Sestdiena, 11. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*shift system factor
Atrasti 2619 termini
2007 Microsoft® Office system
A/C system
AAC system
ABAC system
abiotic environmental factor
abiotic factor
absorption factor
absorption refrigerating system
ABS system
Accelerated Cost Recovery System
acceleration factor
Accident/Incident Data Reporting system
accounting control system
accounting system
accounts system
accreditation system
Accrual-Based Accounting System
accuracy limit factor
a. c. system
AC system
active antenna system
active flight control system
actuating system
adaption factor
adaptive front lighting system
adaptive system
addendum modification shift
additional factor
Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of Collective Complaints
additive color system
adhesion factor
adjacent transmission system operator
adjustment system
Administrative Assistance and Cooperation system
administrative-command system
administrative control system
adult verification system
Advanced Driver Assistance System
advanced driver assistance steering system
advanced emergency braking system
Advanced Manufacturing System
Advance Passenger Information System
AEO system
aerodynamic braking system
ageing factor
age-rating system
age rating system
age verification system
aggravating factor
agitation system
agrarian system
agricultural accounting information system
agricultural factor income
Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System
Agricultural Market Information System
agroforestry system
agrosilvopastoral system
aid system
AI-enabled system
Airborne Separation Assistance System
Airborne Warning and Control System
air-conditioning system
aircraft-based augmentation system
air defence system
air factor
air-gap factor
airport system
air suspension system
Air Traffic Services Message Handling System
AI system
AI system output
alarm [signal] system
alarm system
algorithmic system
allocation factor
alternating current system
alternative remittance system
alternative system of propulsion
altimetry system error
ambient correction factor
AML/CFT supervisory system
amortisation factor
amplification factor
amplitude shift keying
analog system
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system
an evening shift
Animal Disease Notification System
antenna system
anthropogenic factor
anti-blocking system
Anti-Counterfeit and Anti-Piracy System
Anti-Fraud Information System
antilock brake system
Anti-Lock Brake System
anti-lock braking system
anti-lock system
anti-pernicious anaemia factor
API system
applicable tax system
applicant’s norm system
application development system
application system
arable system
Arctic Command & Control Effector and Sensor System
area monitoring system
arithmetic shift
arrival in the reception system
artificial intelligence system
asylum system
asymmetrical system
*assembling factor
assessment factor
asset management system
assurance factor
astatic system
atenuation factor
ATO system
ATP system
ATS Message Handling System
ATS surveillance system
attenuation factor
audit of compliance of computer system with laws, regulations, and guidelines
audit of computer system data
audit of computer system security
authoring system
Authorised Economic Operator system
autmated transport and storage system
automated border control system
Automated Command and Control System
automated dialogue publishing system
automated driving system
Automated Export System
automated fingerprint identification system
automated fingerprint recognition system
automated interactive publishing system
automated lane keeping system
automated parking management system
Automated System Recovery
Automated System Recovery Preparation Wizard
automated vehicle operation system
automated verification system
automatic block system
automatic claim system
automatic control system
automatic fingerprint identification system
automatic flight control system
automatic gripper system
automatic identification system
automatic number plate recognition system
automatic-shift gearbox
automatic train control system
automatic train operation system
automatic train protection system
automatic vehicle location system
automatized control system
automatized enterprise control system
autonomic nervous system
autonomous system
autonomous system boundary router
autonomous steering system
autonomous vibrating system
auxiliary release system
availability factor
aviary system
avionic system
AVO system
back-end system
back shift
backup energy system
balanced system
balancing system
bank account registers interconnection system
banking system
banking system failure
Banks Automated Clearing System
basic-hole system
Basic Input/Output System
Basic Input Output System
basic-shaft system
battery management system
Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation System
behavioural risk factor
benefit system
benefits system
bibliographic retrieval system
bicameral system
bimetallic monetary system
binary number system
binary [numeration] system
binary (numeration) system
binary numeration system
binary system
bioconcentration factor
bio-inspired artificial system
biometric categorisation system
biometric identification system
biometric matching system
biometric system
biometric system operator
biometric system owner
biometric verification system
biosecurity management system
biotic factor
biowindow system
bipolar international system
by-pass system
blade system
blade system and components
blind spot information system
blocking factor
blowdown system
*bonus factor payment
bonus-malus system
bonus system
book and claim system
book-entry system
boosted suction system
bottom plug cooling system
brake factor
brake system
braking distribution system
braking system
breakaway braking system
break-away braking system
breakerless ignition system
Bretton Woods System
brown penalising factor
brush shift angle
building automation and control system
building services system
bulk power system
Bulletin Board System
burst factor
busbar system
Business Continuity System
Business Registers Interconnection System
bus system
cable system
calculation factor
calibration factor
call accounting system
capacity factor
*capacity factor
capacity utilization factor
cap-and-trade system
cap and trade system
capitalistic system
capitalist system
cardiovascular system
carrier-current communication system
carrier system
case-based payment system
case filing system
Case Management System
categorial system
catenary system
CBAM factor
CD-ROM File System
cell replication system
Central American Integration System
central electronic system for the exchange of VAT information
central electronic system of payment information
central heating system
centralised information system
centralised waste water system
centralized payment system
centralized system
central nervous system
central nervous system depressant
central nervous system involvement
central receiver system
central Schengen Information System
central system
central tyre inflation system
central VAT information exchange system
central VIES system
Central Visa Information System
centre of system of parallel forces
certainty factor
CGS system
change control system
change of political system
changeover system
change-over system
*changing of the shift
characterisation factor
Chemical Lists Information System
child protection system
circular energy system
circulating lubrication system
circulatory system
cyber-physical system
cybersecurity management system
cyclical factor
cyclic control system
cyclic duration factor
cyclic shift
cylinder drive [system]
cylindrical coordinate system
claimless system
classical system of taxation
classification system
classification system (US)
*classificator maintenance system
clean system
clearing and payment system
clearing system
clearway system
climatic factor
clinical patient management system
Clinical Trials Information System
closed circuit of a cooling system
closed cooling system
closed distribution system
closed distribution system operator
closed-loop control system
closed[-loop] system
closed loop system
closed-loop system
closed system
closed washery water system
closure system
clotting factor II
cloud provisioning system
coagulation factor II
code system
coding system
co-factor supplemented post-mitochondrial fraction
cognitive system
cold start system
collecting system
collection system characteristics
collimation-telescope system
colony stimulating factor
color management system
combined brake system
combined braking system
combined endurance braking system
combustion system
Command and Control Information System
command-line operating system
common corporate tax system
Common Emergency Communication and Information System
Common European Asylum System
Common Internet File System
common law system
common monitoring and evaluation system
Common Relex Information System
common system of value added tax
common system of VAT
Common Vulnerability Scoring System
communication and information system
communication system
communication[s] system
Communities' system of own resources
Community Rapid Information System
Community system for the rapid exchange of information on dangers arising from the use of consumer products
Community system of reliefs from customs duty
Community taxation system
Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system
Compact Disc File System
compensation factor
*competition system
complement system
complex electronic control system
complex electronic vehicle control system
component of a braking system
compound[ing] system
compressed air brake system
computer-aided control system
computer-based software system
computer embedded system
computerised fingerprint recognition system
computerised information system
computerised system for the cross-border electronic exchange of data in the area of judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
computerized accounting system
computerized air freight clearance system
computerized control system
computerized declaration processing system
computerized system of payments
computerized system of planning calculations
computer reservation system
computer system
computer-system audit
computer system design
computer system failure
computing system
computing system specification concepts
computing system tool
concentration factor
concept system
conceptual system design
concurrent force system
conditional access system
conditional stability of a power system
confidence factor
*shift system factor
maiņu koeficients
коэффициент сменности
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija