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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*surplus of living space
Atrasti 499 termini
7th Environment Action Programme to 2020 - "Living well, within the limits of our planet"
*absolute surplus of employees
active and assisted living
Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme
active white space
additional dwelling-space
additional floor-space
address space
Add Space
Administrative Board of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
ad space
advertising space
agricultural surplus
air space
ambient assisted living
Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme
blocking within the opponent's space
boiler space heater
boot space
bottom living
brass space
brass space line
budgetary position close to balance or in surplus
budgetary surplus
budget fiscal surplus
budget surplus
bus parking place / space
capitalization of surplus value
categorization space
certificates for living time in Latvia
character space width
civic space
civil society space
closing space
Code of Conduct on Outer Space Activities
cogeneration space heater
collaborative space
color space
color space conversion
color-space conversion
color space model
colour space
combustion space
Commission Expert Group on the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage
Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
common data space
common data space for security and law enforcement
common European agricultural data space
common European agriculture data space
common European data space
common European data space for cultural heritage
common European data space for public administrations
common European data space for smart and sustainable cities and communities
common European data space for tourism
common European energy data space
common European financial data space
common European Green Deal data space
common European health data space
common European industrial (manufacturing) data space
Common European Language Data Space
common European mobility data space
common European Security data space
common European skills data space
common European tourism data space
Community statistics on income and living conditions
Competition, Industry, Research and Space Directorate
Competitiveness Council (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space)
concealed space
connector space
consumer surplus
consumer surplus for the single day ahead or intraday coupling
continuous space language model
Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Agency
Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts
Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
cost-benefit surplus
cost of living
cost-of-living allowance
cost of living index
coworking space
creating space
current account surplus
data space
data space for cultural heritage
data space for security and law enforcement
data space for skills
data space for smart and sustainable cities and communities
deep space
Defence of Space Assets
description space
device space
DG Defence Industry and Space
Digital Living Network Alliance
digital space
Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space
disc space infection
disk space
disk space bloat
display space
dispossession of living space
division of space
double space
downstream space
downstream space sector
earned surplus
earth-to-space link
economic surplus
economic surplus for the single day ahead or intraday coupling
EEAS Space Task Force
eight-to-pica space
electric boiler space heater
electric local space heater
empty space
enabling civic space
enclosed space
environmental space
Euclidean space
European data space for smart circular applications
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
European Health Data Space
European Health Data Space Board
European Language Data Space
European Maritime Space
European maritime transport space without barriers
European Military Space Surveillance Awareness Network
European Network on Independent Living
European New Space for People
European Space Agency
European Space Industry
European space law
European Space Policy
European Space Programme
European Space Situational Awareness capacity
European space situational awareness system
European Space Strategy for Security and Defence
European space transportation sector
European Telephony Numbering Space
European Union Agency for the Space Programme
European Union Space Programme
European Union Space Strategy for Security and Defence
European Union statistics on income and living conditions
EU Space Law
EU Space Programme
EU space strategy for security and defence
EU statistics on income and living conditions
example space
exhibition floor space
Expert Group on the European Financial Data Space
exploiting space
extra-atmospheric space
fair standard of living
Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation
filling of space between posts
financial data space
fiscal space
fiscal surplus
flat address space
flexibility surplus
floating surplus-population
floor area (space), callisthenic ground
floor space
food surplus requisitioning
force system in space
Framework Agreement between the European Community and the European Space Agency
free space
free-space administration
free space basic loss
free space basic transmission loss
free-space propagation
fuel boiler space heater
general government surplus
General Union Environment Action Programme to 2020 "Living well, within the limits of our planet"
Gopher space
Governing Board of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
government surplus
Green Deal data space
[gripper] working space
growth in the living standard
Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities
hair space
Hamming space
hard space
headline surplus
heat pump space heater
High Level Space Policy Group
hollow tooth space
home space
independent living
insert space!
instance space
intercellular space
interelectrode space
interlinear space
International Space Exploration Coordination Group
Internet of Living Things
interstitial space
intervertebral disc space infection
intolerability of living together
YUV color space
JIT collaboration space
JIT space administrator
labour surplus
law of outer space
law of surplus value
lead space
letter space
level of living
light distribution in space
line space
living accommodation
living and working conditions
living aquatic resources
living biomass
living collection
living conditions
living document
living donation
Living Games
living history museum (US)
living image
living lab
living language
living marine biological resources
living marine resources
living matter
living modified organism
living plant
living quarters
living resources conservation
living resources of the sea
living space
living standard
living standart
living together as a cohabiting couple
living wage
living will
load space
local space heater
loss relative to free space
luggage space
luminous local space heater
Management Board of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
manufacturing data space
marine living resources
maritime space
means of living
middle space
militarisation of space
minimum living wage
mobility data space
move (to) into an open space
moving into free space
multinational space-based imaging system
name space
Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies
New Space
New Space for People
no-break space
nonbreaking space
non-living environment
non-residental space
one-point space
open space
operating space
operating surplus
outer space
Outer Space Affairs Division
Outer Space Treaty
paper space
parking place / space
pass into space
perception of space
personal data space
person living in frontier zone
play space
planting space
pore space
Portal on Learning Opportunities throughout the European Space
precipitation surplus
primary budget surplus
primary surplus
problem space
producer surplus
production of surplus value
production surplus
protection space
public administration data space
publicly accessible space
public space
quoin space
recreative space
registration of living space
rented space
Research, Space, Company Law and Consumer Protection Directorate
residual space
rise in living standards
rising space
Safe Operating Space
search space
seasonal space heating energy efficiency
sectoral data space
segmented address space
selling space
server space provider
shared address space
shelf space arrangement
shipping space
shrinking space
single European data space
single living accommodation
six-to-pica space
solar space heating
solution space
space allocation
space allowance
space assets
space-band box chute
space-band catch
space-based AIS
space-based assets
space-based connectivity
space-based secure connectivity
space-based weapons
space between posts
Space Bitmap Descriptor
space case
space character
space charge
space communication system
space connectivity
Space Council
space curving
space data
space debris
space distribution
space diversity reception
space division
space domain
space downstream sector
space economy
space enabled application
Space Explorer
space factor
space for temporary exhibitions
space frame structure
space gluing
space group
space harmonic
space heater
space heating
space heating appliance
space hub
space infrastructure
space junk
space key
space lattice
space launch vehicle
Space Liability Convention
space limit
space matrix
space mineral formation process
space museum
space navigation
space object
space operation service
space permeability
space plan
space policy
space power
space probe
Space Programme of the Union
space property right
space qualified
space radiocommunication
space research
space research service
space reserved for the load
space saving computer
space science
space security
space shape
space shuttle
space situational awareness
space system
space station
space surveillance and tracking
space surveillance and tracking system
Space Task Force
space technology
space telecommand
space telemetering
production of surplus value
virsvērtības ražošana
производство прибавочной стоимости
Erzeugung von Mehrwert
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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