Ceturtdiena, 9. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*sample of a letter
Atrasti 248 termini
24-hour flow-proportional composite sample
accent-bearing (accented) letter
accentuated letter
accompanying letter
additional letter of formal notice
adversarial letter
advice of letter of credit
aggregate sample
amending letter
application letter
archaeomagnetic dating sample
audit sample
autolysed sample
bacterium chain letter
bank guarantee letter
biometric data sample
biometric sample
black-letter type
blank matrix sample
Bratislava letter
bulk sample
business letter
capitalized letter
capital letter
captured biometric sample
check letter
circular letter
clearing letter
collection letter
collection letter fee
comfort letter
commercial letter of credit
commercial sample
composite sample
consignment by letter post
continuous sample set
contrived sample
covering letter
cover[ing] letter
dead-letter queue
dead letter queue
discrete sample
discrete sample set
distance selling sample
documentary letter of credit
double letter
doubling [of letter]
draw a sample
drawing [up] a letter of credit
drive letter
epithelial sample
executability letter
*experimental sample
experimental sample
final sample
flow-proportional composite sample
flow-proportional sample
follow-up letter
form letter
fortified sample
four-letter word
free sample
freight turnover letter of credit
grab sample
guarantee letter
handwriting sample
holder of letter of credit
incremental sample
individual sample
information letter
initial letter
ink sample
in reply to your letter
insert letter [indicated in margin]
instantaneous sample
intermediate biometric sample
intermediate biometric sample processing
irrevocable letter of credit
kiln sample
laboratory sample
land conditioned sample value of city
land real sample value of city
land sample value
land sample value of city
letter before action
letter-box entity
letter case
letter combination
letter cutter
letter feed rack
*letter form
letter founder
letter guide card
letter indexing
letter of advice
letter of amendment
letter of amendment to the draft budget
letter of attorney
letter of authority
Letter of Authorization
letter of comfort
letter of commitment
letter of credentials
letter of credit
letter of credit application
letter of credit form of settlement
letter of credit without time-limit
letter of executability
letter of findings
letter of formal notice
letter of guarantee
letter of idemnity
letter of indemnity
letter of intent
letter of reminder
letter of reply
letter of representation
letter of request
letter of resignation
letter of rights
letter of the law
letter of transmission
letter of transmittal
letter of trust
letter of understanding
letter-post item
letter pusher
letter quality
letter rogatory
letter rogatory for search or seizure
letter space
light letter
*limit letter
long-term letter of credit
management representation letter
matrix sample
Microsoft Financing Credit Approval Letter
mission letter
mock sample
near letter quality
negative control sample
Nigerian letter scam
non-voided urine sample
omitted letter
opinion in the form of a letter
payment by a letter of credit
payment by letter of credit
paper sample
particle number sample flow
PF letter
pilot sample
pollen analysis sample
positive control sample
preliminary findings letter
pre-treatment sample
primary sample
process letter
quality observation letter
radiocarbon (14C) dating sample
random sample
random sample test
reduced sample
registered letter
replicate laboratory sample
replicate sample
representation letter
*representation of sample totality
representative sample
revocable letter of credit
saliva swab sample
sample animals
sample application
sample blank determination
sample chapter
sample coefficient of city land utilisation
sample coefficient of land exploitation
sample collection
sample copy
sample data wizard
sample diagrams
sample discount
sample error
sample inspection
sample item
sample location
sample maximum error
*sample mean
sample method
sample mode
*sample of a general form
sample of a letter
sample of a signature
sample of composition
sample of no commercial value
*sample of writing
sample orientation
sample page
sample plate
sample portion
sample procedure
sample sheet
sample size
sample standard deviation around the regression line
sample survey
screen sample
side letter
simple random sample
single (individual) letter
single letter of credit
soil sample
specially advised letter of credit
spiked sample
spot sample
standardised sample value
*standard sample
standby letter of credit
State letter
stratified random sample
strength of cube sample
subsidiary letter of credit
summing-up letter
take a sample
termless letter of credit
test sample
time-integrated sample
time-proportional composite sample
time-proportional sample
title letter
to cancel a letter of credit
to get money from a letter of credit
to sample
trade sample
transactional dead-letter queue
turn[ed letter]
uncial letter
understamped letter
uppercase letter
verification letter
weathered sample
letter rogatory
tiesiskās palīdzības pieprasījums
Tiesas pieprasījums citai neatkarīgas jurisdikcijas tiesai par liecinieka nopratināšanu par pieprasījumā norādītajiem jautājumiem. Black's Law Dictionary, 905
Eiropas Savienības terminu vārdnīca. — R., UNDP, 2004
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