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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*stock standard
Atrasti 829 termini
*accessioning of stock
active stock
adjusted standard
admission of securities to official stock exchange listing
Advanced Encryption Standard
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
analytical standard
analytical stock assessment
applicable accounting standard
archives stock
assurance standard
assurance standard for sustainability reporting
audio-visual materials stock
audit(ing) commission of the joint- stock company
audit standard
Azure Standard Storage
base standard
base stock
basic stock
bearer stock
biological standard
bitstock brace
bloodstock farm
body stock
book stock
book stock management
book stock unit
branch stock
*branch turnover of book stock
breeding stock
broodstock fish
buffer stock
building stock
calibration standard
call-off stock
call-off stock arrangement
Canadian Payments Association Standard 005
capital stock
carbon footprint datastock
carbon stock
certificate of stock
channel of standard accuracy
clonal stock
*closed stock
code of ethics standard
commercial standard fuel
Common Reporting Standard
Common standard on reporting, due diligence and exchange of information
Common standard on reporting and due diligence for financial account information
common stock
Community Standard
company listed on a stock exchange
company whose shares are officially listed on stock exchanges
*complex standard
component standard
*confirmed standard
conflicting national standard
coniferous stock
*consumption standard
*consumption standard per capita
convertible loan stock
cooperage stock
Core Humanitarian Standard
Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability
curriculum standard
daily standard
daily standard capacity product
Data Encryption Standard
Data Exchange Standard
debt stock
deep-sea fish stock
deep-sea stock
de facto standard
*delivery of standard production
demersal stock
description standard
design standard
Digital Signature Standard
dimension stock
Directive 2010/30/EU on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products
*dispatch standard
*dissertation stock
draft standard
drinking-water standard
duplicate stock
dwelling stock
economic contingency stock
*efficiency of bookstock
employee share/stock ownership, ESO
environmental quality standard
environmental standard
EU Building Stock Observatory
EU Green Bond Standard
Euro emission standard
European emission standard
European green bond standard
European quality standard for repair services
European Standard
European standard nominal track gauge
European standard on electronic invoicing
European Standard Set
European Technical Standard Order
European Technical Standard Order authorisation
EU standard gauge
EU stock
exchange stock
Extended Industry Standard Architecture
fair standard of living
fallen stock
feedlot stock
Financial Reporting Instance Standard
fire stock
fish stock
fish stock recovery area
food standard
foreign investment stock
forest carbon stock
formal stock exchange
formation of book stock
*form standard divisions (in BBC)
foundation stock
frame, standard (parallel bars)
free stock*
frequency standard
fuel stock
furniture veneered stock
game stock
GAR KPI stock
*general standard divisions (in BBC)
generic operational level Cyber Standard Operation Procedure
geometric standard deviation
Global Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information
global standard for automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters
goals scored from standard situations
gold-bullion standard
gold coin standard
gold-exchange standard
gold standard
gold stock
grandparent stock
grazing livestock
grazing stock
Greenwich Mean / Standard Time (GMT) / (GST)
growing stock
growing-stock objective
growing-stock target
growing stock volume
growth in the living standard
gun stock
gun-stock copying machine
harmonised European standard on accessibility requirements for ICT products and services
harmonised standard
healthy fish stock
high standard of proof
homeopathic stock
housing stock
ICAO standard atmosphere
idiom stock
IEEE 802.1X security standard
IEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices
implementing technical standard
imports for stock
*incunabula stock
*individual accessioning of stock
indoor livestock farming
Industry Standard Architecture
infected livestock
information security standard
*information stock
intensive livestock farming
intensive livestock production
intensive livestock rearing
interface standard
internal control standard
internal standard
International Accounting Standard
international accreditation standard
international labour standard
International Registry for Railway Rolling Stock
international standard
International standard bibliographic description
International standard book number
international standard book number, binding and price area
International Standard Classification of Education
International Standard Classification of Occupations
International standard film number
International standard for archival description
International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures
international standard industrial classification
International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, NACE
International standard music number
international standard number
International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number
international standard reagent
International standard recording code
international standard serial number
*international standard serial number and price area
International standard technical report number
internet standard
intervention stock
inventory of stock
inward FDI stock
inward foreign direct investment stock
inward stock
ISIN standard
ISO International Standard
ISO standard
yearly standard capacity product
*yield standard
*joint standard
joint stock
joint-stock bank
[joint-]stock company
joint stock company
[joint]-stock company
joint-stock company
joint-stock company administration
joint-stock company founder
*kernel of stock
kitchen stock
labour standard
Latvian State Standard
*legal standard[s]
library stock
listing on a stock exchange
livestock breeding
livestock farm
livestock farming
livestock housing
livestock inspection station
livestock installation
*livestock yield
livestock manure
livestock numbers
livestock output
livestock population
livestock production
livestock products
livestock rearing
livestock rearing installation
livestock supply
livestock unit
livestock vessel
livestock waste
living standard
load standard
lodgement (of stock)
*long-term standard
lubricant base stock
Luxembourg Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Railway Rolling Stock
make standard
*management standard[s]
marketing standard
master cell stock
*material consumption standard
material stock
material stock norm
*maximum standard
Microsoft® Office Project Standard 2007
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 for Search (Standard Edition)
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 Standard CAL
Microsoft® Office Standard 2007
Microsoft® Office Visio® Standard 2007
Microsoft® Project Standard 2019
Microsoft® Visio® Standard 2019
Microsoft Office LTSC Project Standard
Microsoft Office LTSC Project Standard 2021
Microsoft Office LTSC Standard
Microsoft Office LTSC Standard 2021
Microsoft Office LTSC Visio Standard
Microsoft Office LTSC Visio Standard 2021
Microsoft Office Project Standard 2021
Microsoft Office Standard 2010
Microsoft Office Standard 2013
Microsoft Office Standard 2016 for Mac
Microsoft Office Standard 2021
Microsoft Office Visio Standard 2021
Microsoft Project Standard 2010
Microsoft Project Standard 2013
Microsoft Project Standard 2016 for PC
Microsoft Project Standard 2021
Microsoft Project Standard LTSC
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 for Internet Sites Standard
Microsoft Standard 2021
Microsoft Standard LTSC
Microsoft Teams Rooms Standard
Microsoft Visio Standard 2010
Microsoft Visio Standard 2013
Microsoft Visio Standard 2016 for PC
Microsoft Visio Standard 2021
Microsoft Visio Standard LTSC
migrant stock
migration stock
minimum quality standard
minimum standard rate
minimum stock
minimum stock capital
*model of stock
money stock
money stock in circulation
monetary stock
monthly standard capacity product
multi-subject stock
must stock item
national standard
national standard reagent
*nearby stock
*net standard
*newspaper stock
nominal money stock
non-financial reporting standard
non-standard act
non-standard asylum-related interview
non-standard employment
non-standard goods
non-standard intraday product
non-standard labour contract
non-standard payment
non-standard worker
non-stock business tax
non-transit standard
no-par-value stock
normal growing-stock
*normative stock
Northern hake stock
nuclear stock
*nucleus of stock
number of livestock units
Office LTSC Project Standard
Office LTSC Project Standard 2021
Office LTSC Standard
Office LTSC Standard 2021
Office LTSC Visio Standard
Office LTSC Visio Standard 2021
Office Project Standard 2021
Office Standard
Office Standard 2010
Office Standard 2016
Office Standard 2021
Office Visio Standard 2021
official stock exchange
off-standard product
old stock
open standard
operational standard
*optimal stock completeness
*optimal stock figures
organic livestock production
organised stock exchange
output standard
outward FDI stock
outward foreign direct investment stock
outward stock
overflow stock
paid-up stock
pallet stock
parent stock
partial turnover of book stock
participating preferred stock
*part of stock
passage of stock
passive bock stock
*passive stock
patent essential to a standard
patent stock
percentage standard deviation
per cent standard deviation
percent standard deviation
performance standard
period beginning stock
period final stock
*pertinence of stock
pith stock
planting stock
preference stock
preferred stock
premium on capital stock
*preservation of stock
private stock
*processed stock
production standard
*production standard per capita
production stock*
professional standard
Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Standard
Project Standard
Project Standard 2016
Project Standard 2021
propagation stock
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures
proposed standard
provisional stock*
implementing technical standard
īstenošanas tehniskie standarti
technischer Durchführungsstandard
norme technique d'exécution
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