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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*reverse bill of exchange
Atrasti 750 termini
1967 Comay-Michelmore Exchange of Letters between UNRWA and Israel
accepted bill
accommodation bill
account bill
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Blood-grouping Reagents
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Tissue-Typing Reagents
addressed bill
ad exchange
Ad Hoc Group on Information Exchange
admission of securities to official stock exchange listing
advance bill
advertising exchange
agent's bill
Agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union on security procedures for the exchange of classified information
Agreement between Romania and the European Union on security procedures for the exchange of classified information
Agreement between the European Union and the Principality of Andorra on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement between the European Union and the Principality of Liechtenstein on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of San Marino on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union on the security procedure for the exchange of classified information
Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on the security procedures for the exchange of classified information
agreement in the form of an exchange of letters
agreement in the form of an exchange of notes
Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters
Agreement on the Exchange of War Cripples between Member Countries of the Council of Europe with a view to Medical Treatment
air exchange
anion exchange
asynchronous data exchange
authentication exchange
automatic exchange
automatic exchange of information
automatic gripper exchange
automatic information exchange
back (reverse) pass
back-up flank over into reverse hang
back uprise reverse Stutz
back uprise with reverse grip hecht vault over bar with half (½) turn to forward swing in hang
back uprise with reverse grip to support, change to ordinary grip in free support
back-up straddle over into reverse hang
backward (back) hang, hang rearways, rear (reverse) hang
backward scissors, reverse scissors
bacterial reverse mutation assay
bacterial reverse mutation test
*bankable bill
bank bill
Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement
Basic Exchange and Cooperative Agreement
bearer bill
bearer bill of lading
bed reverse motion
bent inverted hang, piked-reverse hang
bill arbitrage
bill broker
bill contents
bill discount
bill discounting
bill duty
*bill form
bill for work
bill guarantee
bill hook
bill issue date*
bill loss
bill of acceptance
bill of clearance
bill of credit
bill of discharge
bill [of exchange]
bill of exchange
bill of exchange guarantee
bill of exchange law
bill of fare / table d'hote
bill of indictment
bill of lading
bill of loading
bill of materials
bill of materials explosion
bill of materials item
bill of material version
bill of parcels
bill of quantities
bill of trade
bill rediscount
bill regress
*bill requisites
bill shock
bill stamp
bill-to address
blank bill
block bill
block exchange
bloody crane's-bill
book exchange
Cached Exchange Mode
calculation of exchange rate
cation-exchange column
cation exchange high performance liquid chromatography
cation exchange HPLC
cation-exchange resin
cation exchange resin
central electronic system for the exchange of VAT information
central VAT information exchange system
Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on Asylum
Cepol Knowledge Centre on Law Enforcement Cooperation, Information and Exchange and Interoperability
Charter of Tourism / Tourism Bill of Rights
CIREFI (Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration)
clean bill of lading
Comay-Michelmore exchange of letters
commercial bill
commercial exchange
commodities exchange
commodity exchange
Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework
Common standard on reporting, due diligence and exchange of information
Community system for the rapid exchange of information on dangers arising from the use of consumer products
company listed on a stock exchange
computerised system for the cross-border electronic exchange of data in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
consignment bill
convective heat exchange
convective heat-exchange bundle
counter bill
course of exchange
covered foreign exchange call
crane's bill
criterion on participation in the Exchange Rate Mechanism of the EMS
cross exchange rate
cross-zonal exchange
CSP Direct Bill Partner
cultural exchange
currency exchange
current exchange rate
custody bill of lading
database reverse engineering
data exchange
data exchange highway
data exchange layer
data exchange system
Data Exchange Standard
data switching exchange
deficit in foreign exchange
direct bill of lading
direct exchange
discounted bill
dishonoured bill
dislocate (dislocation) grasp (grip), ellgrip (ellgrasp), reverse grasp (grip), rotated grasp (grip) twisted grasp (grip)
dislocation circle (long swing), reverse (dislocate) giant
divorce bill
Dynamic Data Exchange
dynamic data exchange channel
dynamic data exchange conversation
double German reverse straddle
Drawing Exchange Format
drop in the exchange rate
educational exchange
e-Evidence Digital Exchange System
EFSA’s emerging risks exchange network
EFSA emerging risks exchange network
e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange
e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange system
electricity exchange
electronic bill presentment
electronic bill presentment and payment
electronic data exchange
electronic data exchange system
Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information
Emerging Risks Exchange Network
employment exchange
EMS exchange-rate mechanism
Enterprise Local Exchange Carrier
equivalence of exchange
*equivalent in book exchange
Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange
EU Customs Single Window Certificates Exchange System
Euro exchange rate
European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin
European Agreement on the Exchange of Tissue-Typing Reagents
European Community Urgent Radiological Information Exchange
European electronic health record exchange format
European Energy Exchange
European Energy Exchange AG
European Information Exchange Model
European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers
European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers, inspired by Erasmus
European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers, inspired by the Erasmus programme
European initiative for the exchange of young officers inspired by Erasmus
European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers (inspired by Erasmus)
European Young Officers Exchange Scheme
European Young Officers Exchange Scheme, modelled on Erasmus
European Type Approval Exchange System
European Union Customs Single Window Certificates Exchange System
European Union (Withdrawal) Bill
exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting
exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting for the period 2021-2027
Exchange ActiveSync
exchange adjustment
Exchange admin center
Exchange Administration Center
Exchange administrator
exchange against actuals
exchange agreement
exchange authorisation
exchange bans
exchange between tribes
Exchange by Phone
exchange bulletin
*exchange business conditions
exchange clause
exchange collection
exchange concept
Exchange Conferencing Services
exchange conjuncture (situation)
exchange control
Exchange Control Panel
exchange council
exchange crisis
exchange deal
exchange dealer
exchange difference
exchange duty
exchange energy
exchange engine
Exchange Enterprise CAL Services (EOP, DLP)
Exchange Enterprise CAL Services (EOP, DLP) for faculty
Exchange Enterprise CAL Services (EOP, DLP) for Government
Exchange Enterprise CAL Services (EOP, DLP) Technical Preview
Exchange Fast Access
exchange fluctuations
exchange for physical
exchange full powers
exchange fund
Exchange hybrid deployment
Exchange Hybrid Edition
Exchange Hosted Services
Exchange identity token
exchange income
exchange intervention
exchange law
exchange list
Exchange Literature Reference Plugin User Manual
Exchange Management Console
Exchange Management Shell
exchange market
Exchange Multi-Geo
Exchange Network on Exposure Scenarios
exchange of balancing capacity
exchange of balancing energy
exchange of commodities
exchange of experience
exchange of futures for cash
exchange of goods
exchange of information
exchange of letters
Exchange of Military Young Officers
exchange of notes
exchange of officials
exchange of organs
exchange of personnel
exchange of pleadings
exchange of publications
exchange of quotas
exchange of reserves
exchange of shares
Exchange Online
Exchange Online Advanced Threat Protection for faculty
Exchange Online Advanced Threat Protection for students
Exchange Online Archiving (EOA) for Exchange Online Customers (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online Archiving (EOA) for Exchange Server
Exchange Online Archiving (EOA) for Exchange Server (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Online
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Online for faculty
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Server
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Server for faculty
Exchange Online Archiving for Exchange Server for students
Exchange Online Archiving for Nonprofits
Exchange Online Essentials
Exchange Online Kiosk (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online Multi-Geo
Exchange Online (Plan 1)
Exchange Online (Plan 1) for alumni
Exchange Online (Plan 1) for faculty
Exchange Online (Plan 1) for Government
Exchange Online (Plan 1) for students
Exchange Online (Plan 1) (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online (Plan 2)
Exchange Online (Plan 2) for Government
Exchange Online (Plan 2) (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online Protection
Exchange Online Protection for faculty
Exchange Online Protection for Government
Exchange Online Protection for students
Exchange Online Protection (Government Pricing)
Exchange Online Protection Technical Preview
Exchange Online with OneDrive for Business
exchange panic
exchange parity
exchange pennants
exchange policy
exchange power control
exchange premium
exchange price
exchange privilege purchase
exchange product
*exchange profit
exchange programme
exchange rate
exchange rate adjustment
exchange rate appreciation
exchange rate bulletin
exchange rate fluctuations
exchange-rate mechanism
exchange rate mechanism
exchange rate policy
exchange rate risk
exchange rate type
exchange reaction
exchange relations
exchange report
exchange restriction
exchange restrictions
exchange risk
exchange rules
Exchange Server
Exchange service administrator
Exchange services
exchange sheet
exchange (shifting) position
Exchange System Manager
exchange stabilisation fund
exchange stock
Exchange store
exchange tax
exchange terms
exchange traded commodity
exchange-traded derivative
exchange-traded equity exposure
exchange traded exposure
exchange-traded fund
Exchange Traded Note
exchange transaction
exchange transactions
*exchange unit
exchange value
exchange versus cash
exchange visit
Exchange Web Services
exhibition exchange
fall in exchange
feet change (to), reverse the feet
final exchange
final exchange rate
finance bill
financial bill
fine bill
fine-tuning reverse operation
fixed exchange rate
floating exchange rate
floating rate of exchange
fluctuations in exchange rates
foreign currency exchange hedge
foreign exchange
foreign exchange assets
foreign-exchange assets
foreign exchange benchmark
foreign-exchange contract
foreign-exchange crisis
foreign exchange difference
foreign exchange earnings
foreign exchange forward
foreign-exchange forward transaction
foreign exchange hedge
foreign exchange hedging
foreign exchange market
foreign exchange rate
foreign exchange rate risk
foreign-exchange reserves
foreign exchange reserves
foreign exchange revenue
foreign-exchange risk
foreign exchange settlement risk
foreign exchange spot transaction
foreign exchange swap
foreign exchange swap transaction
foreign national employed as government authorised exchange worker
forged bill
formal stock exchange
form of exchange
*form of way-bill
Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement
forward exchange agreement
forward exchange contract
forward exchange rate
forward exchange rate agreement
forward exchange transaction
forward foreign exchange contract
forward foreign exchange rate
forward rate of exchange
free hip circle backward to handstand, hop change of grip to reverse grasp
currency clause
exchange clause
valūtas atruna
оговорка валютная
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija