Piektdiena, 10. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*scheduled preventive repair
Atrasti 155 termini
aircraft repair and maintenance services
as scheduled
autoradiographic test for unscheduled DNA synthesis
balance sheet repair
batch scheduled manufacturing
budgeted cost of work scheduled
cells in repair
cluster repair
complexity of repair
crisis repair
current repair
defect repair
delivery for repair
Department of Preventive Health Care and Safety at Work
Directive on preventive restructuring frameworks and second chance
DNA repair
DNA repair synthesis
DNA repair system
duration of repair cycle
emergency repair
emergency repair[s]
European quality standard for repair services
European Repair Information Form
Europe's moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation
everyday preventive action
*everyday repair and service sector
excision and repair
excision repair
excision repair process
financial repair
financial sector repair
Form Library URL Repair Tool
hymen repair
idle time due to repair
leak detection and repair
leak detection and repair survey
long-patch base-excision repair
long-patch DNA repair
long-patch repair
longpatch repair
major repair
Mean-Time To Repair
Mean Time To Repair
medium repair
*method of aggregate repair
national preventive mechanism
non-scheduled air service
non-scheduled air transport service
non-scheduled service
off-schedule repair
ordinary repair[s]
*periodic repair[s]
*post-inspection repair
preventive action
preventive action principle
preventive arm of the SGP
preventive arm of the Stability and Growth Pact
preventive care
preventive diplomacy
preventive health care
preventive inspection
preventive load curve
preventive maintenance
preventive-maintenance overhaul
preventive maintenance schedule
preventive means
preventive measure
preventive measures
*preventive measures in production
preventive medicine
preventive part of the SGP
preventive part of the Stability and Growth Pact
preventive principle
preventive RA
preventive repair
preventive restructuring
preventive treatment
preventive veterinary treatment
Programme of Community action (the Daphne Programme) (2000-2003) on preventive measures to fight violence against children, young persons and women
prophylactic maintenance and repair system
*repair and construction trust
repair and maintenance needs
repair and maintenance operator
repair base*
*repair business
*repair complexity unit
repair design
repair duration
*repair expenses
repair expenses
repair service
repair shop
repair sleeve
repair station
repair team*
repair team
repair tissue
repair under a guarantee
repair work
right to repair
road construction and repair company
routine repair
running repair
scheduled / regular flight / run
scheduled / regular traffic
scheduled accumulation
scheduled air fare
scheduled air service
scheduled day
scheduled deliveries
scheduled depreciate
scheduled depreciation
scheduled exchange
scheduled exchange calculator
scheduled figures
scheduled flight
scheduled flow
scheduled international air service
scheduled maintenance
scheduled operation
scheduled outage
scheduled outage duration
*scheduled payment
scheduled passenger services
scheduled preventive repair
scheduled [production] capacity
scheduled repair
scheduled service
scheduled site
scheduled work
service-repair economy
setup repair
short-patch base excision repair
short-patch DNA repair
shortpatch repair
short patch repair
small repair
Startup Repair
subscription scheduled rule
termite preventive
transport by air without a scheduled stopover
under repair
United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia
unscheduled DNA synthesis
unscheduled downtime
unscheduled down time
unscheduled maintenance
unscheduled outage
unscheduled repair
warranty repair
Windows MultiPoint Server Repair Service
generation schedule
preventive load curve
plānotais slodzes grafiks
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
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