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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*stock number
Atrasti 800 termini
abbreviated number
absolute number
accesion number (US)
*accessioning of stock
accession number
access number
account number
account number portability
acid number
acquisition number
active stock
admission of securities to official stock exchange listing
aircraft classification number
alphabetical classification number
alphanumeric classification number
analytical stock assessment
announce the vault number (to)
announcing vault number
*annual average number of workers
application number
approximate number
archives stock
asset number
audio-visual materials stock
audit(ing) commission of the joint- stock company
authorization number
author number
automatic number identification
automatic number plate recognition
automatic number plate recognition system
auxiliary number
*average number listed
average number of listed employees
*average number of listed workers
bank giro number
bank transit number
base number
base stock
basic number of chromosomes
basic stock
batch number
bearer stock
billing telephone number
binary number
binary number system
bitstock brace
Bjoerkman number
bloodstock farm
body stock
book stock
book stock management
book stock unit
branch stock
*branch turnover of book stock
breeding stock
Brinell hardness number
Brinell number
broodstock fish
buffer stock
building stock
build number
calculation pass number
calling number
calling number identification presentation
calling number identification restriction
call number
call-off stock
call-off stock arrangement
cancellation number
capital stock
carbon footprint datastock
carbon stock
case number
CAS Number
CAS Registry Number
catalog classification number
catalog class number
certificate of stock
cetane number
"CFR" identification number
CFR number
channel number
chassis number
check number
Chemical Abstracts Service index number
Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
CIPAC number
classification number
class number
class number, class mark
class number structure
clonal stock
*closed stock
code number
column number
combination of number
combined number
commodity number
Common Customs Tariff heading number
common fleet register number
common number
common stock
company listed on a stock exchange
company whose shares are officially listed on stock exchanges
complex number
complex number modulus
compound number
computer serial number
condition number
coniferous stock
connected number
connected number identification presentation
connected number identification restriction
consecutive number
conventional number
convertible loan stock
cooperage stock
coordination number
criminal case number
cusip number
customer identification number
Cutter number
debt stock
decimal number
declaration No. (number)
deep-sea fish stock
deep-sea stock
demersal stock
designate (to) offender (number)
development code number
diagram number
dial-in number
dial in number
dimension stock
diploid chromosome number
diploid number
Direct Dial number
*dissertation stock
double class number
duplicate stock
dwelling stock
EC number
economic contingency stock
Economic Operators Registration and Identification number
effective number of bits
*efficiency of bookstock
EINECS number
ELINCS number
Emergency Location Identification Number
employee share/stock ownership, ESO
employer identification number
ENI number
EORI number
error number
error state number
EU Building Stock Observatory
EU Fleet Register number
European article number
European Interest Representation Number
European Social Security Number
European vehicle number
European Vessel Identification Number
Europe-wide emergency call number
EU stock
even number
exchange stock
excise number
external identification number
external network number
F2 octane number
fallen stock
fatigue strength at specified number of cycles
federal tax identification number
feedlot stock
fire stock
fish stock
fish stock recovery area
Fixed Dialing Number
font number
foreign investment stock
forest carbon stock
formal stock exchange
formation of book stock
formulation number
foundation stock
fractional number
free stock*
Froude number
fuel stock
*full classification number
fully qualified account number
furniture veneered stock
game stock
GAR KPI stock
geographic number
global node number
global subscriber number
global trade identification number
gold stock
grandparent stock
grazing livestock
grazing stock
growing stock
growing-stock objective
growing-stock target
growing stock volume
gun stock
gun-stock copying machine
haploid chromosome number
haploid number
hardness number
Hartmann number
healthy fish stock
hierarchically structured classification number
homeopathic stock
housing stock
identification number
identification number of the container
idiom stock
ID number
IMO identification number
IMO number
IMO ship identification number
IMO unique company and registered owner identification number
imports for stock
in-country/region number format
in-country number format
*incunabula stock
index number
*individual accessioning of stock
indoor livestock farming
Industry User Manual Part 10: Claim of a registration number for a notified substance
infected livestock
*information stock
in number
integer number
integral number
intensive livestock farming
intensive livestock production
intensive livestock rearing
interinstitutional file number
International Bank Account Number
international number format
International Registry for Railway Rolling Stock
international securities identification number
International standard book number
international standard book number, binding and price area
International standard film number
International standard music number
international standard number
International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number
international standard serial number
*international standard serial number and price area
International standard technical report number
international standart book number
intervention stock
In threes, number! , By threes count off!
In twos, number! , By twos count off!
inventory number
inventory number of an artefact
inventory of stock
inward FDI stock
inward foreign direct investment stock
inward stock
iodine number
IP number
irrational number
irreversible class number combination
item number
joint stock
joint-stock bank
[joint-]stock company
joint stock company
[joint]-stock company
joint-stock company
joint-stock company administration
joint-stock company founder
*kernel of stock
kitchen stock
large number
leading number
library stock
licence number
license plate number
line number
listing on a stock exchange
livestock breeding
livestock farm
livestock farming
livestock housing
livestock inspection station
livestock installation
*livestock yield
livestock manure
stock number
livestock output
livestock population
livestock production
livestock products
livestock rearing
livestock rearing installation
livestock supply
livestock unit
livestock vessel
livestock waste
local node number
local request number
lodgement (of stock)
log sequence number
lot number
lubricant base stock
Luxembourg Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Railway Rolling Stock
Mach number
magic number
magnetic Reynolds number
main classification number
manufacturer's number
marker (to indicate number of fouls)
master cell stock
master reference number
material stock
material stock norm
medical record number
message number
migrant stock
migration stock
minimum stock
minimum stock capital
mixed classification number
mixed class number
modal chromosome number
modal number
*model of stock
money stock
money stock in circulation
monetary stock
motor octane number
movement reference number
multi-subject stock
must stock item
national [significant] number
natural number
*nearby stock
negative number
network number
New Number...
*newspaper stock
nominal money stock
non-geographic number
non-stock business tax
no-par-value stock
normal growing-stock
*normative stock
Northern hake stock
not a number
nuclear stock
*nucleus of stock
number-average molecular weight
number-based interpersonal communications service
number-based size distribution
number card
number cruncher
number-independent interpersonal communications service
number nails
number of cycles
number of copies
number of copies printed
number of decathlon points
number of degrees of freedom
number of dose units
number of equipment shifts
number off
*number of freedom degrees
*number of index' symbols
number of inhabitants
number of inherent tapping positions
number of lane
number of livestock units
number of loding cycles
number of packages
number of page
number of pages
number of particles
number of pentathlon points
number of posts
number of prints
number of pupils
Number of Queries report
number of rates
number of repetitions, number of replications
number of service tapping positions
number of sheets printed
Bjoerkman number
Bjorkmana skaitlis (celulozes vārīšanas skaitlis)
число Бъеркмана (число провара целлюлозы)
indice de Bjoerkman
J. Dolacis. Mežtehnikas, mežsaimniecības un kokrūpniecības terminu vārdnīca. — R., 1998
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