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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*representation quota
Atrasti 226 termini
3D representation
access quota
additional quota
adequate representation
adjustment of quota
administration of tariff quota
agricultural quota
allocation of quota
allocation of tariff quota
amount of quota
amount of the quota
analytical quota
analog representation
appropriate quota
autonomous quota
autonomous tariff quota
balanced representation
basic quota
BCD notation binary-coded decimal representation
bilateral quota
binary-coded decimal representation
biometric representation
catch quota
*change of work quota
characteristic (in a floating-point representation)
cyberspace representation
coded representation
code for the representation of modes of transport
collective representation outside workplace
common data representation
Community tariff quota
computer-animated representation
Concise Binary Object Representation
continuous representation
correction of quota
customs representation
data gathering and representation techniques
data representation
degressively proportional representation
description explaining the representation or the specimen
diagrammatic representation
digital representation
diplomatic representation
direct representation
discrete representation
drawing request on a tariff quota
duty-free, quota-free market access
duty-free and quota-free market access
electoral gender quota
electoral quota
employees' representation in management
*equal representation
establishment of the quota
European Association for the Co-ordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation
European Interest Representation Number
exhaust a quota
exponent (in a floting-point representation)
exponent ( in a floting –point representation)
export quota
external representation of the Union
false representation
fishing quota
fixed-point representation system
floating-point representation
floating-point (representation) system
floating-point representation system
forage quota
foreigner quota
fraudulent misrepresentation
gender-balanced representation
gender quota
general principles of representation
global quota
gold quota
graphic representation
high import duties quota
iconic representation
IMF quota
immigration quota
import quota
import tariff quota
increase of a quota
indirect representation
insurance quota
interest representation
joint representation
journal quota
knowledge representation
knowledge representation and reasoning
legal representation
legal representation of children
letter of representation
liquidation quota
machine time quota
management representation letter
mantissa (in a floating-point representation)
material consumption quota
material misrepresentation
maximum of a quota
maximum quota
milk quota
misrepresentation of data
misrepresentation of facts
misrepresentation of information
non-preferential country-allocated tariff quota
non-preferential tariff quota
non-quota country
normalized form (in a floating-point representation)
Notations for the representation of discrete data
Notations for the representation of the decimal digits
number representation
number representation system
numeric representation
one-parametric representation of random loading
opening of a tariff quota
outline representation
out-of-quota customs duty
out-of-quota sugar
overfulfilment of quota
permanent representation to the EU
photographic representation
picture representation
political representation
positional representation
positional (representation) system
Positional representation systems
preferential tariff quota
principle of unity in external representation
production quota
professional representation
proportional representation
quantitative export quota
quota agreement
quota allocation
quota allocation scheme
quota allocation system
quota and voice reform
quota banking
quota duty
quota exchange
quota exchange mechanism
quota exhaustion
quota flexibility
quota year
quota limit
quota message
*quota of book providing
quota period
quota permit
quota permit number
quota refugee
quota regulation
quota restraint
quota restriction
quota review
quota rights
quota share*
quota share
quota system
quota statement
quota stock*
quota sugar
quota swap
quota top-up
quota treaty
quota uptake
quota use
quota volume
representation agreement
representation expenses
representation letter
representation medium
representation of a trade mark
representation of data
representation of random loading
*representation of sample totality
representation of the design suitable for reproduction
representation of women
representation quota
request for drawing on the quota
resource consumption quota
right of representation
seasonal quota
staged representation
standard form (in a floating-point representation)
storage quota
structure of material consumption quota
sub-tariff quota
sugar under quota
tariff quota
tariff quota drawing request
tariff quota request
tariff quota with a nil rate of duty
tariff-rate quota
taxable quota
tax representation system
type of quota
types of data representation
to attribute a quota
to draw a quota share
to establish a quota
to fix a quota
to grant a quota
to import under the tariff quota
to lift the quota
to normalize (in a floating-point representation system)
to set a quota
transport quota
two-parametric representation of random loading
Union autonomous quota
unity in the international representation of the Community
variable-point representation system
Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organisations of a Universal Character
wavelet representation
wireframe representation
workers' representation
work quota
work quota setting
zero duty tariff quota
zero tariff quota
zipper quota
*representation quota
pārstāvības norma
норма представительства
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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