fixed-income security
fixed industrial production assets
fixed installation
fixed interest
fixed joint
fixed light
fixed load
fixed load curve
fixed location
fixed match
fixed material consumption
fixed maturity
fixed memory
fixed net
fixed nonproduction assets
fixed nose protection
fixed overhead costs
fixed overheads
fixed payment
fixed party list
fixed pecuniary benefit
fixed percentage allocation method
fixed-period residence entitlement
fixed pitch
fixed pitch propeller
fixed-pitch propeller
fixed place of business
Fixed Platform Protocol
fixed point
fixed-point arithmetic
fixed-point notation
fixed-point representation system
fixed-point type
fixed polecurve
fixed positioning
fixed price
fixed price approach
fixed price offer system
fixed-price project
fixed-price project estimate
fixed production assets
fixed property
fixed pulley
fixed quantity kanban
fixed quantity system
fixed radix notation
fixed radix (numeration) system
fixed rake of coaches
fixed rate
fixed-rate agreement
fixed rate of interest
fixed-rate position
fixed reception
fixed remuneration
fixed routing
fixed salary
fixed-satellite service
fixed server role
fixed service
fixed speed wind turbine
fixed sprinkler irrigation system
fixed station
fixed storage
fixed stress
fixed sum
fixed support
fixed tangible asset
fixed term
fixed-term, fixed-price electricity supply contract
fixed-term contract
fixed-term employment contract
fixed-type jig bushing
fixed transport installation
fixed-trip switching device
fixed value
fixed[-value] resistor
fixed vector
fixed version
fixed weight
fixed weight allocation method
fixed-width text file
fixed-wing UA
fixed-wing UAV
fixed-wing unmanned aircraft
fixed wireless
fixed wireless broadband internet
fixed word-group
fixed working hours
formalin-fixed tissue
framework of boards fixed in poles
freight costs
fuel costs
full costs
give a decision as to costs
give a decision as to costs having regard to any proposals made by the parties on the matter
gross domestic fixed investment
gross fixed asset formation
gross fixed capital
gross fixed capital formation
gross fixed investment
grouping of costs according to elements*
handling costs
haulage and removal costs
health costs
heavy tax costs
hidden costs
horizontal (fixed) bar
improvement costs
incidental costs
increase of costs
indirect costs
in-donor refugee costs
*industry total costs
initial costs
input costs
insurance costs
intangible fixed asset
intangible (fixed) assets
internal costs
internalisation of external costs
inventory of fixed assets
involuntary fixed-term contract
year of purchase of the fixed asset
labour costs
levy in connection with offsetting of storage costs for sugar
liquidation of fixed assets
liquidation value of fixed assets
loan with no fixed term
long-life fixed tangible asset
long run incremental costs
*machine-hour costs
management costs
manufacturing costs of products sold
*marginal costs
marginal resource costs
material costs
mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications
medium-life fixed tangible asset
motion of rigid body about fixed point
national production costs
net fixed capital formation
nonmanufacturing costs
non-wage labour costs
not fixed working hours
obsolescence of fixed assets
operating costs
operating costs analysis
operational costs
opportunity costs
opportunity costs/lost revenues
order to pay the costs
overhead costs
overtime costs
packaging costs
packing costs
payment of costs
part of an axe to which a haft is fixed
personnel costs
physical wear of fixed assets
price fixed in advance
prime costs
principle of "costs lie where they fall"
*processing costs
processing costs
*procurement costs
production costs
*productivity of fixed assets
projected budgetary costs
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf
purchase costs
quality-related costs
recoverable costs
recovery of costs
reevaluation of fixed assets
reimbursement on the basis of unit costs
relatively fixed costs
relatively small rise
relief material costs
remedial action with costs
remedial action without costs
remedial security action with costs
remedial security action without costs
renewal of fixed assets
renovation of fixed assets
reproduction of fixed assets
reproduction of fixed capital
responsibility for costs
rework costs
running costs
sales outside a fixed facility
scouting costs
selling costs
settlement of costs
shared costs
share the costs
sharing of costs
shipping costs
sypply-interruption costs
social costs of illegal drugs
social security costs
special purpose costs
standard costs
standard scale of unit costs
stocks of fixed assets
storage costs
storage costs levy
*structure of production costs
subsistence costs
sunk costs
*supplementary costs
supply costs
supply-interruption costs
survey of labour costs
tangible fixed asset
tax compliance costs
tax wedge on labour costs
the fee is not commensurate with the costs of the services
to bear the tax compliance costs
to cut down costs
to incur costs
dispute concerning the costs to be recovered
domstarpības par atlīdzināmajiem tiesāšanās izdevumiem
Streit über die erstattungsfähigen Kosten
contestation sur les dépens récupérables
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